The Glasses Man of Senju

Chapter 29 Invent A Lightning Style On The Spot!

"Uchiha Mikoto?"

"After all, she's just a little girl now!"

Ai's figure flashed, and once again used Lightning Style to flash.


Uchiha Mikoto's Sharingan saw through his opponent's movement.

With a kick of footsteps, it passed over the top of the opponent's head.

He also threw out a group of kunai.

"Lightning Style Chakra Mode!"

Ai released a powerful Lightning Style all over his body.

Formed a layer of armor.

Although far less solid than Third Raikage's.

But it does look similar.

"Ding Ding Ding ~"

Kunai landed on Lightning Style armor and failed to penetrate the defense.

"You are indeed stronger than that Sarutobi kid."

"It's a pity that I ran into me!"

After Ai turned on the Lightning Style Chakra Mode, the speed skyrocketed further.

Lightning flashed in front of Uchiha Mikoto.

"So fast!"

Uchiha Mikoto's pupils shrank suddenly.

With her double hooked Sharingan, she could barely see the opponent's attack movements.

It's a pity that her own body reaction can't keep up with the speed of the other party.

In the end, he only had time to protect himself with his arms.


Ai slammed into the opponent's arms with an elbow.

"Recurrent violence!"

Uchiha Mikoto was kicked out.


A trace of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Just as I was thinking about Yuyin, my hands became sluggish.


The opponent's taijutsu contains Lightning Style Chakra, my body is paralyzed!

"You're done!"

Ai snorted coldly, not giving the other party a chance to breathe.

Continue to launch a fierce attack!

Uchiha Mikoto stepped back while defending.

The brain is racing to think about the countermeasures.

How to remove Lightning Style's paralysis effect?

Only use the same Lightning Style to offset the opponent's Lightning Style!


I don't know Lightning Style!

Uchiha Mikoto was anxious.

The ancestral ninjutsu of the Uchiha clan is Fire Style.

Most of the clansmen also practice Fire Style.

But there are exceptions.

Uchiha Mikoto remembers that she used the Chakra test paper before.

The Chakra attribute in her body has three types of fire, thunder and water.

In other words, she has the talent of Lightning Style!

Cramming, can she succeed?

Uchiha Mikoto had no choice.

The hands have formed the "ugly" seal.

This is the first step taught in school textbooks to let the Chakra in the body transform the thunder attribute.


Although it was the first attempt.

But the step of transforming Chakra into a thunder attribute went very smoothly!


Use the principle of lightning positive and negative cancellation.

The Lightning Style Chakra flowing in Uchiha Mikoto's body counteracts the Lightning Style paralyzing effect of Ai Ninjutsu.


Ai punched violently.

Uchiha Mikoto flashed in a thrilling way.


"Why can you still move...!"

Ai was surprised.

Lightning Style ninja attacks can not only cause physical damage, but also paralyze the opponent's limbs with Lightning Style.


"Don't underestimate Uchiha!"

Uchiha Mikoto Sharingan copied the other's physique.

Mimicking the opponent's elbow.

"Recurrent violence!"


Ai was caught off guard and flew out with an elbow.

"Damn Uchiha!"

"How dare you stealthily learn the ninjutsu of our Yeyue clan!"

Ai was furious.

He gathered a lot of Lightning Style power in one breath and concentrated it on his fist.

A fierce and fast straight punch!

"Lightning Straight!"

"Lightning Straight!"

Uchiha Mikoto Sharingan copy, imitating the opponent's ninja attack.


Lightning Style fist vs Lightning Style fist!

But in terms of physical strength, it is obvious that Ai has an overwhelming advantage.

Uchiha Mikoto was sent flying with one punch!


"It's too naive to want to use my ninjutsu to beat me!"

Ai looked disdainful.

My heart is terrified!

The Lightning Style ninjutsu he had been practicing since he was a child was instantly copied by the opponent.

This is simply a huge threat!

Fortunately, Uchiha Mikoto is still young.

Physical strength is limited.

Therefore, the true power of Ninjutsu cannot be exerted.


Ai Du couldn't tolerate an outsider who used the Yeyue family's family ninjutsu!

"Next, I will show you the real power!"

I saw Ai raised his arms, and the lightning flashed dazzlingly.

Uchiha Mikoto's Sharingan, you can clearly see that the Chakra in the opponent's body is quickly concentrated on this arm!


"You can use Sharingan to copy!"

Ai said in a cold voice.

Anyway, in the next attack, he will cut off the opponent's head!

Sharingan copy successfully.....

But Uchiha Mikoto didn't use the opponent's moves.

Because she knows.

The power of taijutsu has not undergone arduous training.

Even copying the moves is meaningless.

She must use her own ninjutsu!

Fire Style?

Lack of speed, there is a high probability of being avoided by the opponent's Lightning Style.

Lightning Style.

never studied......

In other words, she can only invent a Lightning Style on the spot!

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