The Glasses Man of Senju

Chapter 75 I am unarmed, come and attack!


"Why would they know where my body is.

Kato Dan's face changed drastically.

The reason why Spiritualization Technique is listed as Forbidden Technique.

That's because when using it, the body will be in a state of zero defense.

Once discovered by the enemy, any Genin can easily kill him!

So before casting the spell, Kato Dan deliberately found a hidden location that was not easy to find.

how now.

Rain Shinobi ninja seems to know his location in advance, so what about the swarming past?


"I want to get back to my body as soon as possible- OK! 35

Kato Dan's spirit body - a flash of light.

Fly away from Rain Shinobi Village at full speed!

Yet at this time.

Right in front of Kato Dan, a rain wall created by Chakra suddenly appeared.


Spiritualization can freely shuttle objects.

But impenetrable Chakra.

Kato Dan hit him head-on and was bounced back.

"oh oh!"

"Sure enough there is something here!"

The Rain Shinobi ninjas below shouted in surprise.

Just now, in their brains, a voice suddenly sounded.

Tell them the intruder is somewhere...

Rain Shinobi Ninja was suspicious of this mysterious voice.

But no matter what.

I would rather believe it or not.

Being prepared is always a good thing.

It never occurred to them that they actually caught the intruder!

I saw a group of Rain Shinobi ninjas, standing in four directions.

tied the same seal.

"Boundary Technique・Rain Sealing Formation Technique!

Enchantment walls generated by Chakra.

Trapped Kato Dan's spirit in it.

"Damn! 35

"Why is even my spirit body discovered?"5

"Could it be that someone leaked my information?"

Kato Dan was shocked.

The brain starts to think fast. …

The only people who knew his whereabouts were the three of his subordinates.

Senju Qianyu?

Uchiha Mikoto?

Sarutobi Shinnosuke?

Do not!

This is impossible!

Absolutely impossible thing!

How could Konoha's junior betray him of Asahi?

Kato Dan can't think of any reason for these three to betray him.

The first correct answer is ruled out first..

"In this way, the spiritual body cannot return to the main body for the time being.""

"Senior Broken of Asahi~"

"Enjoy the warm hospitality from Rain Shinobi!

Expose Kato Dan's astral coordinates.

It is Senju Qianyu's handwriting!

under normal conditions.

The success rate of Rain Shinobi ninja trapping Kato Dan with a barrier is lower than throwing a stone and hitting a mosquito in the sky!

Because of Kato Dan's spirit body, the movement speed is extremely fast!

Rain Shinobi Ninja had a hard time locking on to his position.

Senju Qianyu informed all Rain Shinobi ninjas of Kato Dan's movement through the sky.

The latter set a barrier in Kato Dan's direction in advance.

This was very coincidental, blocking Kato Dan's spirit body.

"Damn bastard!""

"Whether you're a ghost or something."

"If you killed our senior elder, don't even think about going out alive today!"

The angry Rain Shinobi ninja attacked Kato Dan inside the barrier.

Physical attacks have no effect on spirits.

But Ninjutsu's Chakra attack can cause damage to the opponent!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

"Let me out! 35

Kato Dan dodged a ninjutsu attack from Rain Shinobi while embarrassed.

While slamming into the enchantment frantically.

At this moment, his heart was full of fear.

If his body is attacked, then he will become a ghost in the true sense!

the other side.

The juniors waiting around Kato Dan's body.

We are also surrounded by a large number of Rain Shinobi ninjas!

"How is this going?"

"Didn't Senior Bro say, Rain Shinobi couldn't have found us?

Sarutobi Shinnosuke shouted with horror on his face.

"Since it has been discovered, there is no way to do it. 99

"Do your best to protect the seniors.

Senju Qianyu said with a serious face.

Try not to let the corners of your mouth turn up.

"Qianyu is right.

"We're going to fight! 99

Uchiha Mikoto, with bright eyes, pulled out Zanpakutō.

"The enemy is over there!


"Is there only three Konoha goblins?"

"Just this few people dare to attack our village and save their lives!

Rain Shinobi ninjas rely on a large number of people.

A swarm rushed to the three of them.

"Just in time!"

Uchiha Mikoto swung his sword to meet him head-on.

Use the Shinigami cutting technique learned from Senju Qianyu.


Killed a Rain Shinobi ninja with one knife.

Swing continuously.


"Pfft! 39


Killed several Rain Shinobi ninjas in seconds.

“Whoa ”

Kunai thrown from all directions.

Uchiha Mikoto opens Sharingan!

3-Tomoe's pupil power can predict all the flight trajectories of Kunai in an instant.


With a quick swing of the knife, most of the kunai fell.

But there were also a handful of two that passed over her shoulders.

A few bloodstains were torn open.


Uchiha Mikoto groaned in pain.

He secretly thought in his heart: Tong Li sees through, but the body's reaction hasn't caught up yet?

It seems that I have to get stronger!

strong desire--

became the food of Hōgyoku.

"I can't lose to you either!

Sarutobi Shinnosuke saw how fierce she was, and was not far behind.

He took out two short blades named Jebi from his pocket.

"Sarutobi-style, wolf tooth cutting cone!"


"Pfft! 39

The sharp Chakra blade cut off the ninja tools in the hands of the Rain Shinobi ninja.

Kick the opponent away with physical skills again!

I can be strong too!

strong desire--

became the food of Hōgyoku.

"A tool man is just diligence~"

Senju Qianyu was sitting by the side eating melons and watching a play.

Behind him, is a group of Rain Shinobi ninjas.

He slashed into the air like a lunatic.


"What are you guys doing?"

Another wave of Rain Shinobi ninjas looked bewildered.

"That is the illusion of the enemy!

A handful of Rain Shinobi Jōnin, can see why.

"Divided into two teams, one team will solve the illusion.

"A team with me attacking this spectacled boy!"

Rain Shinobi Jōnin commanded with poise.

However, there is no dragon trick that even has a name.

Destined to live beyond a hundred words of content.


"Didn't you hear my order?"


No one responded to Rain Shinobi Jōnin's orders.

This made him annoyed and turned his head, only to realize that the teammates behind him had all been lying down at some point!

0 ask for flowers... 0

"An ant should lie on the ground."

"The ending of a strong head turned out to be like this. . . .

The figure of Senju Qianyu passed by Rain Shinobi Jōnin like a ghost.

The speed was so fast that people couldn't see his movements at all.


Rain Shinobi Jōnin just raised his hands to make a seal, but felt a chill in his chest.

The limbs also became stiff at this moment and lost consciousness.

He has been killed!


Senju Qianyu made the action of retracting the knife into the sheath.


Shunpo + Slash's quick spike technique! (PS: with pictures)


Going through the wound in the chest, spewing out a large amount of blood.

Killing Rain Shinobi's Jōnin is like crushing ants!

The rest of the Rain Shinobi ninjas.

It seems that he was deeply shocked by Senju Qianyu's instant kill Jōnin!

"real or fake?"

"That guy's action.⁹9

"I can't beat Hanzo-sama! 35

Although there are many Rain Shinobi ninjas, no one dares to approach Senju Qianyu.

"I'm sorry~"

"I didn't mean to scare you."

"I just didn't expect Rain Shinobi's Jōnin to be so unbeatable.

"I can't even resist my knife... 35

Senju Qianyu put away Zanpakutō.

With his bare hands, he faced Rain Shinobi and everyone.


"I don't look so scary when I'm defenseless, don't I?

Taunting Max!

Enough to pump up your blood pressure!

"You arrogant glasses boy!"

"Don't underestimate our Rain Shinobi ninjas! 39

Rain Shinobi crowd in extreme anger.

One by one, they used their sliding shovels at Senju Qianyu.

Try to attack his bot lane.


Senju Qianyu raised his foot one by one.

Rain Shinobi, who shoveled the shovel, stepped into the ground.


"It's pretty good as a burlesque show. 35

Senju Qianyu grabbed the neck of one Rain Shinobi and held it as a meat. The shield blocked the Kunai of the other Rain Shinobi.

He affixed a detonating talisman to Meat Shield and kicked into the Rain Shinobi crowd.


The people who were blown away by the explosion. Body. Remnants. Limbs. Minced. Meat, flying. Splashes everywhere!


Senju Qianyu a Shunpo jumped away to avoid being stained with blood.

Maintain the usual neat clothes.

"You you you you you you!

"You devil!"

Rain Shinobi's ninja was so frightened that he was killed.

Don't dare to approach Senju Qianyu again without saying anything.


"Is this broken?

"Rain Shinobi's psychological pressure is too weak, right? 35

Senju Qianyu shook his head regretfully.

"This can't be done... 99

"Otherwise, I have a proposal for you. 35

Senju Qianyu touched the glasses with one hand and pointed behind him with the other.

The still body of Kato Dan.

"see it?"

"This is Konoha Jōnin Kato Dan!

"For some reason, his body couldn't move.

"As a subordinate, I have to protect him..

"You can attack him.""

"Maybe. 35

"If I wasn't careful, I couldn't protect it.

Senju Qianyu seriously instigated Rain Shinobi.

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