Wang Han shouted from behind,

Tang Tang, who was walking in front, ignored Wang Ziwen's arm with his hand, and said as he walked, smiling from time to time, making a very intimate look.

This behavior,

Give Wang Han a crit once again!

The one that costs 999!


"Tangtang, Ziwen, you guys, it's over!"

"I tell you, I want to give a small report to Brother Bai!"

In the end, Wang Han had to throw a harsh word on the spot, and then quickly chased after him.

He doesn’t want to miss Bai Fan’s wonderful highlight moments,

Besides, it belongs to one's own direction and the other side tortured and killed, how to listen to this thing is very cool!

"Wang Han, I think you can't bear it anymore...Look, these two guys don't treat you as human beings. See if they are doing human affairs? They show affection in front of you, if I, Let me tell you, if you don’t take forbearance, this kind of thing can be tolerated? Then you will become the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? I just go straight up with two punches. Tell them what is iron fist justice and what is slapped truth?"


Seeing the lively Lu Ping, he leaned forward and backward with a smile, and fanned the flames beside him without too much trouble. When he saw oil pouring inside, he almost taught the two to fight.

For him,

This is the daily operation!

Wang Han's face turned straight: "Lu Ping, I think what you said is quite right, absolutely not, you have to go up and do it if you are a man."

"Yes, that's the reason!"

"Okay! Then you go help find the way first, I will come later..."

Lu Ping: "……………………"


This guy has become more refined and can't be fooled!

However, even if it is a fool who lied three times, and returned to the same situation, he should be a little bit forced.

At the same time, in the indoor stadium,

The two sides are ready,

This stadium is a small stadium that can accommodate about 200 people. The most central area is a 200-meter runway. At this time, a ring has been erected in the center of the runway’s mouth, which is the boxing ring on the tour. kind.

Gao Jun is the chief referee, and Bai Ye is the deputy referee, who is responsible for deciding the outcome of this time.

"Both parties wear their own protective gear!"

"Reminder: Friendship is the first, the result is the second. This time it is just a normal discussion. No matter what the situation, bad events can't happen. Repeat it again, no bad events can happen."

"The victory or defeat is very simple: First: I can't afford it within 10 seconds of falling down, and second: Beyond the range of the ring. No matter which one of the above two types, as long as they are triggered and eliminated immediately, the whole game will be terminated immediately."

With a whistle in his mouth, Gao Jun took a small flag and shouted on both sides:

Anyway, it’s a super-regular look,

I know, this is the head of a helicopter division, but I don't know that he thought it was a black boxing referee.

"Everyone is in place, ready!"

"10, 9, 8, 7............ 5......"

In the countdown,

Wang Han and his party are long overdue:

"It's going to start..."

"Fortunately, I didn't miss it. It was a coincidence that we were here." Wang Han jumped up first, leaning directly on the left side of the ring, his eyes shot right and left like a radar, and finally fixed his eyes in front of the four people, muttering constantly in his mouth. Talk to yourself:

"This, one trick..."

"This, estimated, it may take two seconds..."

"That, looks a bit fierce, it should be a bit strong, then three seconds."

"What about this one?"

"This? You still have to guess this. Do you know what our brother Bai is called? It's hard to say that girls are not girls. In his eyes, there are only two differences, one is Jiang Ziyan, the other is non-Jiang Ziyan, everything is floating clouds ."

Lu Ping of the two swordsmen approached at the same time.

He glanced similarly, with a trace of disdain in his eyes:

"If you want me to say, even if you and I go up and hit one of them, it's more than enough!"

"Brother Bai, good fellow, isn't that just like killing a chicken!"

Lu Ping's mouth became poisonous, not inferior to Wang Han, and the four team members on the side rolled their eyes. If they hadn't taken the overall situation into consideration, they would have just cursed directly.

"You two, come back quickly, it's about to start..."

"Don't be there with a Balabala, be careful if someone gives you two punches!"

"It's you, Wang Han, what else to look around? And Lu Ping, you are the same."

Tangtang glanced at the two of them, and shouted in disgust.

On stage,

At the end of the last second of the countdown,

Just start!

There is not a single bit of stay!

"Now you are pressing behind the back. This is an advanced mecha division. I will go up and test, take on the strength, and see if it is so powerful in the legend."

In the beginning, Fang Wu didn’t let everyone press over, but chose a method he thought was quite clever, and let himself go and test first.

He felt that he was an intermediate mecha division,

Even if it loses to the senior mecha division, it's more than enough to hold a few back and forth.


Bai Fan, who was standing in front, heard the whispers very clearly. He didn't say anything, and there was a mocking smile on his face.

young people!

It's so young!


I'm afraid you can't react, so I just fly out.

"Deputy head Bai, offended!"

As soon as the voice fell, Fang Wu stepped on thick footsteps and walked out an S-shaped step. In less than two seconds, he came to the front of Bai Fan, and then his right arm stretched forward, like an ape jumping on a tree. . With the help of the inertia of the body forward, he hit a set of whip punches fiercely.

There is a big thunderbolt!

Don’t talk about the others,

Relying on the physical fitness of the intermediate mecha division, coupled with such a set of methods of exerting force.

It's just a red brick,

They can be broken directly under this circle!

Fangwu, I think I’m in good shape. At least the punch I just hit is already at the peak. Before he and Bai Ye practiced regularly, even Bai Ye, a high-level mecha division, didn’t dare to confront him directly. Punch yourself like that.

Therefore, he is quite confident!


Bai Fan laughed, straddling his left foot to the front right, and his right heel up. The whole moved to the left and front by about half a meter. It was an empty position almost instantly. In the next second, he lifted his right hand and turned his fist into The palm directly hit Fang Wu's fist from bottom to bottom.

This force was directly unloaded and rushed to the top.


There was a dull sound,

Fang Wu only felt that his hand was being held by something, his original speed stopped instantly, and he pulled up, and then he was out of control from hand to arm to the whole body.

"Get out!"

Bai Fan's eyes were cold, he drew a semicircle with his right hand, and directly pushed Fang Wu's fist back, and then his left leg followed, his strength wrapped around his arm until his left fist.


One face directly hit the chest of the square house,

The latter rose to the sound during the contact, flew directly from the spot, and flew backwards.


It crossed the ring without a trace, and fell heavily to the ground.

Even if it is so far away,

Wang Han can hear clearly,

And Lu Ping, who looked particularly funny, covered his eyes with his hands, and said to himself, with a hint of gloat:

"Inflict evil!"

"Poor boy!"

"It's so miserable to be educated in life by Brother Bai like this!"

"This time, it is estimated that he has lost his confidence, and he has doubts about life."

Wang Han also made up the knife next to him,

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