When I returned to the local station, the return route of the rice balls and the return route of me, Linga and Renmi were in a different direction, so I decided to dissolve on the spot.

It's not dark yet, so there's no need for me to send it.

"Next time, we can use the studio on our own."

"Hmm, I feel kind of bad... about using it even when Suda doesn't know about it"

When she said that, Shirin clapped her hand.

"Yes! Register Zely with each other! That way we'll know when we're using the studio!


I twist my neck at words I've never heard.

It's a name that seems delicious.

"It's a location sharing smartphone app! Register with each other to find out where they are now!

"I also share it with classmate girls, and I'll share it with Suda!

"Ah, of course, there are functions that don't let people know where they are, such as" Obaque Mode "!

I didn't know there was such an app for rear charging...

What, are you okay?

Aren't you gonna be a stalker at last?

Even with that in mind, it certainly seems convenient to know when I am using the studio, so I also downloaded the app and registered it.

If you look at this, you can also take the plug when the onions are practicing.

"Fufufu, now you can always tell where Ritsuki is."

"Fufufu, now you can always tell where Suda is...."

"Fufufu, now we know where Linga is all the time."

Linga, Lotus and Shirin muttered something similar at the same time.

- Well, yes.

If you turn this on, you'll find out I'm Theon someday.

When working as a Theon, keep it in obscure mode where you don't know where it is.

But I'm going to forget about it...

With that in mind, I open the Zely app.

I was glad to see the six red circles, all of them on the smartphone screen in this place.

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