The Glorious Summoner

Chapter 778: practice tower

"Haha, isn't this the villa area of ​​the powerhouses in the Blood Front Base..." Xia Ping'an, who landed, looked at the training towers in front of him and smiled.

These practice towers, each of which is forty or fifty meters apart, are connected by cobblestone paths between different practice towers, as well as flower beds, green plants, rockeries, and decorations of streams. There are cultivation towers of the same type on the hillside. Looking at this, Xia Ping'an remembered the word Tallinn.

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The cultivation towers on the hillside are divided into several areas, there are thousands of them, just like a small town. In the center of these cultivation tower areas, there are several ordinary buildings and blocks. That area should be here. In public activities and gathering areas, Xia Ping'an saw summoners flying around from the central area of ​​the town from time to time.

"This god, are you looking for the training tower, do you need me to introduce you to the situation here?"

All the summoners who can enter the secret realm of the Heavenly Dao are gods. The reserve power of gods is similar to the meaning of the crown prince. This name is everyone's favorite.

Just as Xia Ping'an was strolling through the Tallinn, he met a man who looked like a housekeeper. The man who looked like a housekeeper was instructing more than a dozen farmers and craftsmen, paving paths with gravel, and taking care of Tallinn. The flower beds in between were cleaning a nearby practice tower with an open door.

When they saw Xia Ping'an, the housekeeper and the farmers all stopped and greeted Xia Ping'an together.

The person who spoke was the man who looked like a butler, and was polite.

All these people are summoned characters. These characters are responsible for the daily chores and services of the blood front base. There are so many summoners in the blood front base, and naturally they need corresponding manpower to serve the summoners. And these characters who are summoned with wisdom are the best choices.

"No, thank you, I'll go around!" Xia Ping'an said.

"Okay, you can come to me if you need anything. There are taverns, intelligence centers, and military power exchange points in the center of this camp, which is very convenient!" The butler said politely, "If you want to find If there is a suitable training tower, just behind the olive grove in front, there are several training towers that are vacant and can be moved in at any time!"

"Okay, got it, thank you!"

Xia Ping'an nodded and walked towards the olive grove. He originally thought of where to look. It is easy to identify whether there are summoners in these training towers, and the spires of the training towers where the summoners are staying. The color of the tower is yellow, and the color of the spire of the uninhabited training tower is green, and it is clear at a glance when you look at it in the air.

This olive grove on the hillside has not high branches, but the branches and leaves are lush and green. An olive tree is a big green umbrella. It seems to be quite old. There are a lot of olives in the olive grove. , green and dripping, the smell of olive leaves seems to float in the air, a small stream passes through the olive grove, the stream of the stream is crystal clear, there are many pebbles and some water plants, and some fish are in the stream In the middle of swimming happily, a few elk were drinking water by the stream, and when they saw Xia Ping'an coming, they ran away in panic.

The environment here is good.

Xia Ping'an walked through the olive grove and saw more than 20 practice towers on the other side of the hillside. Most of the practice towers here are yellow, but there are three other practice towers with green spires. .

Xia Ping'an looked at it and came to the door of a training tower at will.

This practice tower covers an area of ​​more than half an acre. The material of the tower is not masonry, but metal, with the breath of a magic weapon. The shape of this practice tower reminds Xia Ping'an of his own Tibetan Spiritual Pagoda. indestructible.

At the entrance of the cultivation tower, there is a bronze medal on which is the "house number" and "rent information" of the cultivation tower.

——Cultivation Tower No. 301499, Blood Front Base.

——The daily use cost of the training tower is 100 divine power points.

In the realm of killing gods and insects, things like gold and silver can also be used as currency in circulation, but in the secret realm of heaven, the "hard currency" that can be accepted here is the power point, because the power of the summoner of the nine sun realm can be easily In terms of transfer and measurement, divine power is equivalent to the highest level and most versatile energy unit in the secret realm of heaven, so the divine power point that comes with the summoner has become the benchmark of value here.

Everything here is a novelty to Xia Ping'an.

Thinking of the information that Balong and Shibuyu had told him before, Xia Ping'an stretched out his hand and put his hand on the crystal grains in the middle of the metal gate of the training tower, directly mobilizing the divine power of his secret mandala and entering the door. 700 points of divine power.

With the input of divine power, the dense crystal patterns on the gate of the training tower began to glow. When Xia Ping'an's hand left the gate, the gate of the training tower No. 301499 suddenly opened, revealing a water-spraying structure behind the gate. Entrance.

Xia Ping'an entered the tower, and the metal gate in the tower closed automatically.

With a wave of Xia Ping'an's hand, he summoned Fushen Boy and Xia Laifu. In a blink of an eye, Fushen Boy turned around the tower. The tower is divided into seven floors, a training room, a living room, a bedroom, and a study. , bathroom, everything is readily available, clean and elegant, the tower body, tower wall and tower base are all connected together, it is a metal structure, it is difficult for spiritual thoughts to penetrate, and escape techniques cannot enter, there are two layers of solid protection in the tower body The array-like method is perfectly combined with the tower body. Below the tower base of the entire tower, the protective formation and command center of the entire Blood Front Base are also connected. In the formation plate of the big formation, as the reserve divine power of the formation plate, it is maintaining the operation of the whole blood front base formation.

The entire base and these training towers are all connected as an organic whole. These training towers are the energy supply center of the Blood Front Base, or an integral part of the array of the entire array, whether it is the vision of the array mage or the machine casting. From the point of view, the entire Blood Front base and these training towers are considered to be ingenious, and they are definitely from the handwriting of the great master.

There are also special green plants planted in the training tower, and there is a spirit gathering array on the ground, which provides enough oxygen and aura, nourishes the body and mind, and is beneficial to practice.

"It's amazing, I didn't expect that the Blood Front Base has integrated the formation plate with the entire base, sharing energy and information, and the whole body can be moved with one stroke. With such a structure, coupled with the eyes of the gods, if foreign enemies want to enter It's almost impossible to do some damage in it!" Xia Pingan muttered to himself.

The structure of the tower in front of him and the fusion of the array plate and the base, from the perspective of an expert, there is really a lot to learn. Xia Pingan walked around the tower several times, savoring and experiencing the various structural arrangements here. The intention is to put myself into the role of the builder and deduce how to build such a base and Gradually indulge in it and forget the existence of time.

After more than four or five hours, Xia Ping'an completed various deductions in his mind, feeling that if he had achieved something, a smile appeared on his face, and he returned to the training room with satisfaction.

Habitually took out one of his own array plates to protect the training room, and let Xia Laifu stay beside him as a Dharma protector. Xia Ping'an then took out the two world beads he had just obtained.

Take out the "Yao" word boundary bead, the entire secret room is resplendent at once, like a small sun rising. Under the light of this boundary bead, the boundary bead of "Su Qin thorn" suddenly dimmed, just like a firefly Same as next to the sun.

"Emperor Yao... His benevolence is like the sky, his knowledge is like a god. He is like the sun, and he looks like a cloud. Rich but not arrogant, noble but not comfortable. , to be close to the nine clans. When the nine clans are in harmony, they will rule the people. The people will be clear and united, and they will order Xi, He, respect Haotian, count the sun, moon, and stars, and give respect to the people... Three hundred and sixty days old, It is four o'clock in the intercalary month. Trust in all the officials, and all merits will be prosperous..." Xia Ping'an held this world bead and said to himself, this so-called "Sun-sacred world bead" is the world bead of Emperor Yao, and Yao is the real one. Holy King, this Realm Pearl should be the real "Holy King Realm Pearl".

According to historical records, Yao's morality is too high. As long as Yao is where he is, there are people who are willing to follow and support him. Even if he is in the wilderness, he can make the wilderness prosper and become a prosperous place.

Only the virtue of "Emperor Yao" can make the world of Jiezhu become reality, unite all nations, and prosper all the merits...

Chapter 778 The Cultivation Tower

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