The Glory of the Godfather

Chapter 689: This one hug

After the team took a two-to-one lead, Fang Jue immediately called Clement and Ballack to the sidelines and gave the opportunity to him.

Wenger saw this scene, and the professor frowned, then shook his head.

"What's the matter?" Arsenal assistant coach Patrice asked.

"If I'm right." Wenger's expression was calm. "For the rest of the first half, the midfielder will be very busy."

Soon, Patles understood what Wenger meant by ‘busy midfield’.

Aston Villa suddenly strengthened the midfield fight.

During the rest of the first half of the game, the court can be described as robbed and robbed.

Arsenal's relatively beautiful offensive coordination was immediately torn apart.

Aston Villa can be said to have given up offense, with only one purpose, that is


Let Arsenal mess up.

Make the scene chaotic.

"Understood." Wenger said to Patras, "I know what this guy is going to do, I know how he does it, but we have nothing to do."

"This is how gangsters play." Patrice said angrily.

It's like yes, a pretty, gentle girl who would have played well with her good girlfriends.

Suddenly, my girlfriend lifted her skirt and laughed extremely wretched hahaha, I didn't expect it, I am a cute girl.

In the end, at the end of the first half, neither side was able to score again. The score was temporarily fixed at one to two, and the home team Arsenal was one to two Aston Villa.

"Aston Villa played very smart, Fang Jue was very smart." Lineker drank water in the commentary and praised Aston Villa. "Let’s not talk about their two goals, just say After the two-to-one lead, Fang Jue immediately asked the team to change their tactics and suddenly tried their best to strengthen the fight. This made Arsenal, who played well in the small half, suddenly very uncomfortable."

"In my opinion, Fang Jue is currently one of the current coaches who are best at on-the-spot scheduling and adjustment." John Mortensen also praised, "Furthermore, one thing is very interesting. Fang Jue seems to know how to play Arsenal. It's very informative."

Arsenal's players quickly retired, which can be said to be their best half of the game against Fang Jue's Aston Villa.

The one-to-two halftime score is not unacceptable.

However, considering the special significance of this game, this puts great pressure on the hearts of Arsenal's players, like a big rock in their hearts.

Aston Villa's players left with a smile.

Fang Jue waited on the sidelines, and he clapped and hugged every player who left the court, smiling like flowers.

"Good job!" Fang Jue and Costa high-five.

Not only that, the two people walked at the end and talked while walking, mainly Fang Jue was talking and Costa was listening.

"Diego, you know me." Fang Jueyu was mild, "I will not treat you badly and prevent you from playing because you applied for a transfer."

"You have a reason to leave, and I can guess some." Fang Jue said, "So, although I am not very happy, but I can understand you by putting myself in the position. I have a certain responsibility."

"As long as you stay at Villa for a day, you are my player and I will not treat it differently."

"I thought I would not start today." Costa said, who had been silent.

"Because I think your starter is suitable, you start it, it's very simple." Fang Jue said with a smile.

"Such a good player, I am very happy to be able to coach you." Fang Jue patted Costa on the shoulder, "You are very hardworking and professional, and I will be worthy of your professional attitude."

"You are worthy of Vera, you are worthy of your salary." Fang Jue said, "Even if you transfer to Liverpool tomorrow, next time you meet as an opponent, I will hug you and tell you, Diego Thank you for your hard work at Vera."

Diego Costa didn't speak, he was afraid he would cry.

He was moved by the coach's words.

What moved him the most and uncomfortable was that the coach said so much that he didn't say a word to keep him.

Costa knew that at the moment he applied for the transfer, for Fang Jue, who was rigorous in managing the army, he couldn't look back.

However, the more so, Fang Jue's attitude towards him as always, which moved Costa.

The coach is a real gentleman.

Costa said in his heart that as long as he is still wearing the Vera shirt, he will be as usual, no, he will work harder and play harder, worthy of the salary, worthy of the jersey.

That's right from the coach's honesty.

Worthy of these heart-warming words.


The second half of the game began.

Arsenal tried to tie the score as quickly as possible and launched a fierce offensive.

However, just like the scene in the final stage of his first half, facing Aston Villa's strangulation tactics in the midfield, it is difficult for Arsenal to launch a truly threatening offensive.

Clement's midfield coverage is very large.

And, most importantly, he has a helper Stroman today.

Clement is the main player, and Stroman is the second player, and the two midfielders complement each other.

Moreover, if the situation is more urgent, Gareth Bale will even return to the position of full-back, and Milnera will participate in the strangulation in the midfield.

This is hard for Arsenal.

Especially Diego Costa, as the striker of Aston Villa, this kid is crazy.

When defending, he actively counter-robbed, and even retreated all the way to his own half.

Then when he attacked, he was able to press it desperately.

"Damn it, didn't you mean that Costa was making a transfer?" Patles was puzzled and couldn't help cursing.

It stands to reason that when a player submits a transfer application, this is tantamount to tearing up his face with the team. Even if it is a game, it is good to be able to play a normal level with a more professional ethics. How can it be like this?

Why is this a transfer? This is simply crazy after a promotion and salary increase.

No, this is the kind of crazy dedication of the owner after becoming a team shareholder.

Patrice felt that he couldn't understand it.

Wenger smiled bitterly, and he couldn't understand it. This is where he admires Fang Jue, a young junior. This guy is very prestigious within the team. He has never heard of a relationship between him and a player.

Now it's even more ‘excessive’, the players who made the transfer are fighting like a chicken!

Then, five minutes later and the game went on to sixty-five minutes, Milner made a cross from the wing, Costa’s header was struck by Almunia, Bale’s shot was blocked by Vermalan, and Ronaldo swept the football. It was given to Cuellar, who crossed in front of the goal, and Costa succeeded with a stabbed left foot.

Costa looked very excited after the goal, and he ran to the sidelines.

Fang Jue stood on the coach's bench. He raised his hand and prepared to give Costa a high five.

Costa didn't want to give a high five.

He hugged Fang Jue directly.

Fang Jue was almost knocked to the ground by this guy, his raised hand fell on Costa's shoulder, "Good job! Diego!"

Costa did not speak, but hugged the coach who brought him to the Premier League and took him to the championship podium for the first time, a coach who had a great influence on his career.

Watching this scene, Wenger's head is as big as a fight, his face twitches, even a little uncomfortable

can not watch anymore!

What are you doing!

Is this a transfer?

Are you going to break up or divorce?

How about showing affection?

Next to was stunned, and then he recovered, and even spat on the ground, pooh!

"Costa rushed to the sidelines after scoring a goal and hugged Fang Jue." He Wei shouted, "This scene is moving. We all know that Costa has applied for a transfer. He is leaving, most likely to go to Liverpool. In this case, Fang Jue still trusts him, Costa is also very desperate in today’s game, and now he embraces Fang Jue enthusiastically after scoring a goal, which is completely different from the way we are familiar with the transfer and leaving."

"Costa is leaving, it's not that he and Fang Jue are in conflict. On the contrary, we can see that Costa respects Fang Jue very much, and Fang Jue still admires and loves Costa. Young people, if you want to go out and do something, he wants to be alone. "Zhang Lu said, "He wants to leave. Although Fang Jue is very reluctant to leave, let him go and send his blessings. This is the most selfless coach. He is willing to see his players have a good future. It was the most touching breakup."

Similar words, at this moment, excitedly shouted from the narrators of various countries.

In front of the TV, many fans were touched by the words and the scene.

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