The Glory of the Godfather

Chapter 790: Fang. Wife is rich. Jue

Fang Jue's Tactical Victory

In the early morning, in downtown Birmingham, there are not many people in the tram.

An old man is reading the newspaper.

The headline of the newspaper is impressively visible.

In the match between Aston Villa and Dortmund, the defending champions of the Champions League finally defeated the defending Bundesliga champions with a four to one away match.

Milner opened the record for Aston Villa.

Mane helped the team expand the score to two to zero before the end of the second half.

Japan international Kagawa Shinji scored a goal for Dortmund in the second half.

However, Aston Villa soon expanded the score to three to one by the team's top star Gareth Bale.

Towards the end of the game, Modric assisted veteran Klose for another victory, locking the score to four to one.

This game attracted a lot of media reports and research after the game.

The tactical confrontation between Fang Jue and Klopp, the head coaches of the two sides, attracted the analysis of professionals.

Klopp's performance was not as unbearable as the score.

It's not that Klopp is too bad, but Fang Jue is too strong.

This is the mainstream thinking of the media.

Klopp's use of Lewandowski's retreat won the media acclaim.

However, Fang Jue's rapid response, especially the ‘long-lost’ three-back tactic in football,’s outstanding performance in this game has attracted the attention of many football critics.

"The essence of Klopp's tactical system is double-speed oppression.

This concept of double-speed oppression was first created by Arigo Sacchi in Milan. This tactical system allowed Milan to win the Champions League twice in four years.

It is based on an extremely aggressive, organized and coordinated oppression.

Before Klopp, Fang Jue's Ibiza and Aston Villa were also users of this tactic.

However, compared with Fang Jue's use of side lanes more crazily.

This kind of tactical system of Klopp is that Dortmund shrinks the wings, high defense creates offside, and presses the opponent's defensive core area.

This is also a guarantee for Dortmund to win the Bundesliga.

But, obviously, Klopp's team was perfectly restrained by Aston Villa.

The existence of Clement has made Milner's position as midfielder and Aston Villa's three-back system maximized, limiting Dortmund's play to the greatest extent.

In addition, In the first half of the game, Aston Villa also used practical actions to show Dortmund what is the most effective defensive counterattack..."

Several young people in the tram were talking happily about the race last night.

The old man reading the newspaper put down the newspaper and listened with interest, with a happy smile on his face.

By his age, he has experienced ups and downs, witnessed the glory of Aston Villa in the 1980s last season, and experienced the loss of the team from the short-term glory of the rapid decline. Now the rise of Aston Villa makes He was very satisfied and felt that his happiness index in his later life had been sublimated.


In another game in Group F, the Marseilles beat Olympiacos by a one-to-zero away game.

The first match day of the group stage is over.

Aston Villa ranked first in the group by virtue of its goal difference.

The Marseille team followed closely behind.

After the fiasco, Dortmund was at the bottom of the group.

In the focus of the other matches on this day, Barcelona was drawn by AC Milan at home.

AC Milan, Brazil's golden boy Pato, blitzed the goal just one minute after the opening, and was praised by the major media.

In addition, Chelsea beat Bayer Leverkusen 2-0.

Fang Jue's former proud disciple, Mata, performed very well in the competition.

The Premier League team and the Bundesliga team achieved a complete victory in the matchup, which also attracted a burst of cheers from the English media.

Aston Villa's senior management held an important meeting.

The team owner Fang Jue raised an important issue.

That is, is the scale of the Villa Park stadium too small?

Has the current size of the stadium become a shackle that limits the further development of Aston Villa?

Villa Park Stadium was built in 1897, this stadium has a history of 114 years.

While having a long history, some of the stadium equipment has been aging.

Judging from the current point of view, some patterns and structures of the stadium also have shortcomings.

Among them, the most famous example is that Villa Park was originally selected as one of the six stadiums for football competitions in the 2012 London Olympics. However, due to failure to ensure that the stadium can complete the expansion project before the Olympics, it eventually withdrew from the Olympics. List of competition venues.

Of course, the most important thing is:

The Villa Park Stadium, which can only accommodate 42,788 people, can no longer satisfy the enthusiasm of Aston Villa fans.

"Tickets!" Byron, the general manager of the club, raised his hands in agreement with the renovation and expansion of the stadium. "The team's current performance is very good, the market is booming, and the stadium is full.

"We have done a survey, and there is a big gap in demand between the capacity of the stadium and the demand for fans to watch matches on site."

As the club’s general manager, Byron’s reason is the most straightforward. After the stadium is renovated and expanded, it can attract more fans to watch the game, and the club’s ticket revenue can increase a lot.

In fact, it is not just ticket revenue, the old stadium did not maximize commercial development at the time.

To put it bluntly, Villa Park Stadium is now only able to provide fans with a small supply of hot dogs and drinks.

It is not that the fans are reluctant to spend money, but that the stadium did not reserve more places for commercial use.

The club’s CEO Bob Clark also supports the renovation and expansion of the stadium.

However, he raised a question whether the team's record will be affected by the sky-high funds required for the construction of the new stadium.

Just look at Arsenal.

In order to build the Emirates Stadium, Arsenal carried a huge debt, which can be said to be selling blood and donating sperm, selling the captain for money every year, and the team's signings are pitiful.

Arsenal also relegated from the Premier League championship team to a championship team-the four madness-and finally only got fifth in the league last season, not even qualifying for the Champions League.

"I don't agree with this view." Byron retorted, "Although Arsenal's results have declined, the club's commercial value has been greatly improved."

This is correct. Taking the market value of the 20 Premier League teams previously announced by the University of Reading, Arsenal’s market value is as high as 942.9 million pounds, second only to Manchester United, which is 1.0604 billion pounds. It is not in line with Arsenal's current record level.

The reason is that Arsenal's commercial development is doing well, and the profit from Arsenal's new stadium is a crucial factor.

"The team's record cannot be affected, nor will it be affected," Fang Jue said.

Sacrificing the team's record and borrowing to build the stadium is not something he can bear.

"If the source of funds can be resolved, it won't affect the team's record..." Fang Jue said.

Raise your hands in agreement!


Hearing Fang Jue’s words, Byron immediately said that Clark also agreed. He was only worried that the team would repeat the mistakes of Arsenal. Since the funds can be resolved, the club will not be put into a very tight situation due to debt. So what is there to say.

Both people asked how to solve the problem of funding.

This is the core question, but they don't care Fang Jue didn't answer clearly, but said that he would seriously discuss this issue with his wife Papa before answering.

After all, this meeting is only the first preliminary discussion. It is an extremely large project to renovate the stadium, which requires meticulous research, many times, and even more than a dozen rounds of meeting consultations before a plan can be made.

What Fang Jue thought in his heart was that Arsenal was selling the captain’s sperm and blood.

He is almost...

Alas, there was a time when there was a beautiful rich wife, and no one else would appreciate it.

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