The Glory of the Godfather

Chapter 813: Transfer options

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The next day, the front pages of the major media were photos of Aston Villa captain Clement leading his teammates to win the Club World Cup championship in Tokyo, Japan.

Among them, Bell, who is the number one star of Aston Villa, is highly praised by the media.

Global media praised Aston Villa after the game.

Santos lost to Aston Villa by a big score, making the Brazilian media pay homage to Aston Villa's football.

"Lance Sports" wrote: "Aston Villa destroyed Santos's dream, Bell showed a star level, and Neymar performed very mediocre."

Brazil's "Globe" hit the headline "Bell and Aston Villa are the best in the world". In the article, the newspaper stated that "Bell's stars are dazzling, and Aston Villa completely defeated Santos."

"Global Sports" commented: "Aston Villa comes from another planet. Santos' dream of the third Intercontinental Cup championship was destroyed by Aston Villa's great football."

Brazil's "São Paulo Page" commented: "Fang Jue's Aston Villa is the best team in the world, Santos is unable to parry, Aston Villa won 6-0 and won the honor of the Club World Cup."

"Sao Paulo State" pointed out that 0 to 6 is the biggest loss in the history of the Club World Cup final, Santos created a black record.


The English media naturally praised Bell and Aston Villa.

"The Times" hit the headline "World Strike", a pun describing the damage Aston Villa caused to Santos in the Club World Cup.

"The Guardian" stated: "Bell appeared as a superstar and helped Aston Villa win the honor of the world championship."

The Italian media also rendered Bell's "Starlight" and Aston Villa's "World Peak State".

"Gazzetta dello Sport" hit the headline "Bell destroys Santos and sends Aston Villa to the top of the world".

In France, the headline of the sports newspaper "Team" is "Fang Jue's Aston Villa's football show in the final".

At the same time, Portugal's "Ball" hit the title "Fang Jue's Aston Villa swept Santos".

The German "Bild" praised Bell in particular, saying that "the superstar Bell helped Aston Veritas top the world."

In Spain, the "Marca" put Aston Villa on the headlines and titled "This is the superstar Real Madrid needs".

"Aspen" praised Aston Villa for showing their strength to the world in the final. Bell scored twice, Suarez scored twice, Ronaldo and Klose also scored a goal each. An incredible victory.

Argentina’s “Ole” newspaper said with joy that Clemente successfully defended and cut off the “cockscomb” of “cock” Neymar.

The newspaper also revealed that this fiasco caused Neymar's emotional breakdown and cried bitterly in the locker room after the game.

Birmingham local media, "Birmingham Evening News" issued a special extra, the headline is very rough and powerful: Sixth Crown! King of the world!

Once the newspaper went on the market, it was sold out by Aston Villa fans.

Many fans said that they should cherish this issue of the newspaper. This is the first time Aston Villa has won the Club World Cup. It is of great significance.


Although it was an expedition and was very exhausted, Aston Villa did not stay in Tokyo much. The next morning, the whole team set off for Birmingham.

It is already December 19, 2011, and the most intensive Christmas schedule in the Premier League has arrived.

For Aston Villa, who just played in the Club World Cup, the next month or so will be very hard.

Three days later, on December 22, in the 17th round of the Premier League, Aston Villa will face old friend Arsenal at home.

On December 26, the first day after Christmas, Aston Villa will play against Liverpool at home. This is the 16th round of the league.

On December 28th, in the 18th round of the Premier League, Aston Villa will play away against Stoke City.

On January 1, 2012, New Year's Day, in the 19th round of the Premier League, Aston Villa will be at Stamford Bridge against Chelsea.

On January 3, the 20th round of the Premier League, Aston Villa will play against Swansea at home.

In 14 days, Aston Villa will play 5 games, including strong dialogues against Arsenal, Liverpool and Chelsea.

The English media's formation of Aston Villa's schedule is a **** mode in the devil's schedule.

In fact, Aston Villa once expressed dissatisfaction to the league when the Premier League schedule came out this season.

Aston Villa’s chief executive Bob Clark criticized that when Aston Villa returned from competing for the Premier League’s honour in the Club World Cup, it had to face such a cruel schedule, which was good for the players’ health. Torture, this is inhumane.

However, it is useless.

During the Christmas holidays, fans are on holiday, and more fans can go to the scene to watch football, and fans outside of England will also travel to England to watch football.

The Football Association of England will do its best to arrange strong dialogues to attract fans and tourists during the Christmas schedule every year.

Moreover, statistics show that the annual Christmas War is the moment with the highest ratings in the Premier League.

In the face of monetary benefits, the player's health is simply ‘insignificant’.


On December 20, the Aston Villa team returned to Birmingham and received a warm welcome from the fans.

The Aston Villa Club held a grand float parade to celebrate the club's first club World Cup in history and the sixth crown.

It was night, Birmingham was sleepless, and the whole city was full of carnivals.

The next day, the players took a half-day holiday.

Fang Jue didn't have time to rest, and the club's executives held a regular meeting in the morning.

"Let's talk about it, how is the situation?" Fang Jue asked.

Before leaving Tokyo, Aston Villa club general manager Byron had contact with Neymar's father.

Neymar was asked about the possibility of joining Aston Villa.

"Neymar himself does not exclude joining Vera, and his father did not explicitly object." Byron said, "but..."

"But what?" Fang Jue asked.

"Neymar's father is too greedy, I'm afraid we can't afford his request." Byron said in a bad tone.

Fang Jue showed a serious expression. Byron has always been very gentleman's style, and he can directly use the word ‘greedy’ to describe the old Neymar, which shows that Byron is indeed very angry.

Byron gave a detailed account of the meeting with Neymar.

The first thing to note is that forty percent of Neymar's ownership belongs to NN Brokerage.

The old Neymar hinted, imprecisely, almost explicit.

Aston Villa wants to sign Neymar, first of all to give his son a large signing fee, estimated not less than 10 million euros.

In addition, the NN brokerage company asked for a high commission before it was willing to give up Neymar’s 40% ownership. In this regard, the old Neymar’s offer to replace the brokerage company was 50 million euros.

In addition, in addition to the commission asking price of the brokerage company, the old Neymar also asked for several million euros in commissions for himself.


"In other words, without counting the Santos club, we have to spend close to 60 million euros just to meet the requirements of this agency, Neymar and his family?" Aston Villa Chief Executive Officer The officer Bob Clark asked.

"Yes." Byron nodded, "and, as far as we know, this NN brokerage company belongs to the Neymar family, to be precise, it belongs to the old Neymar."

Fang Jue shook his head. This old Neymar was really greedy. Not only did he ask for a high signing fee for Neymar, the brokerage company also wanted to speak out. Then in addition to the brokerage company, as Neymar’s competition, he also cost millions of individuals. Commission in Euros.

This is going to be punched twice.

This is not yet considered the Santos Club.

The giants of the Brazilian league have 60% ownership of Neymar.

Although they have not yet contacted the Santos club, it is foreseeable that the Santos club will also ask for a high transfer fee.

"How much do you think the Santos club will ask for a transfer fee?"

"Mr. Neymar said that if he can meet the requirements of the brokerage company, he will help control the club's transfer fee within 20 million euros." Byron said.

Get rid of his grandma!

Fang Jue was so angry that he laughed, this is really...tsk.


Fang Jue has decided to abandon the introduction of Neymar.

According to the current situation, even if the old Neymar lion’s big opening is considered and some prices are lowered, the introduction of Neymar will cost at least 50 to 60 million euros, or even more.

Relying on his magical vision of seeing people (opening up), investing such a large amount of money on other sweet-smelling babies, the rewards will also be considerable. Isn't he fragrant?

In addition, there is a very important point. The behavior of the old Neymar made Fang Jue dislike it.

Even if Neymar is really signed, the player has such a greedy and restless father agent, sooner or later it will be a time bomb.

"How is Shinji Kagawa?" Fang Jue asked.

"Through the representatives of Japan, we have contacted the players and their agents. They are looking forward to joining Aston Villa."

"What about the club?" Fang Jue asked. As for the players, he didn't worry at all. He had already reached agreements with those Japanese brands in Tokyo. The players don't need to worry about him. Besides, Aston Villa is European. Champions, players are definitely willing to come to Villa to play.

"We have asked Dortmund for the price, and they haven't responded yet." Bob Clark said.

"Continue to follow up." Fang Jue knocked on the table, "Try to get it done as soon as the transfer window opens."

"Okay, boss."

Fang Jue still appreciates Kagawa Shinji.

Kagawa's flexibility is very strong, very suitable for small-scale rapid delivery.

Especially with teammates' two-to-one cooperation, the game is very good.

Take the current Dortmund as an example, the combination of the Japanese international and Gotze and Lewandg is full of impact.

There is another characteristic of Shinji Kagawa, his ability to run without the ball is also relatively strong.

Players run without the ball in tandem with one foot, two-by-one consecutively or complicatedly with teammates for offensive organization, and they play well.

In Klopp's Dortmund, Shinji Kagawa is a very critical point in many cases, especially in the rapid anti-countermeasures.

In Fang Jue's view, this player can be well integrated with Aston Villa's fast offensive tactics, at least it is no problem to be Hamei's substitute.


The turn-based adventure game is over, Papa lies in Fang Jue's arms and chats.

"I can see that you really like Neymar," Papa said.

"En." Fang Jue nodded, "This is a young man with a talent almost comparable to Ronaldinho."

He made an analogy, "Let's put it this way, signing Neymar, training for several seasons under my hand, is another player who can win the Golden Globe Award."

"Then why abandon the introduction?" Papa asked puzzledly, "If it's a funding issue..."

"No." Fang Jue said, "input and output are not proportional, and the father of a player is not a fuel-efficient lamp."

"Just let Barcelona pick it up?" Papa asked with a smile, "Maybe Barcelona can make a fortune on Neymar."

"Ha." Fang Jue patted the big rabbit, "Don't worry, Barcelona made money from Neymar. Looking back, they are all working for me."



The club executives reported to Fang Jue that Shinji Kagawa was very happy to play at Aston Villa, and Fang Jue also believed that this was the right way to open.

However, he may be too confident.


"Coach, if possible, I would always play under your hand."

Shinji Kagawa, who had been on holiday, returned to Dortmund and met with the team's coach Klopp.

When he said this, the Japanese international's expression was painful. He really did not want to leave Dortmund, or at least he hadn't thought of leaving now.

Now this Dortmund has performed very well under the leadership of Klopp and has set off a yellow whirlwind in the Bundesliga.

Shinji Kagawa is deeply trusted by Klopp.

In such an environment, the players will naturally not consider leaving.

"I'm not willing to leave you either." Klopp was also a little sad, "Is there really no way to stay?"

Shinji Kagawa shook his head.

Klopp was very angry.

In fact, when he learned that Aston Villa wanted to buy Kagawa Shinji, he directly asked the club to reject it.

However, the response he got from the club's general manager Watzke was that he could not refuse, but let him go.

This is because there are provisions in the contract between Shinji Kagawa and Dortmund-mainly because the Japanese sponsors agreed in the contract between Shinji Kagawa and Dortmund that when a higher-end Premier League club signed Shinji Kagawa, Dortmund must release people and Shinji Kagawa must Performance.

The angry Klopp had a big fight with Watsk before, and he retorted that Aston Villa does not belong to this agreed category: Aston Villa is not a traditional Premier League giant and does not belong to the'higher Premier League club'. The category of Aston Villa is the defending champion of the Champions League, and most importantly, the Japanese sponsors say Aston Villa is a high-end product!

Klopp: Mom sells batches!

From this time, this bearded German coach vowed in his heart that one day he would lead a team to the top of Europe.

(In reality, there is indeed this agreement, which is also the direct reason why Manchester United was able to poach Shinji Kagawa from Klopp).

Fang Jue didn't see this scene, otherwise, he must have a self-doubt: it made him feel like he was a wicked young man who robbed people's girls and broke up old couples and wives.

Therefore, in the transfer of Kagawa Shinji, the power of capital is already pushing, and there is no factor that can prevent Shinji Kagawa from moving to Aston Villa.

Let's put it this way, there is only one last step left in this transfer transaction. This is the two clubs bargaining and reaching a consensus on the transfer fee that is more acceptable to both parties.

In accordance with the requirements of the Japanese sponsor, Dortmund can't charge frank.



Fang Jue's transfer of Shinji Kagawa was handed over to the other top management of the club.

All his attention is now on the upcoming 17th round of the Premier League: Aston Villa vs. Arsenal.

Just the day before the game started, the "Sun" reported a news.

An Aston Villa fan wrote a letter to Arsenal coach Wenger, with sincere words and tears of blood, begging Wenger to win Fangjue once...

Suddenly, this matter became a whisper in English football, and there was a lot of trouble.

PS: Thank you very much for the rewards of [Coke, let’s go] and [Dark None Seven], I am asking for a monthly pass, ah, ah, please!

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