The Glory of the Godfather

Chapter 833: Finally you are here!

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(There was an error in the previous chapter. The Abangraho team was banned from the game and should not be able to play. It has been modified)

At the end of the first half, Aston Villa temporarily led Arsenal by one to zero.

This result somewhat surprised the commentators and fans.

OMG, Aston Villa scored only one goal for Arsenal in the half.

The camera captures that when Wenger leaves the court, his face is relatively relaxed, even with a hint of joy.

He didn't expect the team to lose only one goal in the half.

Fang Jue was furious during the intermission.

According to him, Arsenal scored only one goal in the half, which is contrary to the good friendship between Aston Villa and Arsenal.

At the beginning of the second half, Fang Jue made a substitution. He replaced Kagawa Shinji with Gareth Bale.

Aston Villa's offensive also accelerated again.

Bell drove the ball all the way from the left, suddenly changed to cut inward, the football was thrown out by Szczesny.

Vardi made another shot and the football was blocked by Koscielny on the goal line.

Aston Villa complained to the referee that Koscielny had a handball, but the referee ignored it.

Slow motion shows that Koscielny used his shoulder to block the football out, indeed there is no handball.

Aston Villa formed a siege on Arsenal fans.

Bendtner's shot from the penalty area was blocked by a defender.

Aston Villa quickly launched a second attack. Bell shot from a small angle on the left side of the penalty area and was blocked by Szczesny and then slipped past.

Aston Villa gets a corner kick.

Hamei took the corner kick into the penalty area.

Senderos pressured Koscielny's header. After the football was blocked by Szczensny, Bendtner hit the football into the net with his knee at the back point.



"Nicholas Bendtner! Aston Villa expanded its lead."

"Seeing Bendtner's goal, Wenger must be the most uncomfortable. Of course, there is also Senderos. The two players left Arsenal and came to Villa. They quickly rejuvenated under Fang Jue."

Aston Villa expanded its advantage in the 71st minute, De Bruyne crossed, and Stromman, who came off the bench, made a pass from the left side of the penalty area, and Vardy scored a header from close range.

Three to zero.

The three-goal leader Aston Villa did not mean to retreat.

One minute later, Bell broke into the penalty area in a counterattack and made a pass. Bendtner hit the goal with a header. Szczesny was helpless for the ball. Former Aston Villa player Sidwell was in front of the goal line. Block and rescue.

Aston Villa gets a corner kick.

Bell fired the corner kick, and after Bendtner's header was saved, the football was not quickly cleared out of the penalty area. Arsenal's goal was in chaos. In the chaos, Bell swept the football.

Thornton, who came off the bench, made a low shot into the net at the top of the arc.

Four to zero!

This is also the final score of the game.

"Four to zero! Aston Villa once again beat Arsenal by a big score, without the slightest suspense, Arsenal is still the same Arsenal, Aston Villa is still the same Aston Villa." Lineker shook Shaking his head, the comment said.

"Arsenal would like to thank Aston Villa. Sidwell, who joined Arsenal from Villa, played an outstanding role in midfield defense today. If it weren't for Sidwell, Aston Villa would have scored at least two more goals. "John Mortensen said.

competition is over.

Fang Jue shook hands with Wenger, he hugged the professor and comforted each other.

Wenger's expression in the lens is bitter, although he has also accepted that Arsenal is not as strong as Aston Villa, but every time he encounters Aston Villa, he is slaughtered by the other party, which still makes the professor very bitter. .

After the game, the media reported on the game calmly. Obviously, the media has become accustomed to Aston Villa's victory over Arsenal again.

Some media even said in a sarcastic tone that only four goals have been scored by Aston Villa this time, and Arsenal has made progress.

It is this calmness that, in the eyes of Arsenal fans, is the greatest tragedy.


On January 30, Vera training base.

Fang Jue arrived at the training base early, and he was still waiting for his koi rabbit.

It shouldn't.

The winter transfer window will be closed at 24 o'clock tomorrow night. It stands to reason that his koi rabbit has arrived.

Fang Jue wandered around the training base, and when he passed the gate, he saw the old guard Hasler walking the dog.

This is a Chinese pastoral dog puppy.

Yes, after Fang Jue took charge of Aston Villa, although he did not have any special requirements, the club has become increasingly marked by China.

Even the club’s guard dogs, in addition to German Shepherd and Border Shepherd dogs, also have Chinese pastoral dogs.

Moreover, it seems to be affected by this. In Birmingham, many dog ​​owners have begun to favor the Chinese Garden Dog, which once caused the price of this Chinese native dog to rise sharply.

In downtown Birmingham, Chinese pastoral dogs are sold in the largest pet shops.

In the face of the big boss, Hasler tried his best to find topics to chat.

For Fang Jue, the janitor who has worked for the club for more than ten years is very respectful.

Not only because Fang Jue is the big boss of the team, but also because Fang Jue led Aston Villa to achieve a great revival and rise.

"You said that a black man came to the training base a few days ago and recommended players to the club." Fang Jue immediately caught this information.

"Yes, the black man is very young, he doesn't look like an agent, and he wears ordinary clothes," Hasler said.

Just because Endidi was not like an agent, and looked a little cringe, he was very impressed. At the time, Hasler suspected that the ‘sneaky’ black man who had been wandering outside the door was a thief.


Fang Jue immediately went to the office of Phil Shakespeare, director of youth training at the training base.

"Philip, a black man delivered a document a few days ago, is there such a thing?" Fang Jue asked directly.

"Let me think about it." Shakespeare said quickly, the big boss personally intervened, he did not dare to neglect.

However, there were too many people who came to Aston Villa to recommend themselves, and he couldn't remember.

"Hasler said that the person left a USB flash drive and a note paper." Fang Jue said.

"Yes, I remember." Shakespeare nodded, he immediately turned on the computer and found the information.

These data will be filed on the computer in addition to the text file data.

"Yes, that's right!" Fang Jue glanced at the information on the computer, and at the same time the system immediately reacted, yes, this is his Koi Rabbit.

Moreover, Fang Jue immediately used the system for identification.


Even very close to purple gold!

Big baby koi rabbit!

Finally waiting for you!

Seeing Fang Jue's happy expression, Shakespeare was in a state of anxiety. It was not that he had messed up.

"Boss, is my judgment wrong?" Shakespeare asked.

"Good job!" Fang Jue patted Shakespeare on the shoulder.

Judging from the video data, Shakespeare is excusable for not looking at this black player.

It can be said that, apart from Fang Jue himself, who knows people, anyone would ignore this short black player.

Moreover, there is no problem with Shakespeare's work process. It is time to create a file, and there are some comments that should be made, indicating that Shakespeare did watch the video and did not perfunctory.

Shakespeare breathed a sigh of relief when he heard Fang Jue say Although he didn't know where he did well, the boss said that if you do well, you do well!

Fang Jue left happily.

He returned to his office and immediately called the club’s French scout Michael Smith and asked him to go to the Boulogne club in Paris to sign their reserve team from the relegation team of the French League. The young player N'Golo Kanter.

Fang Jue gave a dead order and must complete the transfer before the transfer window closes tomorrow.

If time is too tight, you can complete the contract and registration process first, and then the physical examination.

In short, the first priority is to win the player immediately!

PS: Thank you very much [Sj Bolan Fairy Tales] and [Uncle 1983] for your rewards. Please subscribe and ask for monthly pass support. Thanks.

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