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After Milner scored the penalty kick, the referee Atkinson blew the whistle at the end of the game.

The game is over, but the controversy about this game has just begun.

Mancini looked very angry, yelled at the referee, wanted to go to the referee to reason, and was dragged.

Manchester City's players also rushed towards the referee Atkinson, De Jong looked particularly angry, waving his fists and shouting at the referee.

Fang Jue watched from the side, and he suspected that De Jong would be uncontrollable in the next second and punched Atkinson on the nose.

Fang Jue took the initiative to shake hands with Mancini.

"It should be we who won! The penalty doesn't exist!" Mancini said as he shook his hand, with anger in his voice.

"No, it's a penalty! The handball is obvious!" Fang Jue responded clearly. To express this attitude, he must also use this attitude.

Moreover, from his point of view, Kompany did use his arm to block Suarez's close refill. There is no doubt about the penalty and the red card penalty.

"Of course you said so, vested interests." Mancini sneered.

Originally, Fang Jue didn't intend to pay attention to Mancini, but if Mancini said that, he had to talk to Mancini well.

"Calm down, Mr. Mancini." Fang Jue raised his voice and asked, "To be honest, you have to admit that this is a wonderful game, the players are great, and the referee is also very fair. Don't be angry with losing. Lost eyes."

"Just a shit! The referee is partial to you, of course you said so."

Werner didn't quite understand why Fang Jue suddenly quarreled with Mancini, and then he turned his head and saw the referee Atkinson walking by behind Fang Jue. He understood a little bit.

"Mr. Mancini, if you have any dissatisfaction with the enforcement of this game, you can appeal after the game." Atkinson looked serious. "However, please don't slander the professional ethics of a fair enforcer for no reason."

"Mr. Atkinson." Fang Jue pleaded for Mancini. "Mr. Mancini is just outspoken, and others are not bad. Don't take it to your heart."

Atkinson snorted and left with the referee team.

He doesn't have a good impression of the other side, and the front side has criticized his law enforcement.

However, today Fang Jue praised his fairness in law enforcement, defended him, and had to say that this made the referee more satisfied.

"If I hadn't been sensible, I would have beaten him." Mancini told his assistant afterwards how he felt at this time.

He tried his best to suppress his anger, but Fang Jue smiled and nodded: Don't thank you.

At this time, in the stadium, Aston Villa's captain Milner led the team to gather and came to the stand to applaud the home fans.

Although this game did not win, but at the last minute equalized the score, did not give Manchester City a chance to narrow the difference, which in itself is an acceptable result.

The fans of Aston Villa responded with huge cheers and applause.

"It's spectacular!"

Several young people watched this scene in the stands, especially the young Chinese players such as Yang Fan and Zhang Yang, and were shocked.

There is a huge difference between the visual and sensory feelings of watching a ball in front of the TV and watching it on the spot.

"My dream since I was a kid is to play in this stadium and score goals." Glarish said.

Zhang Yang, Yang Fan, Liu Changan and others did not speak, but everyone had a voice in their hearts:

They want too.


In the match between Aston Villa and Manchester City, the penalty penalty at the last moment caused media discussion after the match.

Most media believe that there is no problem with the penalty kick. Some of the views are that handballs are unambiguous and must be penalized. Another part of the view is that the penalty can be judged or not, and there is no error.

Of course, some media believe that this is not a handball or a penalty kick. The penalty kick is baseless and the referee favored the home team Aston Villa.

Not only the English media, because this game is the first battle of the Premier League, media and experts from other European countries are also eating melons.

Spain’s referee expert Andujar Oliver said that Kompany’s arm was not open, so it did not constitute a handball. The referee Atkinson made a wrong decision.

The media's discussion of this game and this penalty only lasted for one day and was replaced by new hot spots.

In a Premier League focus later, Manchester United defeated Liverpool four-three with Rooney's brace.

For Liverpool, Diego Costa also scored twice, but still couldn't stop Liverpool's loss.

In the final moments of the game, Ferguson and Dalglish broke out on the sidelines, the two people sprayed for at least 30 seconds, and finally both were penalized by the referee into the stands.

The media is very interested in the content of these two old men. It is said that the BBC intends to hire lip language experts to interpret this...

After the 25th round of the Premier League, Aston Villa led the Premier League standings with 64 points.

Both Manchester City and Manchester United have 55 points, 9 points behind Aston Villa.

Manchester City ranked second with a goal difference and Manchester United third.

Compared to the championship team, the fourth side is a chaos, Tottenham Hotspur, Chelsea, Newcastle, Arsenal. Four teams compete for a fourth place.

"The Guardian" conducted a survey and asked respondents who thought these four teams were most likely to be fourth.

The results were quite unexpected. Arsenal ranked seventh among the four teams and ranked seventh in the league.


"I'm considering whether to buy a house in Milan." Fang Jue said with a yawn.

The Aston Villa team has just arrived in Milan and is now taking a bus to their hotel.

It's no wonder that Fang Jue would say strange things. Aston Villa has come to Milan frequently in these two seasons.

In the UEFA Champions League group stage last season, Aston Villa and Inter Milan were in a group.

Then I met AC Milan in the round of 16.

After entering the quarterfinals, he met Inter Milan again.

Now, this year's Champions League round of 16 has met AC Milan.

This is the fourth time Aston Villa has visited Milan in this year and a half.

"Tell me what UEFA thinks." Fang Jue continued to sigh, "If this continues, both Milan will suffer from'Veraphobia'."

Ceballos squashed his mouth and said that if you can go out and say this, see if two Milan fans will beat you up.


"I'm thundering!" Fang Jue exploded.

The next morning, Werner ran to tell Fang Jue that Senderos was injured.

Fang Jue was surprised, how could he get hurt for no reason?

The story is very simple: Senderos accidentally dropped the soap on the ground. Instead of picking it up with his hands, he chose to'show off' footwork and wanted to kick the soap directly into the trash can, but he slipped and fell. On the ground.

After the initial diagnosis of the team doctor, the back muscle was bruised, in addition, the knee ligament was also strained.

It is conservatively estimated that it will take at least three months of rest.

This is also the reason for Fang Jue's anger.

The reason for this kind of injury is really amazing.

The media website soon reported on Senderos’ strange injury, which he believed was a fight against Robbie Keane’s ‘anecdote’ back then.

In 1998, Robbie Keane, who played for the Wolves, was lying on the sofa in the hotel room watching TV. On a whim, he wanted to show his "footwork" and use his feet to get the remote control.

As a result, Robbie Keane strained the knee ligament.

However, the magic is that on the second day of his sprained knee, he still played and scored in the Irish game against Malta.

Of course, a ligament strain would eventually require surgery, and Robbie Keane was forced to miss out for a long time.

This kind of strange injury experience in football is actually many, one is better than the other.

On the eve of the 2000 European Cup, Italy's national gate Buffon accidentally cut a finger ligament during a shaving, and bid farewell to the big list.

Unexpectedly, his withdrawal made the "San Toldo" crazy penalties in the European Cup.

Buffon also had an even more bizarre injury experience, because of the recurrence of the back injury due to the difficult ML.

Many athletes like to play video games and look for pleasures that cannot be easily achieved in reality, but they are often happy and sad because they are too focused.

Manchester United central defender Rio Ferdinand was injured because of being too fascinated by playing PS, and twice!

Once while playing a video game, because he had been sitting for too long without moving, he suddenly remembered that when he got up, he accidentally injured the ligament of his knee.

Even worse, the chair suddenly collapsed. Ferdinand sitting on it fell firmly to the ground, saying that the chrysanthemum was almost crippled.


Fang Jue was angry, not only because Senderos was injured too strangely, but also because of Senderos' injury, it directly exposed Aston Villa's biggest hidden danger.

Originally, Aston Villa was struggling at the central defender position.

Last summer, Aston Villa sold Davis to Paris at a high price, and then something unexpected happened. Fang Jue closed the money near the transfer window and swept the Senegalese central defender out of the house, despite earning a lot of transfer fees. However, this directly led to the lack of Aston Villa in the central defender position.

Fortunately, Senderos and Papasta Sopoulos, the central defender combination, have always been in good health, and they have worked well together.

This also makes Aston Villa's central defender crisis not erupt for the time being.

In the winter transfer window, although the Aston Villa first team eventually only introduced Shinji Kagawa, Fang Jue was actually looking for a reliable central defender.

Fang Jue's initial goal was Bolton's England international central defender Cahill.

Cahill Aston Villa’s youth training was produced. In early 2008, when Fang Jue was still in Ibiza, Aston Villa sold Cahill to Bolton.

If Cahill can be brought back to Villa Park Stadium, this is naturally a wonderful deal.

However, Aston Villa failed to beat Chelsea in the bidding, which impressed Cahill with his salary.

After missing Cahill, Fang Jue turned his attention to Chelsea's Brazilian defender Alex.

After Boas took office last summer, Alex suddenly lost his position at Chelsea inexplicably. Boas trusted Alex's fellow Brazilian, Luis.

So far this season, Alex has only started 3 times for the Chelsea League. It is said that in a team training, Alex and Anelka were publicly announced by Boas that they could leave the team, and the team facilities were also disabled.

And Alex and Anelka subsequently submitted transfer applications and were approved.

Fang Jue felt that he gave Chelsea face, not competing with Chelsea for Cahill.

Now that Chelsea has a new love, Cahill, then, give the old love Alex to Aston Villa cheaply, and exchange courtesy.

Alex is willing to come to Aston Villa.

However, Chelsea are unwilling to release Alex to Aston Villa, and they are unwilling to release their players to enhance the strength of their direct competitors.

Then, Paris Saint-Germain came forward and tempted Alex with a high salary to nod and get the Brazilian central defender.

Fang Jue was so angry that he almost yelled at him, Chelsea and Aston Villa are direct competitors? Who gave you the courage? !

In this way, Fang Jue's plan to reinforce the central defender in the winter transfer window was stranded because of Chelsea's ‘reason’.

Fang Jue was naturally very upset:

Chelsea, have you considered it? Are you really planning to hit the bar with Aston Villa?


Senderos was injured in an accident.

This hit Fang Jue by surprise.

He had to deal with this unexpected situation urgently.

On the bench for the central defender, there are two young players from Aston Villa's youth training, Nathan Baker and Siren Clark.

One is twenty years old and the other is twenty-one years old.

Fang Jue finally chose to trust Clark, who had played many times last season and was the focus of Aston Villa's youth training.

The biggest shortcoming of young people is their lack of experience, which is slightly rough. Starting in an important game like the Champions League round of 16 knockout is indeed very risky, but there is no way.

Fang Jue had also considered letting Kyle Walker or Denise, or even Ströman come as a guest central defender, but after repeated consideration, he chose to send a true central defender.

The position of the central defender is not so easy to be a cameo. There are problems with the sense of position and defensive habits, but a little mistake can lead to catastrophe.

Therefore, Fang Jue would rather choose to trust the young central defender.

In the evening, it was the first round of the UEFA Champions League quarter-finals against AC Milan~www.ltnovel.com~ Fang Jue received a call from the club’s general manager Byron in the afternoon.

"Boss," Byron said, "Leonardo has gone to Milan."

"Little Li won't play with water guns, come... Paris? Tell me more specifically." Fang Jue suddenly realized that Byron was not talking about Leonardo, but Leonardo of Paris Saint-Germain, former AC Milan master Coach Leonardo.

He knew that Byron would not make this call for no reason. What was Leonardo's purpose or plan for coming to Milan? Have an impact on Aston Villa's interests? Or let Byron have some ideas and suggestions.

This should be why Byron called.

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