The Glory of the Godfather

Chapter 867: A Real Madrid fan’s heartfelt words

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"Guardiola's Barcelona played very advanced, very beautiful football."

"They have dominated La Liga for two consecutive seasons, and I am very optimistic that they will win La Liga again this season."

"We can see that Barcelona was once behind Real Madrid by as much as ten points, but now they are gradually narrowing their points difference and are running fast towards the championship. They have this strength."

Aston Villa coach Fang Jue accepted an interview with BBC5. In the interview, the champion marshal, who has just led his team to slaughter Barcelona 7 to 1, and has had a relationship with Barcelona for many years, suddenly sang the praises of Barcelona and sang Guardio. Pull not hesitating to praise.

The world is changing so fast, and the people who eat melons are a little confused.

However, after analysis by the media, Fang Jue's "malicious intentions" were fully exposed.

Two days later, Aston Villa will face Real Madrid at home.

And just this weekend, the Spanish national derby in the second round of La Liga this season will be staged, this time Barcelona will sit at home against Real Madrid.

This derby is not only about the honor of the two clubs, but also about the ownership of the championship this season.

At present, the difference between Real Madrid and Barcelona is shrinking. Now there are only 4 points left. Barcelona won the league championship from impossible to possible. Therefore, the confrontation in this game is destined to be very fierce. Both Real Madrid and Barcelona dare not care.

Obviously, Fang Jue mentioned the La Liga title at this time to stimulate Real Madrid and Mourinho and distract Real Madrid.

The fans and the media were very happy. Mourinho said that Aston Villa didn't pay much attention to the FA Cup. Fang Jue changed hands and replied to Real Madrid.

Moreover, compared to Mourinho's role in the FA Cup, Fang Jue's role in the La Liga championship and the upcoming Spanish national derby is obviously more influential and effective.

"Barcelona is only four points behind. As long as they win the national derby, they are only one point behind. Then there are three more rounds of the league. Everything is possible." Fang Jue cheered for Barcelona.

As the report of Fang Jue’s interview was released, the media also followed up with heated discussions, and the discussion about the Spanish national derby and the La Liga champions’ ownership was hot.



Mourinho exasperated.

Of course he knew that this was Fang Jue's psychological warfare offensive in response.

And Mourinho also told the Real Madrid players, ignore what Fang Jue said or what the media said, concentrate on preparing for the first leg of the Champions League semi-final match with Aston Villa.

However, it is useless.

Real Madrid stars can't help being distracted by the coming Spanish national derby.

In the past few seasons, Barcelona dominated La Liga, and Real Madrid was shrouded in the shadow of Barcelona.

Defeating Barcelona and grabbing the La Liga throne from Barcelona has become the obsession of Real Madrid up and down.

And Florentino originally invited Mourinho to coach, not only to regain glory in the Champions League, but also the most realistic purpose is to break Barcelona's hegemony in Spain.

This season, Real Madrid once led Barcelona by very much, but now it is only four points ahead of Barcelona. Under such circumstances, if Barcelona still snatches the league title, this will be a huge blow to Real Madrid up and down, and it is also Real Madrid. The players and the top of the club cannot accept it.

At this time, the mysterious and famous Real Madrid fan Raúl Carlos Manuel Fernando published an article.

The title of the article is "From the Heart of a Hardcore Real Madrid Fan".

"I understand the huge pressure the team is facing now. The Champions League has entered the semi-finals. One step away from the final, the league will also have to fight for the championship. Within ten days, we will play Aston Villa (twice) and Barcelona. Good luck. If we do, we will be able to move forward in two lines, with bad luck, or even defeat in two lines."

"I'm anxious, I can't sleep at night, I just speak my heart from the perspective of a Real Madrid fan."

"League first! This is my point of view. We are the team that has won the most Champions League titles. This is our pride and means that we don't have to rush to prove anything in the Champions League for the time being."

"On the contrary, in La Liga, we have suffered from Barcelona for too long. The team must break Barcelona's monopoly in La Liga. We must win the La Liga championship and lift the dark cloud from Catalonia that is hanging over Madrid!"

"I have discussed with my friends that even if we are out of the Champions League, it is not ashamed. We have gone further than Barcelona in the Champions League."

"However, in La Liga, we were once ten points ahead. Under such circumstances, if we still cannot win the championship, my partners and I will be very disappointed and even desperate. This is our best chance to regain the La Liga crown!

"Breaking the Barcelona monopoly, this can make Real Madrid's boys look up. We will face Barcelona again in the future. We will have the capital to stand up. This year's La Liga championship and weekend national derby are of great significance. Lost."

"Of course, it's just me Raul Carlos Manuel Fernando, a fan's heartfelt words, maybe something is wrong, and I don't want to cause trouble to the boys and Mr. Mourinho, it's just ours In my heart..."


This article by Raúl Carlos Manuel Fernanado was picked up by Pixar, a well-known reporter of the "Marca", and it was published in the important section of the latest "Marca".

Once the article was published, it attracted a lot of heated discussion.

Some people have accused that publishing such views at such moments may disrupt Real Madrid's military preparations for Aston Villa.

The former Real Madrid Castilla coach Lopetegui angrily denounced this article as disturbing the morale of the military, and the people who wrote this article have a bad heart.

However, Lopetegui's words did not resonate more, the reason is simple, he and this fan named Raul Carlos Manuel Fernando have old grievances, it is difficult to speak with a fair attitude.

As a result, there are indeed many Real Madrid fans who have read this article carefully and feel that it makes sense.

Yes, we have gone further in the Champions League than Barcelona. Compared to before Mourinho came to Real Madrid, Real Madrid has made great progress in the Champions League every year.

The most important thing is La Liga, we want to lift the dark cloud that the Barcelona people are covering Madrid.

This is the best chance to beat Barcelona and reshape the throne of La Liga!

It is not only the media and fans who are discussing this article.

Real Madrid players also saw this article.

On the flight from Madrid to Birmingham.

"Have you read the "Marca" report?" Aveiroa asked his teammates.

"I read, although I don't like this article, but one thing I think is correct, we must beat Barcelona." Ramos said.

"You mean, we can give up the Champions League?" Ronaldo is not happy. He is very persistent in winning the Champions League. Of course, he is also very persistent in leading Real Madrid to break the hegemonic monopoly of Barcelona. If nothing else, he wants Prove that he did better than Messi, there is nothing more convincing than defeating Messi In short, he wants it all.

"Of course not!" Ramos said, "I mean, the Champions League is very important and the national derby must also win."

This view won everyone's approval.

They naturally don't want to give up the Champions League, but this article adds a weight to their psychology imperceptibly: the national derby at the weekend must win!

This is the most direct psychological impact.

It was impossible for the players to miss the weekend game against Barcelona. Now they can't let go of this national derby game.

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