The Gluttonus Beast

Chapter 30 - ?

"The Apollo Division?" Luo asked, confused at what such a concept or just in general.

"Yeah. It's the name of the group I'm going to put your guys in, this group will mainly be fire-based users and things of that nature." I responded with his confusion.

"Hmm, I understand the whole 'Divisions' idea, but we are not fit for the Apollo Division as -if you weren't aware- none of us has any type of fire-based magic or abilities, so just having had a connection to the Blaze Clan probably won't be enough." Luo being the intellectual of this group, immediately pointed out a very pressing problem with the whole 'Apollo Division's' first members. None of them are fire-related at all.

I smiled and nodded my head at this, I wanted people that could think and act for themselves. Not just some dolls and puppets that just follow orders and not reach out and grab on to opportunities that present themselves to them or try and help in any other way besides following orders. I wanted people like Luo who, even when afraid, still looked out for his people and not only that took a risk to help his people, and when I presented an opportunity to him, he didn't take it immediately but thought and reflected on it, looking at all the pros and cons. Luo will definitely be a great advisor to the Apollo Division after I fix this whole fire problem issue.

"Hmm, hmm. Yes, yes I know this. That is why I am here, to fix this problem. Give a day or 2 to think about it and then I will be back with the solution. But for now, I want you peeps to start working on a Fire Distract -of course, the name for it may or may not change- and if you peeps are finished with that, I want you to work on some other distracts that will house the other groups in the future. Like the Earth Distract, the Wind Distract, the Water Distract, the Lightning Distract, and we will worry about the others in the future. But for now, I want you peeps to make your own housing in your own selected area onnn...lets say the right -east- side of my mountain and make the foundations for the other Divisions if you have the time."

"It should be done, Sire." After listening to my short speech, Luo did a bow before gathering everyone and basically retelling them everything that I said to him for clarity on the matter. Then after that, he started to go over want they were going to do for the building of their part of the distract and what materials they were going to use. Thinking about it, wood would (AN: Heh) not such a good material for building housing for people that would soon come to have fire-based abilities, so with that, I purchased a ton of this special type of concrete mix that didn't need water to harden and was akin to slime -in the way it was moldable and flexible- and it was free as while it was close to as strong as metal, it was still weak in this world -and some of my trees my be stronger than it- but it will get the trick done. So with that, I just bought a s*it ton as I had no clue have much they would need -about 1000 tons worth- and bought a c.h.e.s.t -like a Minecraft c.h.e.s.t- that could hold it all -it was almost filled up- and gave to Luo and told him how it worked.

With all that said and done, I went back to my cave to think about what I want to do and then finally get some much-needed rest.

"*Yawn*, man I'm sleepy." With tears almost forming in my eyes -from that yawn- I head to my 'bedroom' and lay on the fur and pelt that covered the floor -basically a makeshift bed- then looked around the room a bit.

'Now that I think of it I should probably upgrade this place a bit...or rather a lot. I mean this will be the most important place in the entire clan, as it will house most -if not all- essential items and information of the clan in the future.'

'Hmm, speaking up upgrades, I think I need to upgrade myself a bit. I love Wulgs and all, but I rather a different monster now.' With that thought in mind, I immediately opened up the [Shop] and went to [Beasts], opened up [Games] and selected [Monster Hunter]. After opening it, it split up into another category.


[Small Monsters]

[1-Star Monsters]

[2-Star Monsters]

[3-Star Monsters]



'Wow, I guess this makes things easier for me. And you really like to keep things organized huh System?'

[Yes Host, it is to make your experience the best that it can be.]

'Oh, well thanks for that System.'

[No problem Host.]

After chatting with the System a bit I opened up the [1-Star Monsters] tab and a decent-sized list appeared before me.

'Alright, now what monster do you think I should choose System?'

[Host as mention before I'm designed to make your experience the best that it could be, so I recommend the Host to buy the [1-Star Monster Pack], it is like the [Mammal Pack] that you bought before.]

'Hmm, okay. But is it better to buy the monsters separately, than all together?'

[Incorrect. The [1-Star Monsters Pack] is all [1-Star Monsters] prices added up all together, but then it is reduced by 25% of the total cost. An example of something like this would be like the 1-year PS+ deal on a PS4.]

'Oh, so it's like that. Okay System, I would like to purchase the [1-Star Monsters Pack].


[[1-Star Monsters Pack] can not be purchase as the user's Lvl is too low.]


'Huh, Lvl requirements?'

[Yes Host. It was designed this way, as a limiter to encourage the Host to actually Lvl up as there are some things in this world that you can't do if you don't have a sufficient enough Lvl. As Host is smart, Host had already realized that stopping yourself from leveling up will be more beneficial to your strength than immediately leveling up.]

'Yeah, of course, I would have been a fool if I just raised my Lvl instantly without thinking. I mean if I don't level up and keep raising my base [Stats] I will become more and more powerful. It's kinda like in a game you are given [Stat Points] after leveling up, you can use those to increase your [Stats], but they can train to raise their [Stats]. Along with that the higher your level the harder it is to increase to get [Stat Points], so the smart thing to do is to raise your [Stats] through training, then after training becomes too troublesome or no longer possible, start using your [Stat Points], or in my case [Base Stats].'

[...That was quite the mouthful Host.]

'Yeah sorry, I went on a bit of a rant, hehe.'

'Alright, can you increase my Lvl to 5 than System.'

[Yes Host. Be ready for the strength and weight increase Host! Level up x 5, commencing in 5...4...3...2...1.]


Immediately everything in my body felt like it was on fire and a hammer was slamming down onto my skin, muscles, bones, and things of that like. My blood felt like it was been condensed rapidly, then new blood would replace the lost blood and the process would repeat it's self. My eyes, nails/fingers, ears, and nose felt like there were 1M ants crawling around in them. And I didn't realize earlier but it looked like a shroud of fire wrapped and blazed around my form, like I was a piece of metal being forged. All and all this was a very uncomfortable feeling.

After a few minutes of that very...unpleasant experience, I felt drained of all energy.

'I-I think I'm just going to take a nap now. Yeah...yeah, that sounds good right about now.' And with that, I drifted off into unconsciousness.

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