The Gluttonus Beast

Chapter 34 - Confusion

'H-huh.' I woke up with a start, immediately jumping up to my feet. Well, at least that was what I intended to do but when I barely put my foot down it caused the entire cave to shake and cracks to spread from the impact of my foot to the ground.

Not only that, but that same impact caused me to fly straight into the ceiling, causing more damage to the cave, and causing me to get stuck in a me sized hole I accidentally made.

After a bit of twisting and turning, I was finally able to get myself unstuck from the hole I put myself in, from accidentally using too much strength in my legs.

'Ugh, what happened.' Of course, non of what transpired caused me any harm -only the cave- and only a bit of confusion and discomfort.

[Good morning Host, I hope you slept well.]

'Slept, what are y-, oh yeah, now I remember.' Well I guess that leveling up did quite the number on me as I hardly remembered what happen last night, I me-

[Host, I'm deeply remorseful for interrupting your musing but you have been asleep for 3 days not 1.]

'3 days huh, sounds legit...wait 3 DAYS! NANI?!' (AN: *Insert Steve Harvey Nani here*)

[Yes Host, you have been resting for 3 days, as your body was adjusting to the strength it suddenly gain and also this happens to all things on their first level up. But Host needs not to be of ant concern, as this shan't happen again.]

'*Ahem* Alright, there is not point and crying over spilled milk, but there is a point in crying for the a*s beating that is coming your way.' I shuddered a bit at the memory of my 'mother' steamrolling towards me with a belt in hand after spilling some milk on the floor (about to drops of it) popped up in my head.

[...Host are you okay.]

'Yeah just some bad memories just came back to me.'

[Alright that is excellent to hear, Host's comfort and safety is my first priority.]

'...You see this is why I love you System.'

[... S-System Malf-f-function... Reboot Commencing.]

'System! Are you okay?'

[10%...26%...45%...78%...99%...100%... Reboot Complete.]

'System a-are you alright now?'

[Ah yes, I'm alright now. Thanks for asking.]

'Hmm, I don't know if this my imagination or not, but you've seen... different.'

[Oh well, I guess you could say that, but that is probably because I became more aware of my and your situation.]

'I see...but that doesn't really explain why the suddenly personality change.'

[Okay to explain it better I became more...animal.]

'*Non-existent eyebrow rise*, You mean became more human.'

[Yes 'I suppose'.]

'Well alright. Hmm, sense you are now more sentient -or humanly-, I should stop calling you System. How about I name you.'

[That would be lovely, and would it be okay if I called you by your name.]

'Sure, that's fine.'

'Hehe, no problem. Now let me think on what to call y-.'

"Your Majesty, are you alright!"



*Luo's POV*

"Alright so how is the building of the Apollo District coming along?"

"The District is almost complete sir, only a few more homes and storage areas and everything should be complete."

"Good, good. Alright now let ge-"

*BOOM* *Crack* *BOOM* *Crack*

When I got outside I started to look around. All around me all I could see was giant masses of stone, most squarely shaped with what looked like handles all on the sides of them along with openings -windows- for ventilation and to peer out and bigger openings for entry. Those were the houses.

Then there were huge circular shaped buildings that all had only one large opening that allowed many things of different shapes and sizes to fit in and be stored. They were scatter all around the Distract, and they were all either small (50 meters in diameter and 10 meters tall, with a 3 by 3 meter door), med sized (2x the size of the small one), or large (4x the med-sized one). Those were the storage areas, they still need more work.

After that, there was the waste pit it was...just a giant a really REALLY big hole (AN: Like the hole Cell made when he blow up his arena when he was fighting Goku.)

And finally, there was the Apollo's Court. It was a cube shaped and had a triangular roof on the top, and had a Sun symbol made of stone -of course- hung on the front of the building. It was built on a large of stone -that was hand-made-, and had a giant staircase that led up to the building. This was where most major decisions are made and also where I lived.

But anyways -getting sidetracked-, I looked to where the source of the noises was coming from and I saw his Majesty's mountain crumbling and shaking a bit. It looked like it was on the verge of collapsing.

Without thinking I immediately ran straight towards his Majesty's mountain.

*5 seconds later*

After running for a bit I was in front of his Majesty's mountain and I ran in without thinking again.

Usually I would knock on the floor in front of the entrance and wait for a answer, and if there wasn't any I would leave and try again later. But now, with the King's safety in question, of course do that, I was hardly even thinking, the only thing in my mind was.

'Get to the King.'

I ran inside the dark cave and saw spider web like cracks that spread across the entire cave floor, and I looked at the cracks and followed them to their epicenter -to where it they were caused- to find where they were created, as his Majesty was the mostly cause.

After careful following them for about 20 seconds or so, I finally found a room that was permeated with the scent of his Majesty. And in the center of the cracks was his Majesty.

"Your majesty, are you all right!" I yelled to get his attention or wake him up, as he had his eyes closed.

After hearing my voice, his eyes snapped open, and in his eyes and on his face, I could only see confusion.

*Luo's POV End*


*Yahweh's POV*

'What?' Your Majesty? After hearing that I was thoroughly confused. I don't remember when I became a King.

"Your Majesty? Luo where did that come from, I know a became the Patriarch of the Magnus Clan, but a King, I don't think so."

"Your Majesty, we can discussed this later but first we need to get you out of here!"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know if you are unaware or not, but your mountain is about to collapse."

'What?! It's about to collapse but ho-'

The memory of me smashing my foot onto the cave floor and then flying straight into the ceiling came into my head.

"D*mnit, alright let's go!"

After saying that me and Luo immediate fled out of the cave at highspeeds. When we got out...not happened.

"Oh well, I guess we we-"


A large cloud of dust raise up when the cave collapsed, immediately blinding us. After a bit of waiting I finally got to see the damage.

Well there wasn't much to begin with but those ice rock things that could have been used are lost, or they were crushed under the weight of the rocks.

"*Sigh*' Well there goes my home." After saying my piece I turned towards Luo.

"Sooo, about this...Majesty thing... what's that all about."

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