The Gluttonus Beast

Chapter 39 - *Title at the End*

With a new goal set in mind, I set off in search of Mungo and Magma...and by that I mean Imma just go ask Luo.


After heading to the Apollo and asking Luo about Mungo and Magma, it seems that they went out into the forest in search of something or to do something a few days ago. They won't very clear about what they were trying to do, but Luo at least gave me the general direction they were headed in, now time to put my tracking skills to the test.

*A few minutes later*

That was faster than I had thought it would be, as they have been traveling for a few days now, I thought it would have taken me a day at most or a few hours, but since I'm so much more powerful than I was a human, I shouldn't be too surprised as I was pretty good back then too.

Anyways, meaningless thoughts aside, what I stumbled upon when I got here was astonishing. It was the site of Mungo singlehandedly, while Magma watches from the side looking on proudly, ripping up a pack of these wolves I fought before without a scratch on him, only drenched in the blood of his enemies, with a somewhat crazed smile on his face.

I just watched on in a daze, utterly confused as to what the f.u.c.k is going on. Only after, he ripped the last one's head off and drinking its blood that was flooding out like a broken pipe, was I finally able to gain my bearing and say something.

"Uhhh...did I walk in at the wrong time or I'm missing something, please explain."

After hearing my voice, Magma turned to me with a surprised expression but, then smiled happily, while Mungo quickly whipped his head and my direction with his bloodthirsty smile, thinking I'm another enemy, but quickly turned into one of horror, before his eyes rolled back and he fainted.

"...I...You know what I'm just going to ignore that. So how are you doing Magma, and can you please explain what you two have been up to because...well..." I pause as I look over to Mungo again. "That happened." And in response Magma bursts out into hysterical laughter, looking like he was close to falling and rolling on the ground, but then stops after a short while.

"Haaa, only Mungo is someone to rip someone in half and drenched in blood, and somehow look like a kid that was caught stealing his father's kill, hahaha. Sorry, sorry, your Majesty but here is what happened with me and Mungo."


*The day after the ritual, Magma's POV*

So after the blood ritual that his Majesty performed for the clan, everyone grew in strength by a lot, and by a lot, I mean, someone who couldn't even damage the trees around here and instead themselves could now smash rocks bigger than these some was great to put it in words.

Also, after the ritual and Luo was given the weird box thing that somehow stored all the materials we would need for building, he suggested, more like made, that Magnus would be are Alpha or King, which no one had a problem with and everyone either choose Alpha, King, or another way of saying it. I choose his Majesty, as it says the best to me.

Anyways, after that short discussion with the rest of the Apollo villagers, as we now started calling ourselves, we moved on to building our new homes, with Luo taking charge as he was surprisingly good with the direction of how we can build sturdy and strong houses that support are new strength. And helped a lot with it to try and gain more trust, which actually worked out really well, mostly because of Luo's help, as he trusted me.

"Uuuuh...umm, Mr. M-Magma, I have a question for you." The kid barely got out.

'I'm that scary, did his parents tell him to be careful around me, or is it something else. Regardless, I need to do something to make him not so scared and anxious.' Thinking about how to handle this, I don't waste any time and turn to the kid with the friendly smile I could make, and crouch down to his level.

"Hey, little buddy, what's your name." I say to him as he flinched a little.

"I-Its Mungo." He replies in a low voice, I won't have heard, because of all the commotion going on in the background, if I wasn't putting all my focus onto him.

'Mungo...that name is fami...Oh, he is that orphan in the village that everyone hated because he was weak and different! Damn, I never got to really interact with him or even help him, because of my stupid 'father'.' The thought of my father brings a furious scowl on my face, which caused Mungo to quickly backpedal away from me.

"Sorry, sorry! I was just thinking of something that angered me, I didn't mean to scare you." The scowl quickly drops from my face in place of a guilty expression for scaring the kid. But after hearing my apology, it seemed the kid calmed down a lot for some reason.

"I-Its okay, I forgive you." He gave a weak smile, but it did seem he was less nervous than he was before, so that helps a lot.

"I'm glad to hear it...hey ki-Mungo, have we met before, I don't mean like passing each other by or something like that, but I mean actually talking to each other." I looked at him questioningly, but after hearing me talk about if we met before, he flinched violently and looked up slowly at me in fear.

"W-Well, s-s-sort was trying the time you went berserk and attack the village. It was also at that time that you killed...Uncle and flicked me away." He stuttered a lot in the beginning, but then took a deep breath and steadying him before continuing. But the last thing he mentioned filled me with even more grief, than when I scared him, the two were incomparable. I-I didn't know what to do...or even think, but even so in a situation like this, there is only one thing one must do.

"I'm sorry, I truly am! I know that my apology mostly likely means nothing to you, but I hope that I can somehow make this up to you in any way possible, I'm ready to do anything, except give you my life, as it is not my own to give." I immediately fall to my knees and kowtowed to show how serious I am about my grief and my d.e.s.i.r.e to help him in any shape or form. But to my surprise, he was angry, sad, mad, or anything like that, in fact, he seemed...happy?

"I knew I was right to trust in you and tell Yahweh that something was wrong with you, I knew you were always a good person. I'm still sad about Uncle...but I forgive you...but that doesn't mean I'm going to just let you off that easily." I looked up to see the brightest smile that I have ever seen in my think someone this pure, kind, and innocent could I truly deserve his kindness?

'You know what...even if I don't, I will do everything in my power to protect little brother! I won't let him suffer ever again, like back in the village, I swear by my name he will lead a peaceful and loving life if I have anything to say about it!' With my new oath in mind, look up at my little brother and smiled brightly at him.

"I'm happy to hear it, little brother." I can't help but laugh lightly after seeing his shocked face, after hearing me call him little brother.

"L-L-Little brother!" His mouth was wide open in shock, his mind unable to handle what the heck just happened.

"Hahahaha, yes you are now my little brother for life, we may not be related by blood but something that stupid won't stop you from becoming my brother." I get up from the floor and look at him warmly and rubbed his head gently. I never had siblings before...but this feels great.

"Okay...big brother." Now it was my turn to be shocked, that feeling I just multiplied and my whole body feels warm...yep, I definitely love this feeling...maybe this is what his Majesty feels?

After that, my little bro and I started walking and talking about the things we like and dislike, and things along that line, and before long a good amount of time had passed.

"Little bro, it has been fun talking to you and all, but I still can't forget what I had done to you. So what was it that you wanted to talk about before, because you know, became brothers and such?" I looked down at him to my side as we were nearing the edge of the Distract, as his Majesty called it, and were close to the forest.

"Oh, hehehe, it almost slipped my mind, thanks for reminding me." After getting to know my little bro a lot more, and he opened up to me pretty quickly, I find that he is a playful and mischievous little devil, playing small pranks on the other villagers while we were walking along the Distract. But since they were only playful in nature, he wasn't into much trouble with the others, and only got lightly yelled at.

"Well, the thing I wanted to ask you is...if you could..." He kept on stopping as he didn't know how to get it out. As he was still thinking I moved in front of him, tapped him to get him to look at me, and looked him in the eyes.

"What is it, spit it out, as I said already, I will help you out with anything that you need, so don't hesitate to ask. It's not like it is a bad thing to ask for help." I keep my hand on his shoulder, as I encouraged him with a smile. Then he took a small breath inwards as he prepped himself.

"...Ok, I need your help to train me." He looked me deep in the eyes, as a flame seem to burn furiously in his eyes, a flame of determination.

"I see...and why is that so." It didn't matter what his reason was, as I would still train him, I just wanted to see how far he is willing to go, and how far I will need to push him.

"I-I...I never want to feel useless ever again. I never want to feel as powerless as I did back then when you were controlled. I want to have the power to protect those I care for and to feel like be reckoned to feel...wanted. And most importantly, I want to help Mr. Yahweh, to make him proud, and to be able to properly thank him for all he has done for me...even if that isn't possible...I want to at least try, and for that, I need to be strong, for myself and for everyone else!" The flames in his eyes only continued to grow stronger and stronger, as he grew more and more passionate, and I could almost feel the weight of his conviction, it was massive.

'Hahaha, who knew this little guy's will could be this strong...he will go far and life...and I will be there to guide him along his way.'

"Hahaha, alright! I can feel your resolve, I hope you have that same level of energy when we get started. I may not be the best teacher, but I damn well will drag you through hell and back! Now, are you ready...Fledgling Mungo!" I straighten my back and fold my arms behind my back and the words flow out my mouth, as they just...came to me, but they felt right.

'I think I myself am getting affected by his energy...but that is not such a bad thing.' I think to myself as I see Mungo straighten his back and put his hand sideways on his head (AN: He is saluting but they don't know what that is, that do it instinctively because of the knowledge that was given to them from Nushi.) and looked me straight in the eyes and yelled back.

"Sir, yes Sir."

"Good now let's get moving. I have a feeling you are going to need as much time as you can possibly get." I turn to the forest and me and Mungo go in search of a place to start his tor-I mean training.

Title: Brothers

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