The GM Has Logged Into A Different World

Beast King Festival Day 3 Part 1

The next day we gathered together in the dining room for a relaxing breakfast for a long time.

Fenn, of course, is with Alice and Levia and Nemea.

While Levia eats Damascus Lizard steak in the morning, she looks at me unfortunately.

Don't eat with one elbow. You're behaving badly.

"But it was a shame. I thought Masaki could do it."

"The opponent is also quite powerful. Nevertheless, I'm sure it's a shame..."

"I thought I could go if I were Masaki..."

"Too bad..."

"I don't have a choice. Everyone else's skill was great. Besides, Masaki isn't really cooking. That's right."

"Right. Well, it was fun, so I'm happy with that."

Apply butter to the baked white bread and cheek a bite. Yeah, yummy. Cattle farming is starting in Atami, too, and it will be about time we can make butter. The level you're aiming for is this butter.

Chewing a sandwich with plenty of salad pinched in it, he looks at me as the swallowed nemear blows his mouth.

"As far as I'm concerned, Masaki, I just found out that your cooking skills are that great... I don't think so."

Yes. The result of the hunting sector was a second qualifying loss by a single vote difference.

One vote difference is unusual in the hunting sector, and this time it seemed like a promising battle for the audience.

I guess the reason I lost was because I couldn't grasp the preferences of the beasts and I narrowed it down to home-cooked food. Or that's all I can make. With regard to the preferences of the beasts, how can we say that we have no choice because there are few periods of contact?

A real, real cook would have made a better dish, but as Akiba put it, I'm just a company employee in that world. Rubi named Gamemaster is attached, but I didn't teach him that.

Some people won't like carrots, and others say warm dishes are better than cold dishes.

Besides, the other participants were amazing enough.

Il and the others have no regrets of losing, and they're going to go for drinks with their buddies instead of a reflection.

We couldn't keep our word, so we didn't drink together today.

The next time one of you can compete in the main battle, I want another drink.

It's a normal relationship, and I think I might drink it.

"But Masaki. I wouldn't be using much of my skills in this tournament. Why didn't you use it?

"Hmm, because this time it wasn't about winning. And I wanted to see how far I could go with my own cooking skills."

In fact, it would not have been so difficult to win if we had used skills such as "quality improvement", which improves the quality of ingredients, or "food area (zone)", which temporarily improves cooking skills during cooking.

Basically, cooking uses a variety of skills to produce high-performance dishes. The level of cooking skills is also important, but it's a prerequisite for using them.

But even if you win, you're bored.

Even if it's an ingredient.

I wanted to try with locally obtained ingredients rather than using sleeping ingredient items inside Haruka's special ingredients and item box.

Even if the result is a secondary qualifying defeat, there is no remorse.

From what I've seen, Silverio brothers and sisters are not half intent on cooking.

With that limitation, running to another monster cannot be half-preparedness and strength.

Oh, those real cooks are the ones who want us to move on to the main battle. I applauded their victory for thinking so.

Well, you did what I wanted to do.

"But Masaki surprised me."


"Publish that recipe in front of a lot of people."

"The recipe is a cook's property. Publishing it is rarely the case."

"I originally planned to publish that recipe. You know what my favorite thing about cooking is."

When I turn my gaze to everyone, I nod as I was convinced.


"I see."

Sounds like Masaki-san.

"Yes...... right. Masaki-san would be... convinced."

One of my favorite things about cooking is having fun with everyone.

There are times when you feel lonely eating any of the best dishes on your own.

I've lived alone and felt it many times.

For the beasts, family connections are very strong and important.

That's where the fundamentals of Fenn wanting a family are too.

What I wanted to do was help everyone eat delicious food.

With that recipe, it takes a little effort, but the ingredients can be easily replicated in each home because the kingdom of the beast also makes it easier.

It also fits with an aubergine named Aubergine, a river fish or bird breast that normally sells in those markets instead of gloom salmon, so it can be made in the average household.

White wines that I used instead of condiments also have cheaper white wines.

To get the fruit liquor, I also checked with the liquor store that Yoko took me to, but the wine was sold at an affordable price. Five francs for a cup. That is, five hundred yen.

Cheap at modern Japanese level for a reason.

A vast array of grapes are grown in the eastern territories housed by the Duke of Tonton of the Panda tribe, which are so cheaply wholesaled that even the average person can drink them.

The eastern territories have many high mountains, and the land there seems to be ideal for growing grapes.

The Duke of Tonton taught me directly.

I'm a little sorry to hear that the specialties are not bamboo or sardines... but they also have sardines and bamboo as specialties. No, seriously.

As a preservative, it has been used in the Beast Kingdom for a long time, and a wine cooler made of pitch-black bamboo called Obsidian bamboo seems to be very popular among the aristocrats.

She showed it to me too, but even though it didn't look like it was painted, it felt shiny and smelled unique to the bamboo.

I bought some for myself and souvenirs. No, I got a good souvenir for the Laurent kings.

Returning to the story, where the recipe was published so that it could be made in the general household, whether it be potov or southerly marinated, the audience applauded it, and the nobles were surprised to write it down to remind the chefs.

The problem is that the literacy rate of the general public is not as high, but there are many housewives who can read about the numbers, so I made a recipe with pictures and numbers.

Painting has the skill of [photographer], so it doesn't take a lot of work. Combined with the Quick Pen, I can write even faster. Because trying to paint without skills can only be catastrophic...... hahaha.

"However, thanks to Uncle Tow's free release of the recipe, this is how Nona and the others make it delicious. Take your place!"

"Masaki! Me too!

The Beast King was mixing up in the breakfast place and eating my handmade Nanban marinade. Alice is also eating on a ride to it. You eat quite a bit for your little body. It's easy because I can make it.

And the Beast King, that's the third time you've replaced him, isn't it?

Besides, are you okay drinking all the way to Yale in the morning? Sure, royalty should be the judge in the main battle.

No major problems (?) Breakfast is over and each one is ready for everyone to head to the arena (Coliseum).

The Beast King Festival takes place in three days, so today is the last day.

Sometimes the last day is the culmination of exuberance.

Satoshi and Nemea are here today in the fighting division.

Yesterday was inconvenient in time and it was night that I learned the results, but Satoshi naturally, Nemea is also in the successful final tournament.

Or... something unprecedented had happened that most of Satoshi's opponents had abstained.

It's obvious. How do I deal with such a high-powered, wide-ranging move?

Some of the people who were blown up in the qualifying round were the Battleleo, the Dark Elves, and the Bears.

Unless you're an idiot, look at that power. No one's going to think you're crazy.

Satoshi and I were about as stupid as that or as big an idiot who dared to challenge us to fight the mighty.

Satoshi didn't hate big fools like that either, he said they were welcome.

Satoshi had hit each other head-on and won without being equally careless.

Satoshi and Nemea weren't the only players in the final tournament.

Prestigious as the winning candidate, Caesar is also in the final tournament. The other participants are also full of beast kingdom masters.

To the samurai of the monkey-headed (Ento) tribe who manipulate the big roots like a trunk of a tree or to the panda (Panda) tribe with shields in both hands, the fighting lion (Battleleo) tribe with long swords.

There are several participants from outside the Beast Kingdom.

Far away, there was a ghost samurai who came from a distant Yamato country to get out into the fighting division.

From the neighborhood there are heavy Troul warriors with rocky epidermis all over their bodies. Everything is doomed by the king of tyranny and he says he is in the fighting division to rebuild the surviving clan. For what it looks like, it's a royal story.

Nemear had made these fierce men look somewhere happy before him. Though a cleric, you're a samurai at the root, after all.

Sometimes it's the last day in front of the arena (Coliseum), and it's crowded. This is not a decent situation to put in.

If there are only so many people, the bloody beasts are tingling because of the fight.

I would definitely wait a few hours if I wanted to get in decent.

Well, I'm not going in decent. In preparation for this crowd, there is naturally a dedicated passage for guests and nobles, so we'll head that way.

Final tournament contestants and officials are also starting to enter through that aisle, he said.

In front of the dedicated entrance, the knights of the fighting lions (Battleleo) wore silver armor and stood with their swords stabbed at their hips

Before that, a group of people seem to be arguing... aren't those the guards? What are you doing?

"So we know Mr. Satoshi!

"Yeah, I mean the people involved, but I can't put anything in there that hasn't been accompanied directly!

"Tell Mr. Satoshi you'll find out!

"We cannot leave this place. In the first place, it's suspicious if the Lord really knows him."

"What! I'm not just asking you to listen! Kechi!"

"Hey, Ellis. Shouldn't we stop it? It's your fault I slept with you. Come on..."

"That's right. Mr. Ellis, even if it takes time, you should get in through the entrance properly..."

"But - the line up for this is a bit -..."

"Here! Here's what Sibra does, and hey. Please!"

Apparently, I couldn't accompany Satoshi because of Ellis' sleeper, and he was stuck here.

The girdles accommodated the gear, but they still had difficulty breaking through the qualifying round. I could move on to the second qualifying round, but they lost there, just like me.

Again, it's hard to win without people who are still investing in cooking here.

Still, the girdles joined the hunting division with ten gold coins rewarded as they advanced to the second qualifying round. That's why there are so many participants, even though there is a wall called cooking.

Because of that, they also lost Neil, the werewolf (Wolfan) tribe who teased me about Tundre. If we go that far, we'll hit the main battle, but the reality doesn't seem to be so.

Now, if we keep this up, we're going to be late to get in, so what if I give the girdles a hand?

"Hey, girdle"

"Whoa, Mr. Masaki? I'm sorry, I'll be right back. Look, Ellis."

"Er!? Oh, hey! Mr. Masaki, I need a favor!

"I know, anyway, so let's go in together. Mr. Gatekeeper. These guys really know Mr. Satoshi, and if I'm with them, they'll be fine."

"Count Towdo! Yeah, yeah. Yes, I don't mind Count Tow..."

"Besides, it would be harder for you to leave it like this. I'll take you this way."

"... excuse me. I'm so sorry, please."

I guess it's because they were annoying too, even if they sat there like this. Out of the way You let me through honestly.

"I'm so sorry."

"Fine. We don't know each other, but keep us company inside. For once, I have a position here."

"Whoa. Let me get this straight. Ellis, don't bother the others!

"Wow, I know."

I really wish I knew. Well, seats are the seats, and I don't think there's a problem.

through a dedicated passage and into the arena (Coliseum).

Here Nemear goes to the athlete's holding room, so once he says goodbye.

"Nemear, the other guy is the other guy. I don't want you to win, but fight with no regrets."

"Oh. I know. It's time to show your daily workouts. Let's do everything we can."

Pointing his fist against Nemear, he drops off his back.

Then Fenn comes out in front of us.

"Um, Uncle Nemear! Uh, good luck, please!

Nemear nods with a smile and lifts his fist as he is surprised by the shout-out, which is usually unexpected from his dear Fen.

Feng dropped it off until he could not see its back.

When we lose sight of Nemea, we take the guards to the VIP table.

There, the Duke of Tonton of the Panda tribe sat before us.

When the Duke of Tonton notices us, he wakes up and stands up with a big figure.

The Panda (Panda) tribe looks adorable in any move because their equivalence is lower than in other species.

Even though the Bear Head (Bearto) tribe is normal......

"Has Lord Masaki and the others come here too? Oh, who are those people?

"These are the guards Satoshi knows. Satoshi knows, right?"

"Ooh! That's the fierce man of his clan! I didn't know anyone with that much power was lurking under the castle."

The Duke of Tonton has been watching the Martial Arts Department since day one, so he also knows Satoshi's work.

He also worked a thousand times against the no-faces and even cut off the crawl that was tying the royal castle, but when I say this, Satoshi is going to be annoying, and you better not tell him.

"Mm-hmm. If you know that guy, use this place. You're right, it's only big enough."


The guard corrects his body visciently and bows his head to the Duke of Tonton in an unfamiliar manner.

And I whisper in my ear, approaching my side, blurring.

"Oh, man. Mr. Masaki. What is the Duke of Tonton... of those four Dukes?

"You're the owner of those four Dukes."

"Why the hell are you bringing me here?"

Because it's to make them grow up. I wouldn't even be able to cause problems here.

General seating also makes it easy for dangerous things like pickpockets, fights and kidnappings to happen. Of course, security is not out of hand, but there are too many people to see everything.

If we are in a position of nobility, this is how we can see it safely in strict security. Nobility and its proximity are a lot of hassle, but it's also an advantage to be able to avoid extra hassle in this way.

Besides, it looks good here.

"If it's just a place, it's bigger than anywhere else. Or are you unhappy?

"Ah, haha...... I'm not dissatisfied. I can't go back now, and I'll take care of you."

Ellis sits in her seat as she beeps. Learn from Ellis. Girdle, Sibra, and Gungua also sit in their seats.

The seat is also for nobility, so I use a fine grand lamb fur rug.

Sit in the seats we were prepared for.

This is a VIP seat that stands out from the rest of the nobility, a privileged seat that doesn't even go with the royal family but has a good view of the game. Even with some tension, this would be the best place to watch the game.

Adele and Yoko are next to me, and Fall Leaf is next to them. Alice on Fenn's shoulder. Waiting for the final tournament to begin with Levia and the momentum next to Adele, the overheard voice echoes the arena.

"Everybody! Why don't you burn it out? Are you feeling better yet? Today is the third day of the Beast King Festival! Last day! The festival is over, but today we've all been waiting for the finals! Battle of the fierce! Who the hell is going to win! I can't wait to see the game anymore! Everybody do that!!

Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh!

Answer the voice of the boss loudly enough for the audience to tremble the atmosphere.

Even though it is the third day, there is no loss of vibrancy, but there is an increase in it.

I guess this festival is the source of power and decisiveness for the beasts.

"Here we go! Start the final tournament!

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