The GM Has Logged Into A Different World
BBQ (Barbecue)
The autumn leaves were making final adjustments to the bike while wiping sweat in the woodworking guild's workshop.
When I went to college, I went on a bicycle that I had assembled myself, and the general structure was in my head, so Masaki asked me to make a bicycle.
The general image is filled by all the different worlds, and the blueprints are completed in the form of autumn leaves filling the fine areas.
The main frame of the bicycle is made of bamboo with suppleness, lightness and durability, and the frame of the wheels is also thin and thin machined the wheels of the existing carriage. The part of the chain was completed without difficulty by the next carved gold guild.
The rubber on the wheel part was solved by the guild leader, who was a former adventurer.
Once upon a time, when I was attacked by hunger in a dungeon, I tried to bake and eat a big, mite-shaped monster like a snake, but when I baked that mite-shaped monster, the skin created a strong elasticity, which I couldn't eat in the end, he said. Remove the skin. They can eat it deliciously if simmered. Next time we had a treat, Autumn Leaf was invited but politely refused.
Hearing the nature of the rubber from the autumn leaves, the guild leader picked up the skin of the mite-shaped monster that had been brought into the Adventurer's guild and processed it to match the circular frame. As it was broiled in the fire, the blemish skin became comparable in elasticity to rubber along with a strange fragrant aroma. Since then, this mite rubber has been of great help to the development of the wheels in the future.
Autumn leaves were called mites, and at first he hesitated to touch them, but he muttered to tell himself, "It's just rubber, yeah, this is rubber," again and again to check the rubber hardness. He seems used to it after touching it a few times, pulling a circular finished blemish skin and also checking the strength.
When glued to a wheel, they use Steady Slime fluid, a type of monster that naturally occurs in a dungeon when heat is applied.
The calories were adjusted and assembled with a familiar hand when the autumn leaves were finished with satisfactory elasticity and hardness, and into final adjustment.
"I'm going to test drive now, just stay away"
"Ah...... oh"
The autumn leaves wiped the sweat with a clean cloth, braided three long, lustrous red-brown hairs, and appeared on the table of the woodworking guild with what he said was a sleeve shirt and camouflage trousers.
Outside, a rough outfit with two arms and a chest comparable to Adele attract the men's gaze.
When I saw Autumn Leaf, several men approached me. Autumn Leaf sighed when he saw the men.
They are the men who work in the neighborhood of the woodworking guild. I have called out many times, but all the autumn leaves have turned down cold.
Still, I'm calling out.
"Akiba, is that who the lord asked you to be?
"Yes, I'm going to test drive now, so please stay away"
"I'll do it if you like!
"I don't like it. You can't be unfamiliar with that."
"When you're done with that, how about dinner? Luxury."
"I refuse"
"No, no, it looks like foot bath is done, so let's go over there."
"Let me try it and use it."
"Please curse me with a pig!!
"You pig! Who's that now!?
With a cold look, he slashes and throws away the men who have been attacking him. Going out into a large space where I could test drive, I found myself familiar with seeing it from the end of the road. It's Masaki and Adele. However, the distance was still more than 1 km, but Autumn Leaf changed from a cold look when he found Masaki, smiling and getting familiar.
Autumn Leaf's "Eye" is better than when he was in the original world, but what further enhances his "Eye" is the "Farsightedness" skills that Autumn Leaf has acquired.
The skills that were to be acquired during the war only captured Masaki's face, which is now far away.
At the same time I saw Adele lined up next to me, and my chest aches from the chickles and autumn leaves.
The autumn leaves, which had finished getting familiar to deceive the matter, rushed early enough to push their bikes under Masaki.
◆ ◇ ◆
Indulging in foot water and hearing from Tatsuma that Autumn Leaf had completed my bike, I was on my way to the woodworking guild behind the boulevard where the Adventurer guild was located.
The streets with woodworking guilds feel like artisanal districts, connecting forge guilds, sculpture guilds and other houses.
Many people came out of the store during lunch hours. As I went out into a wide area trying to avoid the crowd, the autumn leaves were coming this way as I pushed my bike from afar.
The autumn leaves will be test-driven, so we will move to the square where there are few people. If you want to test drive, you should have fewer people.
"Oh, you look really done"
"I remember I could use bamboo on the material, but I managed to get the woodworking guild people to help me make it."
"Is that what a bike is? It's quite small and thin. Can you ride with that?
"It's strong enough for people to ride. We can only ride roughly one to two together, but if we're forced to ride, we should ride about seven. If that happens, it'll be like a curve."
"I see. If you have that much strength, even adults are going to be able to ride. But Masaki. Why were you thinking of making a horse replacement ride?
"Oh. The main reason is to keep everyone moving faster. If this can be popularized in general, it will be easier to move around without the use of horses. You can't beat a boulder at the speed that drove the carriage in a hurry, but it's a lot faster than walking. Autumn Leaf, show me on the try."
"Yeah. Well, look at that."
As the autumn leaves spanned the bike, he began rowing in a familiar manner. Swirling to the right or turning to the left, moving freely around. It's so well made that I don't think it's handmade.
The brake also seems to be complete, I thought it was moving around lightly, sudden stop. It also seemed to withstand some action, showing me jumping around from Willie, gaining momentum and jumping over steps, etc. Autumn leaves seem to be good at this.
But...... its thin and moving around makes my rich breasts shake up and down and my gaze goes that way. If they notice, it's awkward, so let's focus our gaze as much as we can on our faces.
somewhat. Moving around, running towards me after the test drive.
The glowing sweat adds to the health of the autumn leaves. The word sports girl sticks. I don't know if it's a girl because I've decided not to ask how old she is. I tend to look like a girl with a child's face because I'm short.
Autumn leaves are sweating because the sun is rising and getting a little warmer. Why don't you invite me to the hot springs later?
"Autumn leaves, thank you. Does this look okay with mass production?
"Right. I'm not uncomfortable at the moment, and I think it's okay. Also available in sizes."
"Didn't you tell Adele about that? It's one of my advantages, but... this, actually. Get inside the item box."
Item boxes are not just privileged for us people from different worlds, but they are offered for sale as magic props. The capacity is 2mx2mx2m and the weight limit is up to 200kg.
If you're an adventurer, they're the first demonic props looking to get it, except for gear and food, and they get this before it becomes real.
The length next to the bike is just within 2 meters. The material is made of bamboo, so the weight will be fine. Maybe 10 kg.
"Sure...... When the carry-on is eliminated, the distribution is smooth."
"You better do it while you can to increase your mobility. In military and commercial terms."
I remember the bicycle unit even existed in the original world. It is good that there is no maintenance cost. I can keep it in the item box when I get in the way.
The hardness of the armor is not significantly different from that of a horse. The basic way to get around this world is by foot, horse or ship. Fei Long like a prince is out of the question.
This one is still technically more realistic than mass producing cars. I don't know how to generate aluminum.
"It's going to look like a machete, but if you cage it back and forth, you can carry your stuff."
"Difficult bicycle accidents will be fine as long as you teach the rules exactly from the start. After that, it will be easier to screw in if Atami is still developing a bicycle road."
Rulemaking will be while asking Giraud, who is most familiar with the circumstances. As soon as the mass production system is in place, we need to go to the kingdom and have a thoughtful conversation with Zillow.
After breakfast, I walked around for a long time and relaxed in foot water, so if you notice it's noon time.
I have something to keep today, so let's use it. You have to thank Haruka.
"It's time for lunch. Akiba, why don't you join us for dinner?
"Huh? Uh... okay? I'm with Mr. Adele..."
Autumn leaves looking at Adele on the side. Thanks. You must be concerned about how it feels to be invited to dinner on a date.
"I don't care. If you want to eat it, it's better for the three of us than for the two of us."
Adele's a relatively careless type of person like this, isn't she? Tolerance or broad-mindedness? I like a lot of meals.
"Well then... it's sweet for words, but where do you eat? At this hour, the neighborhood stores are mostly buried, right?
"That's it, but you're still free in the square for the barbecue. Buy ingredients and eat there."
There was just enough free space near the dining area, so I tried it on an experimental basis and it was well received. Baking smoked meat, vegetables and fish in neighborhood shops was accepted by adventurers who wanted to save money and residents who wanted to enjoy the outdoor mood.
Charcoal was also developed in this world, so now they have bamboo coal mass-produced. If bamboo charcoal can be produced in mass, the high cost of fuel in winter will also be dampened. The cold is tough even with hot springs.
When I went to the square for barbecue by purchasing vegetables that looked like onions or were close to peppers, such as chicken, seafood and meat of boar shaped monsters close to pork in a neighborhood store, there were a large number of adventurers and families there.
Places and tools are free, but charcoal costs a little money. Still, the price is cheaper than eating at the store.
I decided to rent it there because there was just enough room in the corner. It won't be particularly noticeable because the neighbor has a family.
"Well, that's a hard mushroom and vegetable to bake first. Let's keep the meat and fish in the center."
Stick the vegetables in a bamboo skewer and place them in a position where the amount of charcoal is low and cook carefully.
Meat and fish are also slashed for easy eating size. I don't have a knife, so it's the Mithrill knife I had in my hand. The sharpness was too good and I nearly slashed every slab.
And keep it from here. Remove one vegetable from the item box.
corn. I wanted to eat it asexually, but it still takes time to harvest. So Haruka asked me to make it and I was forced to make it with my skills. Because the soil is exhausted, it cannot be disturbed.
Nico smiled and told me to be sure to prepare a planting pot next time. That's when I learned about violence in the name of smiling.
When you apply the soy sauce-based sauce prepared for corn and place it on the net, it smells juicy and fragrant.
Meat and vegetables cook as they make a patchy and delicious sound. Since the boar meat and fish were cooked quickly, distribute to Adele and the autumn leaves first.
The sauce for meat has ginger-based properties. Women will be concerned about the smell of garlic. Because Adele is normally fine with garlic. Garlic was chosen simply because that heirloom smells tough. Japan would have been Kusaya,
"We were both fine with the fish, weren't we?
"I don't like it or not."
"I'm a fish lover."
Glad you don't like it or dislike it. You should have figured this out before you bought the ingredients. Next time we do it, let's hear it for sure.
I also pick skewers stabbed with boar meat for myself and put the meat in my mouth.
It is stiffer than pork for livestock, but it can be chewed without difficulty because it has been treated down. When chewed, sweet fat dissolves in the mouth and the natural flavour of the meat spreads into the mouth.
This boar-shaped monster seemed fat and well ridden with fat. Looks like you pulled a good one. Next, I eat peppers, thanks to a careful cooking, the bitterness comes out reasonably well and goes well with meat.
I also cook vegetables similar to cabbage so that I can rest my mouth. Make a light noise in your mouth and this is delicious too. I feel like the cabbage is intact, but it tastes a little different. I guess it's a similar kind.
Cook carefully and eat chicken and mushrooms separately for all. The chicken you eat is a bird-shaped monster. In the future, there are also proposals to raise a large variety of non-flyable birds for meat as livestock. If you succeed, we'll all have a better meal.
The bread is also toasted with a net and baked. I'm about to do a grilled rice balls if there's a comedy.
One after the other, the corn burned. Cut into three equal parts with a knife so that everyone can eat.
Take the corn, open your mouth wide and eat it up. In the mouth, sweet corn grains mix with the taste of soy soy sauce. Really delicious.
Freshly harvested seems to be sweeter and tastier. Can't wait to harvest the corn.
"Well, this is sweet. But it's not as sweet as dessert."
"Your sister's corn seems to have a great amount of sugar. I think he said it was as good as fruit."
"That's amazing. That's not enough because I divided one bottle into three equal parts. Do you want to cook one more? And they're both dirty with sauce around their mouths, so wipe them off."
The two of them wipe their mouths off with a cloth when they get angry with my words.
He seemed so immersed in the meal that he didn't notice. I know exactly how you feel.
As the amount of meat and vegetables decreases, space for nets becomes available. I've been waiting for this time.
Lay iron plates for grilling iron plates on the net. Lightly. I also use magic to heat iron plates all at once. I'm used to adding and subtracting.... because I failed at the blacksmith and melted it once.
On a hot, hot iron plate, add the noodles made of flour, just add the soy sauce and the chopped onions there and stir.
Juwa! and the aromatic aroma of loud noise and sauce rose. The sound and smell is enough for the surrounding families to concentrate on this one at once.
Small pieces of meat and vegetables are put in as utensils. Stir quickly with a fork and knife.
It's the roasted noodles that make it. This is essential.
"Mr. Masaki, you're familiar."
"I've worked part-time at an edge street. If it's true, I'd rather have some eggs."
"Should I cook too..."
"Mr. Adele, can't you cook?
"Ah...... oh. The head chef used to make me meals every day. I never had a chance to make it myself. I've tried a few times, but not at all."
Adele can't cook. I've tried to tell you before, but I don't know... when it comes to cooking, I end up with a lot of mess. The meat is also mostly cooked raw in high heat. Vegetables burn baked. The pan was overcooked.
Since then, I've given up letting Adele cook. Yoko was good because he lived a lot of traveling. Especially since the stew was excellent.
"I'd rather say that than do anything. I think I'm cuter that way."
"Oh well..."
In modern Japan, Mrs. Rice Maz has something tough, but this is a different world, and I have a chef. That's why you don't particularly care. If you're a nobleman, it's natural not to cook.
"Um, still, why don't you make some sweets, even if it's not cooking? I'm confident in making sweets, and I'll tell you."
"Confectionery! Ah, oh. I'd love to."
"Ho, Autumn Leaf is good at making sweets."
I can cook some food, but I can only do a few sweets. Enough to bake cookies and hot cakes. It's subtle because when you make it with skills, it only tastes normal.
"Yes, I used to make my own cake and stuff every time for your sister's birthday."
Can you even make a cake? That's awesome.
"If you can even get to the cake, can I ask you for it next time? I've missed that flavor for a long time."
"Yes! I'll work hard to make it! Mr. Adele will work with you."
"Oh, oh!
Cake. I haven't eaten in a while. Well, the noodles fit when it's time.
I divided the roasted noodles into two plates and when they were also served on my plate, I heard a voice from around me saying "Ah......" Turning to the voice...
There were a lot of people surrounding us. Besides, many people hold plates and noodles. You've been attracted to the sound and smell of the roasted noodles. These guys.
In it the father of one family turned towards me. I have a bad feeling.
"Oh, that! Will you cook that dish!
"Please! The kids ate so much..."
Looking down, the kids were looking at me with plates and forks. He complains "I want to eat" with pure eyes.
Same with the surrounding eyes. If I refuse, I won't be able to eat like this...
"Ha... if I eat this"
"Oh! Thank you!
"Thank you!
"Oh, me too!
"Me too!
As I was rushing to eat the roasted noodles, the autumn leaves whispered in my ear.
"Are you okay, Mr. Masaki?
"In this situation, you won't have a choice. Both of you, I'm sorry, but I just need you to bring me some extra charcoal after you finish eating. Not enough firepower."
It was a hell of a thing to cook a yakisoba. I've never heard of a people who let their lords burn their noodles! I know you don't know because you're here with patience now!
Afterwards, I became the feather of continuing to bake the noodles for an hour. Kids eat good. Eat good. Ha ha. Damn it. How did this happen when you were planning on enjoying yourself after a relaxing meal!
◆ ◇ ◆
Since then, the square has been nearby with a few stalls specializing in grilling yakisoba, bustling as if it were an edge day to grab further customers. There are odd rumors that the lord gave direct culinary instruction in the establishment of this stall, but the truth has not been revealed.
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