The GM Has Logged Into A Different World
Fighting adventurers
After Ellis expelled the men, only Ellis, Sibra and Levia remained in the room and the autumn leaves still stuffy wrapped in sheets. The other women have been worried and called out, but they have little interaction. Gathering together would strain the extra autumn leaves.
Ellis said, "It's okay. Let us take care of this place and slap the asses of the men," he said, laughing bitterly but leaving the room behind.
"Akiba, are you okay?
"It's not okay...... Ugh! I did that to Masaki, even though it was the drugs...!
"Autumn leaves don't like Masaki?
"It's not like I hate you. No! Rather good...... ahhh...! He must have been disillusioned..."
Akiba was more concerned about kissing Masaki and pushing him down than he was about to be offended. At the time, Masaki was concerned that he had drugged him with a mouthfeel, but by the time he noticed the autumn leaves, whose consciousness was blurred with the medicine, Masaki had already been stained with madness.
I felt anxiety that I was going somewhere far away and desperately moved my immobile body to stop eating, but was sexually flushed, lip devoured, and acting to connect, prompted by ecstasy in a hugged clap.
"Ha, what are you saying? That's not the kind of man Masaki would disillusion. Your concubine will push you down first. I also have the power that my concubine deserves."
"What!? You can't do that!
Autumn leaves bluish their faces and face out of their sheets.
Even a beautiful woman who said Adele or Yoko is her fiancée. I think Masaki's interest diminishes even more when Levia interrupts there. In fact, Masaki doesn't do that, but Autumn Leaf had become anxious for less than Adele and the others overwhelmingly touched him.
"Then be magnificent without pulling. It's a lot to convey your thoughts on this journey."
"Uh... yeah. Um, Mr. Levia. Thanks."
"Levia is fine. What, fall in love, maiden. It's better than pulling in. And the concubine wasn't lying."
"Uh, more than that - Mr. Akiba. Will you get dressed soon? How long have you been showing off that big melon Conoyaloo!!
Autumn leaves finally remind me of what I am now when Sibra tells me. I give her clothes while Ellis looks like she's having fun watching that.
Ellis shrugged softly, not telling anyone, watching the autumn leaves in military uniform in a hurry.
"I go more and more than I pull in...... That's right. That heckle would do the same..."
"Mr. Ellis, what's wrong?
"Huh!? Ugh, yeah. Nothing. Faster than that, let's go after the guards."
"If so, will the concubine come first?"
Levia hangs her foot in the window and leaps straight out. Sibra and Ellis are surprised at Levia, who jumped out of the second floor, but Autumn Leaves doesn't look like he cared either because he knows Levia is Leviathan, and he gets dressed and equipped.
Finally, put on the necklace Masaki gave me and wrap it gently with both hands.
A few seconds later, a bandit blew up making noises with Dobaki.
Levia's brilliant Ascension Dragon O hits and one bandit returns to heaven.
Ellis and Sibra watched the starred bandit in a daze.
The autumn leaves are Jacon behind it! and ammunition, and be in a state of battle.
"Thank you for waiting. You can't lose to Levia. Let's put an end to the bandits."
There were autumn leaves there as one warrior, unlike earlier autumn leaves.
Ellis and the others are surprised that the atmosphere has changed, but there are still many enemies.
Ellis holds the scepter, leaps out of the room, and the sibra takes the arrow out of the arrow barrel she was carrying and sets it out of the window.
The battle of the maidens in love has now begun.
"Being single is hard, Conoyalo!
Correction, the battle for the maidens in love +1 began. No heart, or the bow of the sibra hit the bandit more accurately than usual.
◆ ◇ ◆
"" Power Slash "!" "Sonic Axe"!
"Flame Bites!" "Twin Thrusts"!
"Grand Shake!
The skill of a hand-worked adventurer flies and blows the bandits away. Second, it reminds me of the original game. It was like a massive battle or something.
I didn't see skills or anything in the war because I was fighting alone, but I guess the soldiers were fighting like this too.
Still, the bandits are wasting a lot of time, pushing them from next to next.
Naturally, the herd is coming towards me.
"Die ya!!
Some giant bear bandits storm the big axe, but they move too slowly.
He took the axe with his bare hands, took his arm and threw it at Giant Swing's instructions and flew away like a backsword. Humans, no, beastmen. Hand swords.
It looks like all the bandits who were behind us were caught up in the tragedy of being giants. Strike!
"Oh! You're a human being, but you're amazing!
"It's a lot to say about people. Let's just fold it up."
"Whoa! We can't lose, either! Let's go, Wookie!!
The monkey-faced beast man, who has spoken out at ease, grinds away the new bandits with a stick. The bandits can't keep up with the movement in their mild movements and are defeated.
It's called a weapon, it's called a movement, it's like watching Goku.
"Ha-ha-ha! Call me. No!
As I was swinging my stick around, I found the enemy aiming with a bow and arrow through the upstairs window. Maps are useful because you can also find hidden enemies. How many... two or three?
I'd better clean this up.
I picked up the stone spot that was falling at my feet, and when I threw it in with a "homing chute," I changed track to be sucked into the window and hit the bowman's head. One seems to have escaped to the back of the room, but the stones thrown are inductive. I can only see it on the map, but it stopped working in the back of the room.
The beasts marvel at the archers falling from the second floor, but immediately start tying them with ropes.
Strip off the bandit's clothes and substitute for what's missing.
"He's a big enemy. Well, I'll deal with this kind of thing, so just do it right."
"Ooh, ooh. I'm sorry. Thanks for your help."
It utilizes the functions of the map to reduce damage by pre-crushing unintentional strikes from the gap in the house and sniping from the roof.
A bandit who relied on his numbers. If you can't surprise them, they don't seem to be the enemies of the hand-worked adventurers. I'm the one crushing it first to see it. I'd like to throw something other than stone if I could. We need to do a "bronze coating", and then we'll make something later.
Looking the other way, a blank zone was created at once. Turning to something, Levia was blowing up the bandits with her bare hands. One fist smashes the shield, the armor disappears, and the bandits dance through the universe.
"Heh, let's play. You're not gonna die easy."
Even though he hasn't hit his enemies when he waves his fist around a blue aura on both arms, the bandits blow up.
The bandits are frightened by the overwhelming difference in strength, but the adventurers are not sweet enough to miss it there.
The girdle takes the lead and pushes Levia through the hole she's drilled.
Looks fine over there. Honestly, Levia, as long as you're alone, you'll be fine.
If you look on the whole map, most of the bandits who were filling the village had been defeated.
If you get this far, you'll be fine with me leaving.
"I left this place to you. I'm going to help my fellow captured."
"Oh, leave it to me!
Leave the scene to the monkey-faced beast man to leave and head to Alice and the bandits on the map.
Jump on the roof with a leap and head to avoid enemies.
This village is surrounded by woods and houses are dense because of limited land. It's faster running down the roof like this than on the ground where the bandits are poorly located.
There was a bird-shaped beast man who could fly in the sky, but he couldn't stop because he was increasing his speed (like a disease), and he stumbled. I am intact because Invincible is always active.
This is what happens because it pops up suddenly.
Find a bandit trying to escape the village exit as he jumps off the roof. Behind him was a glowing spider in gold and silver that seemed to be in service, and a cage in his hand.
Magic into "Like a Disease", increasing speed and rushing through against bandits.
If they take hostages, it's a hassle, let's do a little work.
Activate Stealth to remove appearance and signs. Now the spider can't even notice me.
Maintain speed, spider while disappearing, and seize the cage that was in the hands of the bandits.
The bandit fell to the front with a shock stolen from me.
"Mmm! Mmmm!"
In the cage, Alice was tangled with silver thread to seal her movements.
I guess fairies don't come out in public because they have guys like this.
He chopped the thread so as not to hurt Alice, and jumped crying as he untied her.
"Wow! I got it!
"All right, all right. Don't worry, it's okay now."
"Higgu, higgu, zubi!
"Yes! Don't put your nose on!
I heard silver coganegamos eat fairies. I guess I really thought it would be eaten or worse.
As I was forgiving Alice, I heard a dosari and spider fall behind me.
Looks like he blew it up pretty high. The silver coganegamo is round her legs and she has pimple cramps. Honestly, I don't even hate bugs that much, but it makes me sick to be a big spider so far.
A bandit rose up all the time, looking at the spider and shivering.
"Oh! Jennifer!! You, my Jennifer!
Don't name spiders like women! No, maybe she's a female, but make her a little better name!
I was worried it was the otherworlds who were using the spider, but apparently it's the demon beast man.
The demon takes out the whistle - I'll take it away. There's no reason to let them use it. I don't care if they call me a lot of bugs.
"Oh! Give me my whistle! Give it back!"
You're the one who tries to whistle at no distance. I guess this is the tool for using demons. Confiscated in the item box.
"Oh! The whistle!?
"I was just powerless, Alice. Do it."
"You've done it!" Magic Missile "!!
Countless magic bullets are fired from the hands of the angry head Alice, and the demon bandit has no time to avoid hitting all bullets. On the trail was the appearance of a bandit who went black and ate paralyzed, poisoned, confused, dark, burned and other state abnormal on-parades. That's vicious. This.
Did the depression clear up, Alice's face was clear. This guy looks better with a healthy face than a crying face.
When the bandit fell, the spider rose up hysterically. Unexpectedly.
"Giggle, giggle, giggle!
I have no idea what you're talking about. But I don't feel hostile, so apparently they're not coming at us. It's a beast, and I wonder if you don't want to fight instinctively.
"You know what I'm talking about?
"By and large. I think I was getting frustrated when I was given the name of a female even though she was a male. I don't have much food magic, and when I go to bed, I feel like I've been cuddling and sleeping and pooping. So he's thanking us for letting him go."
Oh, you sure don't want to be treated like a woman even though you're a man. I feel sorry for this spider. You mean that bandit, bug-loving pervert?
"Giggy! Giggy!
The spider bracketed the spider's yarn into the tree branches as it rattled. I was catching Alice. Unlike the yarn, it's silver and beautiful.
"Mm-hmm. This looks like a thank you."
"That's surprisingly disciplined. Gratefully received."
When the spider gave us the silver thread, it disappeared into the woods. Don't get caught by perverts anymore. Yikes.
Alice turns around and rides over my shoulder.
"Yo! Masaki, let's take down the others too! Oh, my God!
Don't you think this guy mistook me for a ride? Then let's do what we want.
"Fine, but don't let them shake you down, okay?
Activate "Like a Disease" with magic. Running down the road where I came from making a loud noise.
"Fast fast hit-hit-hit-hit!?
"Shut up or I'll bite your tongue."
I'm not going to slow down. Though the number of bandits has decreased, there will be injuries.
Back to the center of the village with the wind cut, there was only one lump of enemy markings.
Alice is swinging at my speed and turning her eyes. I wish I could punish you now.
Well, is this what was causing the clumps?
"Oh. Masaki, wasn't it too late? We can clean this up now. Alice is safe, too."
"Here, this. Levia did this to you?
"I'm not a concubine. Somehow, thanks to the adventurers there."
He sat great on the mountain where Levia piled up with the bandits.
The adventurers look at Levia with a bitter smile. Some of them were excited to be heartbroken.
"Hey, Masaki. Looks like Alice was able to help out safely. Even so, that's amazing. What's A-rank? S-rank can't be put out unless the state recognizes it, but this lady can light it up, right?
Ask the Kingdom of St. Drag and you'll be out in one shot.
Looking around, the adventurers had numerous injuries. Was it natural because the number of bandits was high, and some of them were quite strong?
Contact and use healing magic can heal you lightly, but you should stop moving around too flashly on the Earth continent.
The number of high potions will be tighter, but some of the 'rooms' are still in stock, and should I ask Fen to take them out?
Behave in a potion for the slightly injured, and clench hands and feet in a special high potion made with magic for those with missing hands and feet.
It was learned in the previous war that even hypothesis would heal as long as the area ahead had been slashed.
"I'm sorry I made it. Let me use your precious potion."
"That's okay. I can make it myself."
"Still. I'll never forget this."
I heard the beast man pays respect to those with power, but it also seems to apply to these powers of healing.
"So, where's your head?
"Um, not here."
When Levia picks up one beast man who was under her ass. There was a Mohican bird beast man who got bummed and had blue bruises all over his body. I'm cramped with bikun bikun but it seems to be alive.
When he threw it at me like that, he was slapped to the ground. I don't have an in-laws to take it.
If you look closely, there are bullet marks on your hands and feet. Is it the autumn leaves that did this?
"Mr. Masaki. Was Alice okay?
Turning to the voice, there was an autumn leaf that behaved as usual. I can't see you pushing it anywhere. Maybe Levia followed him well. Let's reward you with something later.
"Oh, you're right... but you're riding me."
"How fast did you go..."
Is it about a jet coaster sensibly? You would have rocked up and down and become a manpower jet coaster.
He was rolling at his feet. The bandit's head lifts his face as he groans. Apparently, I noticed.
"Hehe. I'm sorry... don't think you can just keep doing this."
"What are you talking about with that zama? All your men are gone, too. I'm done."
"Ha ha. I'm sorry, it's him. You attacked us, the villagers. I mean, in your position, you're more of a bandit."
Huh? You can't go through such an unscrupulous thing. The Lord of the South is talking about Matomo.
"Ho ho. Even so, good villagers go by around here. Whatever you guys say, what you did was raid. The army will be here any minute. You're done."
So you're confident that you're connected to the South Territories?
Even if the lord is a good man, not even the guards. Is it possible that you can crush information at the top and not pass it on to your lord?
"What do you think, Mr. Masaki?
"I don't know, but you don't look like you're lying. Late at night, but whether we should move..."
Girdles and other beasts are also bewildered to hear the words of the bandit-head. Because if you get attacked and you pay back, you're kidding me about criminals.
"Oh, man. Masaki. Shouldn't we just leave this place for now? You're heading to the kingdom of beasts, aren't you? If they arrange a nomination, you..."
Adele and the others on their way to the Beast Kingdom would be in danger if they arranged a nomination. Worst capture...... I'd like to think there's probably no execution. Nemear is more dangerous. He's a former cult priest. This one has a good chance of execution.
There's Autumn Leaf, and there's Alice. Levia will be able to prove her innocence by becoming what she really is if she has to, but she can be found in "Pavelia", which seems to be on this continent. I don't know what will happen if that happens.
This is where Girdle's right, regretting but worried about whether we should run.
I heard a weird high laugh. When I look in the direction of my voice, someone is on the roof of the tallest house. I was stunned when the moonlight lit him up.
A green mask that hides everything but the mouth.
Black sunglasses to cover your eyes.
Green full-body tights that cover the musculoskeletal body and clearly emphasize the contours of the body.
Trademark-like letter 'KJ' on the chest.
Red shoulder guard for shoulder protection.
A red cape with no wind.
Again, the whole body tights, or groins, that clearly emphasize the contours of the body, are also perfect.
Yes, he showed up in front of us... with tights all over his body.
"" "I'm a pervert - ooh!!
"Howatts!? No! A hero, yo!!
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