The GM Has Logged Into A Different World
Great Temple of Soil
Inside the great temple of the earth was made of marble reminiscent of mystery, and the passage was illuminated by the light of the magic props.
The atmosphere seems irrelevant to the filth, it is sober and surrounded by silence than you can imagine there is dark filth in this basement.
"Is there really an apoitacara in this basement..."
"You can't believe it, can you? When I say the Great Temple of the Earth, it's one of those places that believers from all over the Earth want to visit once. I don't think it's sealed in here."
Snuff as Adele and Yoko look around.
It was Levia and Fenn who returned the answer to that question.
"It's not like that. This is not a place for many believers to visit. As a result, the most faith is gaining strength. Seal something once, and it can't be the end. Because we need to constantly replenish the force and maintain the seal. There are other reasons, but the basement of an invisible temple is best suited for sealing. The same goes for holy relics."
"The rest... is also due to the nature of faith... which makes it easy to accumulate power underground... right? The ground floor is... where the public prays. Between divinity and rituals... there is basically an underground where strength builds up because we need it... Essentially... you're off-limits."
I see. Even when it comes to sealing, I knew that wouldn't be the end of it.
There is always strength to keep sealing. You treat me like I'm used to nuclear fuel.
Doesn't it make a difference in terms of treatment?
Now, even though the voice sounds in the quiet temple aisle, there's a reason why we can relax and talk like this.
That's because as soon as I got in, I put 'muffled' and 'vanished' and 'clean' magic on everyone.
The effect of 'muffling' is silencing, the magic of suppressing footsteps and talking. These cobblestone passages sound like footsteps alone, so when breaking in, it's magic that takes precedence.
"Banish" is the magic of disappearing, the magic of even erasing the footprints. Both 'Muffling' and 'Banish' are magic used to avoid fighting belligerent monsters.
Between parties, they don't fall off because they just look translucent to each other and they hear voices.
We can't let the guards and the satyrs stop us and attract the knights, but they won't find us here.
"Clean" is the magic of deodorant. I was careful not to get noticed because of the smell.
Some beasts have a good nose.
The downside is that the effect time is short and that it takes a little time and effort to put it on for everyone?
Even so, you can call me back when you're in the basement, and it won't take that long because I have the skills of "Double Spelling" and "Fast Chanting". By the way, when you go into combat action, it expires.
Convenient for unintentional hitting, but only signs prevent you from being the one standing on your arm. That's not convenient.
Going for the stairs to the basement as he disappears. There's a knight running in a hurry on the road, different, but we don't notice him walking on the edge.
Apparently, Satoshi and the others are doing well to stop us. But it's not a good idea to put too much strain on that one. Let's move on.
The staircase to the basement is shown on the map, and I remember getting it in Log Analysis from Lilyn, so I can go without hesitation.
When we found the stairs to the basement, at the entrance stood the knights of the Battleleo and the Bullhead (Ozu), who seemed to be over three metres tall. Isn't one of them a Horsehead?
The knight of the Bullhead tribe trembles a great giant and makes a great stretch.
"Oh... apparently, we found the man who was attacking the cleric"
"Right. Right. But you don't float, do you?
"Oh, yeah?
"Oh. I don't know...... it feels like I'm in pain"
"Oh, no, that's not true. It's not your fault."
"Bru, if you have any problems, I will. Now that you guys are here to take turns, I can afford the rest of the day. I'm glad he's having a baby with his wife."
Apparently, there were horseheads, but they're sick. It's time for the two of you to be the gatekeepers of hell (Chemocure).
I'm not mistaken that this basement is filthy.
The face of the Battleleo tribe had a bitter look on its face. It feels like there's some kind of hindsight.
Perhaps he knows that Caesar is imprisoned underground.
Looking at the stairs, sighing is proof of that.
Soon, I'll free you from the pain. Wait for me.
As I walked down the stairs, passing beside them as gatekeepers, I saw the door.
Mm, the magic effect is about to expire.
That was just the right time. I'll call you back when I open the door.
The door was stretched with boundaries, so I asked Feng to do it again and let it go.
He dived the door and gently closed it and laid his hands on the membrane of the junction where Levia was resting on the door.
Then Levia's hands glow and the membrane begins to glow accordingly.
It doesn't feel like magic. I wonder what.
"Levia, what are you doing? Let's get ahead of ourselves, huh?
"When reinforcements come, it's no bother. With the help of my concubine, I wanted to reconnect."
"Can you do that? This is the Great Temple of the Earth, isn't it?
"Naturally. There's a difference between water and soil, but all you need is faith. The concubine also holds the line of the Great Temple of Water. See, on this street."
When Levia moved her fingers, the hole was filled so that the membrane vacated by the fen would regenerate, and the thin membrane returned to normal.
I see, was the power of faith on the table earlier?
"Now you can't go in without a water talisman. Fen-like beings are rare. Let's move on."
As I found out later, they would have needed a soil talisman for the number of people to get through the junction. Thanks to Feng, you saved me a lot of trouble.
Dive underground and hide the magic of "Muffling," "Banish," and "Clean" all over again immediately.
Using this magic reminds me of the game of the original world...... I didn't use 'clean' because it was magical.
The underground passage is wider than I thought and the ceiling is more than five meters. Even the earlier Bullhead tribe is likely to be able to afford it.
Looking at the map, the road was intricately intertwined like an ant's nest, like a dungeon.
I don't get lost because I have memories of maps and Log Analysis, but normally it's even hard to get lost and go home.
Heading north on the fifth crossroads, he was mistaken for a soldier he thought was guarding.
Soldiers are werewolf headed, but black scales were growing surprisingly throughout their bodies. You definitely seem to have Pavalier's hand in it.
The soldier magically walked by without noticing us.
Soldiers who were on the road thanks to a magical cover are through. I've never been over to avoid a fight.
But the soldiers weren't the only ones lurking underground. Diving somewhat underground, a huge reaction appears on the map unlike that of a soldier.
"Mithril saurus..."
Check over the mirror as Zeke sticks to the wall.
There was even a madman lurking in the basement. Besides, he's a vicious madman, incomparable to the madmen we met on the road.
The figure resembles a stegosaurus with a sharp blade on his back.
My body is all light green. It has a unique colour of Mithril. He's over three meters long.
The trouble with this guy is his tough body covered in scales made of misrills, fangs that even crumble bones like stone molars, and not blades on his back.
This guy...
"Shit! You noticed that!
"I think you've felt a little magic."
He had the ability to sense prey by magic. Cover-up by magic is synonymous with wrapping magic around one's body. If you're a superior madman with sharp sensitivity even with slight magic that people don't know about, you seem to have noticed.
It's not magic, you wouldn't have noticed if GM Authority's Stealth, but is this the limit of magic?
"Fen! Behind Nemear! Nemea, protect Fenn."
"Wow... ok"
Let Fenn down and me and Levia will come forward.
Mithril Saurus runs with Dosun Dosun's legs to crush us as he sounds its giant into the aisle.
Everyone put up their weapons and took an interception stance.
It was Yoko who moved first. Remove the treasure ball and poke it towards Mithrilsaurus.
"Hey, no!" Paladin Golem "! Go!"
The treasure balls glowed as they responded to Yoko's chanting, and a two-meter golem appeared.
Looks like an armored knight. It has a silver colour worthy of the name Paladin.
Shield on the mace, a golem with a weapon? This is a guy I've never seen before.
Mithrilsaurus sets his aim on the paladin golem, which appeared to block the way, shaking his big nails.
The paladin golem sounded loud metal with the kid as he received the nails of Mithril Zaurus.
Without even freaking out the attack of Mithril Zaurus, who is more than double his stature if even included to his tail, on the contrary, if he takes a step, Mithril Zaurus is pushed in with a surprising look on his face.
The paladin golem made a dozen dull noises and sturdy scales dented as he hit the mace he had in his left hand against his torso. Does the paladin golem look sturdier than it looks or nothing?
When Paladingorem suppressed Mithrilsaurus, behind us, there was a faint sound with Pashpash, holes in the tough scales of Mithrilsaurus, and blood erupted.
"It's just sturdy. It's just targeted."
"Right. If it's about the scale of Mithril, it's my bullet."
Autumn leaves and Siege fire. They both have silencers on the tips of their short guns. The sound of the gun sounds a lot in terms of its properties. I had it put on this time to contain it.
Well, with all this madness raging, it's no longer on a level of secrecy or anything.
Still, it would be better to hide the existence of Siege and Autumn Leaf weapons. Whatever, unlike bows and crossbows, it's a heavy weapon with comparable power to magic. Better not let the enemy know.
They are both increasing their long-range shooting capabilities by accessories and equipment. Normally, bullets that are bounced are reinforced. I wonder what would happen if I hit an objective rifle with this.
"Gww!! Guaaaaaa!!"
The blade on his back glowed blue and white with his eyes lit red, either because he was hurt by his bragging body. Is it a state of exasperation when you say it in a game style?
As Mithrilsaurus steps forward, the blade on his back flies toward us. Such a linear attack, you don't even need to engage.
When me and Adele wave the sword, a flash of silver and red cuts off the blade that Mithrilsaurus flew.
My "Lost Dominion" and Adele's "Dracul" are made of more rugged materials than Mithril, Orihalcon and Adamantite.
The chopped blade breaks in two and falls to the ground.
If it's an unrefined misrill, you're right.
Split left and right with the momentum as it is, Adele and I breathe together to cleave both forelegs.
Bleeding bright red blood and torn apart muscle muscles, Mithrilzaurus collapses to the forehead, unable to support his heavy weight any longer.
Levia's fist wore Mithrilsaurus's head to a halt, while a large giant made a noise with Zuchin and collapsed.
Yoko returns the paladin golem to its original jewel. I wonder what. Like I saw it somewhere.
That game where you catch monsters in a ball and boys and girls travel.
I feel similar to that one.
"Yoko, I've never seen that golem before, is it new?
"Yep. It's a new Paladin Golem made from Tatsuma's earthy treasure balls and Mithril material. It's not like I didn't do anything while Adele and I were waiting."
"Right. That's comforting. I'm counting on you... but I'm counting on you."
"Hehe, yeah, thanks. I'll try harder."
"Like I'm trying too hard not to?
"Oh, I don't know what Masaki would say if I stayed up all night."
I can't tell you. Yes. I won't sleep until after work because of social habits. And then, when you're doing blacksmiths, you lose track of time because of the game feel.
"Masaki, maybe we should hurry. There's gonna be a lot of people coming."
Alice told me, and when I looked at the map, there were apparently a lot of people markings coming at us. Being people-like means you'll probably have all the black scales.
You don't seem to have time to use magic.
Sieg planted something in the aisle when he noticed signs of approaching.
"Easy stuff, but keep the trap. He's the only one who hates and doesn't kill."
"It would help if I could buy some time. Nemea - carry me with you fen. It's a hassle to be surrounded, let's hurry."
Everyone nods at my hanging voice, and Zeke seems to have finished setting the trap, passing next to the body of Mithrilsaurus.
We heard later that the trap set by Zeke was a substitute for intense tear spray scattering around when caught on a black painted line. If you eat it, you won't be able to stop crying and sniffing for an hour. It will work great against beasts with a good nose.
I wanted to keep Mithril Zaurus as a material, but if it's that giant, it won't even get in my item box unless I split it it. I'm sorry, but I'm leaving you here.
... I want to collect it later if possible. There is also a limit to Mithrill currency. Resources are important.
Running through maze-like passages, soldiers encountered from time to time were struck "as if by the wind" (silent fire).
Some of them dressed like bandits. Probably caught him and pawned him here. Of course, I had them buried amicably in the ceiling with the soldiers.
If we're lucky, we'll get help from someone who came by.
The mad beast I came across while running knocked him down, and the soldier buried him and pushed him forward and saw the heavy looking door I saw in Mr. Lilyn's memory. This is the end of the house.
There are about five markers at the end of the door that I think are soldiers. There are two markers in the store. Probably Caesar and his boss. There are other people's possibilities, but it's no different to help out.
Kicked the door open, oh, I flew. Looks like it was poorly erected.
Gagon! and when the door blew up making a blunt noise, three soldiers were crushed by the door to pass out whether they were involved or not. All right, as per the operation!
"Hey, what are you guys!?
"You think I have the one to answer?
A soldier puts his hand on the sword, but sooner than that, my fist punches through his jaw and stuns him.
Turn your arms back and stick your little hands together with your blacksmith skills (joining). Both legs as well. It ended quickly because it was made of steel. The people who are being squashed by the door... it's troublesome, so let's keep them [jointed] in the door.
For this reason, it is easier to strip the other person's clothes and restrain his hands and feet with it than to carefully prepare a rope.
There must have been one more... but I don't see one. Looking at the map, it looks like we're at the far corner of the bend ahead. It's a dead end from here. Let's put it behind us.
When I looked into the cage, there was a fighting lion (Battleleo) tribe watching us in a way that surprised me.
So this is Caesar?
The knight's clothes, which would have originally been luxuriously embroidered, were worn out, with both hands and feet chained and unable to move.
From right shoulder to diagonal, I also see scars. Seems to have been allotted not to purify once, but it's quite a new wound. Probably a wound attached in the fight against the undead.
The splendid hyena (tenderness) was also thinly dirty and seemingly obnoxious, but its eyes had not lost light and had sparkled its unyielding will in this situation.
On the other side, one woman who was chained more than him...... or wrapped around it.
I wonder how rambunctious she is, her hair messed up and now she's asleep well.
Woman sleeping with dark hair twin tail, drooling of covetousness...... there was a division. Why are you sleeping?
"Hey, Division. Wake up."
"Munyamunya. I can't take it anymore. Oh, dessert's another belly."
"You can't eat it!
I put Sparn in with Mithril Harrison. I followed it.
Harrison is a unique weapon with no damage. It sounds good.
"Aww!? Grab the prisoner a little more carefully! Is that it, Masa? Why are you still here?
"Well, I'll explain, so stay still. Totally... I can't believe you slept like this."
"If I don't, I'll be flattered."
"He didn't praise me."
Cut loose the cleverly stuffy strand of sushi with a sword while it was wrapped around it, stretching out the body like a cat to loosen the body if it had been tied for a long time.
In the meantime, also break the chains of those who seem to be Caesar, and make themselves free. I don't mind the Bandit King's wire, but it's quicker to cut it when it's chained to goose.
"Are you...?
"My name is Masaki. And"
"My concubine is Leviathan. I felt something was wrong with Yormungard and came to this country. Those behind us are the people whose concubines asked for help."
"Oh my...! My name is Caesar. Master Leviathan! Please help the Prince!
"Oh no! Keep it up, Akane! Masa, help Lilyn!
"Okay, so just calm down a little. Let's sort things out."
Caesar and his boss, who rescued him from the cage, were briefed on what had happened so lightly.
Since I was summoned to this world, and to help Mr. Lilyn and tell me about this place.
"Masa Yan had a hard time, too. Come on, Harlem! Masa, blow it up!
"Why not!?
"I'm jealous - I'm jealous -! She was so cute!
"Hey, you're a woman. More than that, when did the boss get here?
"Oh, I did that. Mm-hmm. We fell asleep and went to this world. That was about four years ago."
Four years ago. That was a long time ago. It was three years ago that the division lost touch with me on a business trip overseas.
I knew there was a time slip.
When I heard more about it, Kiter and I initially seemed happy in the game world, but when we heard about it, we seemed to have escaped from being made the daughter-in-law of the arrogant prince of the summoned country in a different world that didn't even resemble the [Brittalia Online] world. He then looked around this world as an adventurer, at which point he stumbled into acquaintance with Mr. Lilyn and was looked after for a long time in the house inside the elf.
When Mr. Lilyn is called to Wilegard, he accompanies him as an escort.
And it looks like he was set in a trap in the Great Temple of the Earth and held captive.
"Oh well. Lilyn, you did a little poorly. I already did, but I guess Masayan helped me out as a result. Good. Wow. I was worried about her because of how much she was worried. Masa, thank you. Thank you very much for your help. Hey, Caesar's husband."
Nika smiled at Caesar and nodded loudly, her hands against her chest and her head bowed deeply.
"Oh...... Thank you for saving Lord Lilyn and us from a certain (if you do), Lord Masaki and Master Leviathan. Our Lion Fighting (Battleleo) tribe was asked to call me a hostage. It is all the work of the Black Beast Man and Zand, lord of the King Bird (Garuda) tribe. Xando's guy... bets his fate on such outrages"
"My destiny? What is Zand's purpose?
"Xando was... incurable, and he himself said he had a few more years to live... six months to live."
"Six months of life......"
"He said, 'Anyway, short life, let's leave your name in history with all your heart. Even if you want to be a great sinner. I go for the king. Short lives, use everything, but I'll take the King of the Beasts' and say this! We also try to lay our hands on Lord Lilyn as we greed him, foolishly grabbing the prince for it, and plotting to revive Apoitacara. We have to prevent it at all costs......!
"We're here to prevent it. Even if it comes back to life, I'll figure it out. More than that, is your body all right?
"No problem. I don't work out in such a soft way that I can't move."
Caesar pulls the sword out of the soldier who is still passing out and waves the sword several times.
The fat muscle was so powerful that it seemed like it would break everything to a single knife, so skillful that I didn't think I'd been imprisoned for long.
Sounds fine with this. The sword itself is not bad, it is made of a durable damask.
"We need to do it again!! But I don't have much. They took our axe."
"Hey!? Did they take 'Meteor Hazard'?!?
"No way. I don't know who I fought with. I got a lot of stuff out of my gun. Black wolves, silver eagles, green leopards. I busted most of them, but if they lasered in on me where I stopped moving, I'd be damned. When I woke up, there was no Meteor Hazard."
A gun... As far as I can tell, you're far from an existing gun, no matter what you think. I'm pretty sure you're from different worlds.
But it hurts that they took 'MeteorHazard'. That special effect won't go out of style.
"Do you have any other axes?
"Berserk Axe."
"You're going wild in that mad warrior (Berserker) mode. You're gonna kill us."
"Akan. Then do it with the Thunder God Axe."
"The Axe of Thunder God (Takemikazchi)"? Is it from "Berserk Axe," although it is exceptionally less powerful than "Meteor Hazard"? That's three times the attack power instead of the constant chaos of attacking all the way to your allies. If they slaughter you with that, you'll die besides me. Basically, it's an axe that only uses solo or PK (player killer).
"The Axe of the Thunder God (Takemikazchi)" has a fast attack speed and impeccable attack power.
Shi takes "The Axe of the Thunder God (Takemikazchi)" out of the item box, equips it, and begins to wiggle lightly.
"After that, you're a prince... you both know where the prince is?
"I'm sorry. A prince was only seen over a cage until he was..."
"Neither do we. The prince and Lilyn got caught together, but I didn't know where it was because I was so upset and I couldn't lose my mind."
Can't we both?
I tried Log Analysis to see if a soldier would know, but it came off. I could see the prince, but the prince seemed to have another soldier in charge, and these guys had no idea where he was.
When I peeked into my memory, I saw something extra.... One, I found a homosexual guy, but it would be kindness to get him through here.
Even if it was multiple (jointed) with the door. Yeah.
Love is free if you don't get involved with me.
Well, I've seen some chaotic memories, but here we are. I don't have a lead on the prince.
Well, it's about helping my boss and Caesar, and from now on, I might be able to avoid a fight with the Fighting Lions (BattleLeo) tribe.
Alice made a scene when she thought she would go down to the basement like this and handle it in Apoitacara first.
"Fen. What's wrong? Hey, Feng."
"Alice? What's going on?
"Fenn stopped moving!
If you look closely at Fenn, he hasn't made it slight. I try to keep an eye on him, but he was empty, he didn't have a focus.
Trying to shake Fenn's shoulder, Levia grabs my hand and pushes it away.
"This... Masaki, don't move it. A kind of hypnotic (trans) state. If you move it in this state, it could damage Feng's spirit."
"Then what am I supposed to do?"
"I just have to see how it goes. But it doesn't feel like a shrine… something else is interfering with the fen"
Right...... Looking at the map, we have some stopping thanks to the trap Sieg put up, but a few people are running this way.
You can't keep looking at things like this all the time. But you can't even move the fen......
"I'm calling..."
"Over here......"
Fenn turns forward and Nemea - trying to support her shoulder - rushes through the aisle late for a moment and at an unusual rate the next moment.
"Hey, what's that speed!? Yeah, Masaki. We're going after him!"
Activate "Like the Wind" and give all allies a 'Quick Boost' to increase their travel speed. Levia runs through like she's in line for me.
Behind him, Yoko calls up a riding golem, runs as he slips down the aisle with Nemea - and Caesar, and Siege - on his boss, and Adele follows him as he flies through the sky.
What the hell happened to Feng? Think about it later!
Using skill and magic, we went after him at full speed.
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