The rating in the game was a system in which the value increased from normal to advanced, rare, and ultimate treasure.

It was the same whether it was a skill or an item.

In the case of skills, it was common to get a normal level and then gradually raise it to treasure level through training.

The higher the level, the better the performance of the skill, so in the beginning, she spent more time working on the skill level than devising a strategy.

But now she got the ‘Legendary’ skill.

Perhaps it was like a perk for she had seen the ending of the game.

As she blinked in confusion, guide windows appeared one after another.

[!] Acquire <Collecting Skill (Legendary): Great Exploration>

[!] Acquire <Collecting Skill (Legendary): Perfect Collection>

[!] Acquire <Collecting Skill (Legendary): Infinite Pocket>

Usually, in games, the hidden skills are much better than the general ones.

What’s more, it was legendary.

From the name, she could just tell they were good skills.

If so, there was no reason to panic.

She calmed her startled nerves and confirmed the identities of the acquired skills one by one with a bit of anticipation.

[Skill] Great Exploration

[Classification] Collecting – Passive

[Rank] Legendary

It would be easier to find things that people have been hiding. Any concealment is meaningless in the presence of your keen and great exploration power.

[Skill] Perfect Collection

[Classification] Collecting – Passive

[Rank] Legendary

People say it’s impossible, but you can collect all of those things. You are the perfect collector!

[Skill] Infinite Pocket

[Classification] Collecting

[Rank] Legendary

It is a pocket of infinite space that can store anything you gather. Stored objects can be retrieved at any time by opening the pocket, regardless of location and time.

However, only <Infinite Pocket> was the one that she could clearly guess the effect by looking at the description.

Great exploration and perfect collection are somewhat vaguely explained…

She thought she would get a feel for it once she tried it herself, but she could not use it right away because the passive skill would only be automatically activated by the system when a specific situation called for it.


She reached out to the next skill book, feeling disappointed.

[!] You have acquired the Crafting Skill (Normal).

[!] Due to the ‘Deceased Advisor’ effect, the crafting skill is raised to the legendary level, which is a hidden level.

This time, the same guide window appeared with only the name of the skill changed.

[!] Acquire <Crafting Skill (Legendary): Godly Hands>

[!] Acquire <Crafting Skill (Legendary): Perfect Design>

[!] Acquire <Crafting Skill (Legendary): Thorough Analysis>

Check all!

[Skill] Godly Hands

[Category] Crafting – Passive

[Rank] Legendary

You are a great craftsman that doesn’t make sloppy mistakes with your hands. As long as you have a solid formula, your amazing handwork will make it perfect.

[Skill] Perfect Design

[Category] Crafting – Passive

[Rank] Legendary

Everyone says it’s impossible, but for you, the perfect designer, it’s a piece of cake. You can develop any method of production.

[Skill] Thorough Analysis

[Category] Crafting – Passive

[Rank] Legendary

You can grasp the essence of things. Perhaps even the creation of great craftsmen can be thoroughly analysed by you.

After checking the following skills, it became even more vague.

All of the newly acquired skills were passive.

They seemed like good skills just looking at the description, but there was no way to test them right away, so she could not be sure of anything.

I guess there is nothing I can do for now.

It was not a question that could be answered by standing there pondering.


She took off the necklace and earrings that were too flashy and put them in the infinite pocket.

There was no difficulty because she used her pockets a lot in the game.

Of course, the pockets she used back then were much smaller and had more limitations than this.

As she threw off all the cumbersome accessories, her body seemed to feel vividly lighter.

Much better.

Anyway, she got everything she needed to get.

Once the goal had been achieved, there was no need to rush. She could slowly study the skills acquired today in the future.

Her current self, Violet Hale, was not a terminally ill patient. It was now different from the days when she was pressed for time and her life was slipping away day by day.

There was a lot of time.

That fact alone made her feel at ease.


“I didn’t think it’s going to be like this…. Confinement?! How could he do such a thing? The Grand Duke must be crazy.”

Duke Basel sighed, his mind was a mess.

The man sitting opposite him, Prince Yediel, who had light blue hair close to silver, also could not hide his troubled look.

“Your Highness, what did His Majesty say?”

“He said he has no other choice. The Meritorious Right was given at the price of protecting his life. If he’s said to grant him anything, but refuse this request of his, his honour will come crashing down. So he was trying to somehow change the Grand Duke’s heart, but….”

“Maybe he chose something as crazy as confinement because it was rather a stimulus. This must be it.”

The Duke of Basel sighed in disbelief.

“I have insisted him to somehow return your daughter, but His Majesty was a bit lukewarm. He even asked if Your Grace had another daughter, and in fact, from the beginning, he had wanted your biological daughter, so I could not continue any longer.”

The emperor meant to take this opportunity to match the Duke of Basel’s real daughter, Vivian, with the Crown Prince.

After all, it was just about the bond between the two families, so it would not matter whoever the bride was.

The situation felt a bit embarrassing to Duke Basel, who had once thought differently behind his back.

Vivian made a fuss about not marrying anyone but Prince Yediel, so things have come to this point.

Now Vivian and the Crown Prince could not get married. They had come this far because of that.

“What shall we do next, Your Highness?”

Even though the Duke was obviously the older one, he asked for Yediel’s opinion first.

It was Yediel who came up with the idea of ​​marrying his stepdaughter Violet to the Crown Prince and making her a spy.

However, Yediel, who had always made unpredictable moves, was keeping his mouth shut today, unable to find a solution.

“Your Highness?”

The Duke urged him with a little frustration, but Yediel could not say anything.

It’s gone.

There was once, the voice of the advisor which had come to him like a revelation from God suddenly disappeared. As if it had never existed in the first place.

It was thanks to the advisor’s voice that he had been able to lay his foundation so far.

I can’t do anything without the voice of my advisor…

Yediel clenched his fists.

I need to get my advisor back.

But how?

All of a sudden, the advisor died, and all things that were going smoothly went awry. Everything was in chaos.

Yediel closed his eyes and focused on his thoughts.

If he were the advisor. How would he have sorted out this situation as he had always shown him in a strange yet incredible way?

First, we need to figure out the variables.

The advisor had always considered variables important.

The scheme could be completed by finding the variable, then eliminating or controlling them.

So, what were the variables in this situation?

Considering that, the answer was very simple.

Even Yediel, who was not someone with great intelligence, could tell.

Grand Duke Etzel. And Violet Hale.

He needed to get rid of them.

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