The Goblin Nation
128 The Red Plateau And the Dawn of New Era
While walking there, the goblins spend their talking amongst themselves. Even Pagasa was pulled in to the conversation as they ask questions about the goblin race and its history. But Pagasa will just tell them to wait until they reach the peak, past the fog covering the plateau's top for the answers.
"You think I can also come and learn with you guys?" Dawn asked. Her baby, Snow, looking around the forest, admiring the trees and the colorful birds perched on the branches while being carried in her mother's arms.
"I won't mind if you join us." Rock wrapped his arms around her and Snow as they walk. "How about you, Snow? What do you think?" Snow tucked her head between her mother's breast.
"Aw, did daddy scare you?" Dawn pinched Rock's nose, "Don't scare the baby!"
"I didn't mean it."
Rock and Dawn fell back behind the rest of the group. Stick could not help but turn around and glare at the two love birds. "Now I feel like they're just showing off." Then he walked faster to the front of the group to hopefully get away from Rock and Dawn's suffocating atmosphere. But he was not safe there, as Spat and Mabel's love polluted the air. "You've got to be kidding me."
Meanwhile, Sun was also fighting his battle. Mari's interest in the history of the goblins and Pagasa's past glued her next to Pagasa. And he was eager to share his stories with Mari. She would ask Pagasa about his past exploits, and she always had a grin on her face while listening to the stories of his adventures. Sun was perplexed to see his mother show so much interest in him. He couldn't help but feel jealous, and the urge to get in between them grows within him, but it will undoubtedly make him the bad guy.
Still, it was a strange feeling to see his mother smile in such a way. Was it love? Maybe not, but Sun could see the spark in her eyes. The same spark in her eyes when he read her the diary they found in their first home.
After hours of walking, they finally reached the base of the mountain. Purple crabapple trees were covering the area, and their purple leaves made a beautiful contrast to the red cliffside of the plateau. A large staircase was carved on the mountain and lead straight to the top of the plateau. "Do we really have to climb up there?" Stick asked.
"Yes," Pagasa answered.
"This better be worth it." Sun said, "There's probably over a thousand steps."
Pagasa and his students climbed up those stairs, waving goodbye to their loved ones and the Legions below them. Once they were out of sight, Mari, Dawn, Mabel, and the Legions turned and walked back home. Sun followed Pagasa closely behind him, "Hey, why is my mom so keen on you? You didn't try to seduce her, did you?"
"Bahaha! Of course not. She's a big fan of the Red Wizard. That's why."
"Red Wizard?"
"The greatest wizard to have ever lived. He alone could beat gods with one hand tied behind his back. He was an amazing man, and everyone respected him. Even those elitists in the Garden Tower bow to his presence."
"I don't know anything about Garden Towers and whatever. But beating gods, now that's impressive. Did you ever meet this guy?"
"Met him? He was my teacher. And I plan on passing the lessons he taught me to you."
It took several hours for them to reach the top of the plateau. Stick's legs gave in halfway to the climb, forcing Rock to carry him. Spat's legs also lose their strength, and Smoke carried him. Sun urged Pagasa to stop and take a break, but he insisted that the climb to continue and those that can no longer climb can give up or rest and catch up. But Pagasa will not stop for anyone.
Eventually, Smoke and Rock were getting tired from carrying the Stick and Spat. Fortunately, Stick and Spat regained enough of their energy to walk by themself, but that did not stop Sun from carrying Rock and Smoke. "What are you doing?" Rock yelled on Sun.
"Carrying your weak asses!" Sun placed Rock and Smoke on his shoulders and proceeded to walk after Pagasa.
"We could have carried them!" Spat said.
"I know, so when I get tired. It will be your turn."
Pagasa turned around and watched the five argue amongst themselves who will carry who. Pagasa blessed the comradery between them, and he hopes that it will carry on until the end of the training.
By the near end of the staircase, Sun's body gave up, and it was Stick's turn to carry him. Once he arrived on the final step, Stick threw Sun to the ground and collapsed next to him. The rest followed, laying on the ground as if they were dead.
Pagasa sat in front of them. "Alright, kids, let's get down to business to defeat our enemies."
"Can we rest first," Sun mumbled through the ground.
"Did I come with wusses when I wanted warriors? You're the saddest bunch I ever met. But you can bet before we're through. Mister, I'll make a man out of you!" Pagasa got up and kicked the ground. "Better move before this part of cliff falls."
A crack began to grow around the resting goblins, and a fault slowly appeared as the ground slid down the slope. The goblins quickly rose from their feet and ran to stable grounds. They watched as the small section of the cliff fell down to the forest below.
Sun turned to Pagasa, enraged by his actions, "You could have," But before he could finish his sentence, his face was stupified by the sights in front of them. Large figures of bronze statues lay on the ground, the same brass colored drone Pagasa kept in his lair. And weapons of all sorts littered the red-stained ground and far from them was a large star fortress breaking apart from years of neglect.
The signs of a struggle, a battle could be seen across the horizon, but not a single body could be found. That's because Pagasa buried them long ago, after the battle. "This place is no ordinary plateau; this was the place where the first blood was fell—the first battle of our war against the heavens. Many lives were lost that day. And many more lost as the war continued."
"And we're going to train here?" Smoke asked.
"Yes!" Pagasa took out his magical box and opened it. A purple tentacle came out while carrying a rusty ax. "Take out your weapons! Our first lesson will be simple. You must break this ax before it breaks you." Mana surged from within Pagasa, and it covered the ax with a splendid color of blue. "Draw your weapons! Fight me!"
Smoke and Sun dropped their bags and were the first to strike. Smoke removed his war club hanging from his waist. The robotic hand attached to the club held on formed the shape of a cup, making it easier for Smoke to keep his hold no matter how strong he slams it against Pagasa's ax. But his attacks were not strong to break the old rusty weapon, and Pagasa roundhouse kicked Smoke away from him.
Sun attacked him from behind. He used the sword's special properties and increased its weight before slamming it against the ax's handle. But Pagasa saw through Sun's movement. He caught Sun's sword with his ax and took the sword off his hand before kicking in the chest.
Rock brought out his gold and silver buckles and charged at Pagasa. "Taste this!" Rock ducked low and delivered a devasting uppercut that sent Pagasa flying back. Pagasa blocked the attack with his ax, which nearly caused it to fly out of his hands.
"You're as strong as you are big." Pagasa smiled. "But that's not enough" He pointed at the buckler Rock used to punch his ax. It had a dent.
"What? How did you?" Rock was shocked to see the same buckler he used to punch a troll multiple times bend like paper.
"Yes, I do, and so I did."
Suddenly a sickle flew past Pagasa's hands. Stick was spinning his sickles around me and was sending them flying towards Pagasa's direction. "Try not to get hit," Stick joked.
Pagasa danced between the ropes and made his way to Stick. But he was blocked by a massive rectangular shield. "Sorry, but you can't go through. Not allowed!" Spat stood in his way and bashed him with the shield.
Pagasa took a few steps back after getting hit by the shield, then charged towards it once more. He plunged him on the shield breaking it in two, shocking Spat. Then he jumped over Spat and, using his head as a launched pad, flew past Stick's sickles and kicked Stick across the face.
"Bahahaha!" Pagasa landed with his arms opened wide, "This is going to take a while."
The battle continued, but they were unsuccessful. When the day ended, they rested, and the next day, they fought again. And they continued this cycle for weeks until finally, they managed to break the ax in half. When they achieved it, true training began. He first taught them a more efficient way to perform Arnis. The name of the technique they were using to strengthen their body or parts of their body as well as the objects on their person by covering it with mana.
Then he taught them Isiptali, a technique that allows them to see the unseen by spreading their mana around them like the web. He had them traverse the minefield that stopped the drone's advancements to improve their use of Isiptali. And last but not least, it was the hardest technique to learn, Astral. It allowed sending projectiles made of their mana. They were already using these very techniques except for Isiptali, but they were too reckless and wild.
He taught them how to be precise and efficient while making their Kas stronger as they fought for their lives against Pagasa and surviving through the many hidden dangers lurking in the abandoned battlefield. They battled through the hottest of summer and the coldest of winter, barely able to see their loved ones.
And as months went by, the stronger and more confident in their abilities they became until a full year passed. When spring came, and birds sang their lovely songs, Pagasa climbed down the mountain with his students. And they returned to their tribe as new men ready to conquer the forest and rebuild the kingdom they lost a century ago. as
"You think I can also come and learn with you guys?" Dawn asked. Her baby, Snow, looking around the forest, admiring the trees and the colorful birds perched on the branches while being carried in her mother's arms.
"I won't mind if you join us." Rock wrapped his arms around her and Snow as they walk. "How about you, Snow? What do you think?" Snow tucked her head between her mother's breast.
"Aw, did daddy scare you?" Dawn pinched Rock's nose, "Don't scare the baby!"
"I didn't mean it."
Rock and Dawn fell back behind the rest of the group. Stick could not help but turn around and glare at the two love birds. "Now I feel like they're just showing off." Then he walked faster to the front of the group to hopefully get away from Rock and Dawn's suffocating atmosphere. But he was not safe there, as Spat and Mabel's love polluted the air. "You've got to be kidding me."
Meanwhile, Sun was also fighting his battle. Mari's interest in the history of the goblins and Pagasa's past glued her next to Pagasa. And he was eager to share his stories with Mari. She would ask Pagasa about his past exploits, and she always had a grin on her face while listening to the stories of his adventures. Sun was perplexed to see his mother show so much interest in him. He couldn't help but feel jealous, and the urge to get in between them grows within him, but it will undoubtedly make him the bad guy.
Still, it was a strange feeling to see his mother smile in such a way. Was it love? Maybe not, but Sun could see the spark in her eyes. The same spark in her eyes when he read her the diary they found in their first home.
After hours of walking, they finally reached the base of the mountain. Purple crabapple trees were covering the area, and their purple leaves made a beautiful contrast to the red cliffside of the plateau. A large staircase was carved on the mountain and lead straight to the top of the plateau. "Do we really have to climb up there?" Stick asked.
"Yes," Pagasa answered.
"This better be worth it." Sun said, "There's probably over a thousand steps."
Pagasa and his students climbed up those stairs, waving goodbye to their loved ones and the Legions below them. Once they were out of sight, Mari, Dawn, Mabel, and the Legions turned and walked back home. Sun followed Pagasa closely behind him, "Hey, why is my mom so keen on you? You didn't try to seduce her, did you?"
"Bahaha! Of course not. She's a big fan of the Red Wizard. That's why."
"Red Wizard?"
"The greatest wizard to have ever lived. He alone could beat gods with one hand tied behind his back. He was an amazing man, and everyone respected him. Even those elitists in the Garden Tower bow to his presence."
"I don't know anything about Garden Towers and whatever. But beating gods, now that's impressive. Did you ever meet this guy?"
"Met him? He was my teacher. And I plan on passing the lessons he taught me to you."
It took several hours for them to reach the top of the plateau. Stick's legs gave in halfway to the climb, forcing Rock to carry him. Spat's legs also lose their strength, and Smoke carried him. Sun urged Pagasa to stop and take a break, but he insisted that the climb to continue and those that can no longer climb can give up or rest and catch up. But Pagasa will not stop for anyone.
Eventually, Smoke and Rock were getting tired from carrying the Stick and Spat. Fortunately, Stick and Spat regained enough of their energy to walk by themself, but that did not stop Sun from carrying Rock and Smoke. "What are you doing?" Rock yelled on Sun.
"Carrying your weak asses!" Sun placed Rock and Smoke on his shoulders and proceeded to walk after Pagasa.
"We could have carried them!" Spat said.
"I know, so when I get tired. It will be your turn."
Pagasa turned around and watched the five argue amongst themselves who will carry who. Pagasa blessed the comradery between them, and he hopes that it will carry on until the end of the training.
By the near end of the staircase, Sun's body gave up, and it was Stick's turn to carry him. Once he arrived on the final step, Stick threw Sun to the ground and collapsed next to him. The rest followed, laying on the ground as if they were dead.
Pagasa sat in front of them. "Alright, kids, let's get down to business to defeat our enemies."
"Can we rest first," Sun mumbled through the ground.
"Did I come with wusses when I wanted warriors? You're the saddest bunch I ever met. But you can bet before we're through. Mister, I'll make a man out of you!" Pagasa got up and kicked the ground. "Better move before this part of cliff falls."
A crack began to grow around the resting goblins, and a fault slowly appeared as the ground slid down the slope. The goblins quickly rose from their feet and ran to stable grounds. They watched as the small section of the cliff fell down to the forest below.
Sun turned to Pagasa, enraged by his actions, "You could have," But before he could finish his sentence, his face was stupified by the sights in front of them. Large figures of bronze statues lay on the ground, the same brass colored drone Pagasa kept in his lair. And weapons of all sorts littered the red-stained ground and far from them was a large star fortress breaking apart from years of neglect.
The signs of a struggle, a battle could be seen across the horizon, but not a single body could be found. That's because Pagasa buried them long ago, after the battle. "This place is no ordinary plateau; this was the place where the first blood was fell—the first battle of our war against the heavens. Many lives were lost that day. And many more lost as the war continued."
"And we're going to train here?" Smoke asked.
"Yes!" Pagasa took out his magical box and opened it. A purple tentacle came out while carrying a rusty ax. "Take out your weapons! Our first lesson will be simple. You must break this ax before it breaks you." Mana surged from within Pagasa, and it covered the ax with a splendid color of blue. "Draw your weapons! Fight me!"
Smoke and Sun dropped their bags and were the first to strike. Smoke removed his war club hanging from his waist. The robotic hand attached to the club held on formed the shape of a cup, making it easier for Smoke to keep his hold no matter how strong he slams it against Pagasa's ax. But his attacks were not strong to break the old rusty weapon, and Pagasa roundhouse kicked Smoke away from him.
Sun attacked him from behind. He used the sword's special properties and increased its weight before slamming it against the ax's handle. But Pagasa saw through Sun's movement. He caught Sun's sword with his ax and took the sword off his hand before kicking in the chest.
Rock brought out his gold and silver buckles and charged at Pagasa. "Taste this!" Rock ducked low and delivered a devasting uppercut that sent Pagasa flying back. Pagasa blocked the attack with his ax, which nearly caused it to fly out of his hands.
"You're as strong as you are big." Pagasa smiled. "But that's not enough" He pointed at the buckler Rock used to punch his ax. It had a dent.
"What? How did you?" Rock was shocked to see the same buckler he used to punch a troll multiple times bend like paper.
"Yes, I do, and so I did."
Suddenly a sickle flew past Pagasa's hands. Stick was spinning his sickles around me and was sending them flying towards Pagasa's direction. "Try not to get hit," Stick joked.
Pagasa danced between the ropes and made his way to Stick. But he was blocked by a massive rectangular shield. "Sorry, but you can't go through. Not allowed!" Spat stood in his way and bashed him with the shield.
Pagasa took a few steps back after getting hit by the shield, then charged towards it once more. He plunged him on the shield breaking it in two, shocking Spat. Then he jumped over Spat and, using his head as a launched pad, flew past Stick's sickles and kicked Stick across the face.
"Bahahaha!" Pagasa landed with his arms opened wide, "This is going to take a while."
The battle continued, but they were unsuccessful. When the day ended, they rested, and the next day, they fought again. And they continued this cycle for weeks until finally, they managed to break the ax in half. When they achieved it, true training began. He first taught them a more efficient way to perform Arnis. The name of the technique they were using to strengthen their body or parts of their body as well as the objects on their person by covering it with mana.
Then he taught them Isiptali, a technique that allows them to see the unseen by spreading their mana around them like the web. He had them traverse the minefield that stopped the drone's advancements to improve their use of Isiptali. And last but not least, it was the hardest technique to learn, Astral. It allowed sending projectiles made of their mana. They were already using these very techniques except for Isiptali, but they were too reckless and wild.
He taught them how to be precise and efficient while making their Kas stronger as they fought for their lives against Pagasa and surviving through the many hidden dangers lurking in the abandoned battlefield. They battled through the hottest of summer and the coldest of winter, barely able to see their loved ones.
And as months went by, the stronger and more confident in their abilities they became until a full year passed. When spring came, and birds sang their lovely songs, Pagasa climbed down the mountain with his students. And they returned to their tribe as new men ready to conquer the forest and rebuild the kingdom they lost a century ago. as
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