The God and Buddha are actually me

Chapter 128 Patrolling the Sea Yaksha, the Yellow Devil

Three days later.

Qingzhou, Guixiakou, Yellow Devil Beach.

A carriage is slowly approaching. If you observe carefully, you will find that the driver's eyes are dull and there is no emotion at all.

It was the paper figurine folded by Ah Li.

Inside the carriage.

Ah Li swayed her little feet and said boredly: "Brother Jiu, why do we have to go so far to catch a fish?"

Obviously there is a lake in Qingzhou City, but I don't know why Brother Jiu had to travel across mountains and rivers to come here to fish.

Moreover, the fishing rod is also specially made, forged from hundred-forged fine steel, and even the bait is not earthworms, but a lot of fine beef and mutton.

These cost a lot of money, which made her feel very distressed as the chief housekeeper of Zhang Mansion.

"What do you know? This Yellow Devil Beach is rich in an extremely valuable fish called the Yellow Lip Fish, also known as the Golden Ao. It is full of treasures. The most valuable thing is the swim bladder. It has extremely high medicinal value and can be compared with gold. "Equal."

Zhang Jiuyang smiled slightly, but did not tell her that the purpose of this trip was to complete the task entrusted by the Dragon Girl.

Hearing this, Ah Li's eyes lit up.

"Gold! Gold!"

"Third brother, don't sleep, get up later and catch fish!!"

The next moment, a thumb-sized Qingji crawled out of her hair, and its appearance changed dramatically at this moment.

Originally there were four inches of body, but now it is only about two inches. He still wears a yellow robe and a yellow crown, but there are two small black wings on his back, and a small fork made of the power of water in his hand.

After drinking the Emperor's Ouyang, Qingji had grown enough to swallow the water pearl. Naturally, Zhang Jiuyang was not stingy and gave him the pearl that he had longed for.

After swallowing it, Qingji's bloodline changed in some way, and he became a mini version of the patrolling Yasha, which looked even cuter.

Not only does it strengthen the ability to control water, but it can also control water creatures to a certain extent.

In fact, Yaksha is not weak. In "The Romance of the Gods", Li Gen is the patrolling Yaksha in the East China Sea. He has a face like indigo, hair like cinnabar, a huge mouth with fangs, and holds a giant axe. He can easily tame all kinds of beasts in the sea.

The reason why it appears weak is because its opponent is Nezha.

Under the Qiankun Circle, how many heads in the East China Sea can avoid being smashed to pieces?

Therefore, after Qingji's bloodline was promoted to Xunhai Yaksha, Zhang Jiuyang was pleasantly surprised, but for some reason, its body became smaller.

Do you have to rely on being cute to win?

"Second sister, do you think we will encounter monsters? If we do take action, I, I'm a little nervous. Can you teach me how to fight?"

Creatures like Qingji have a gentle and peaceful temperament, and they work hard without complaining. They only know how to deliver letters and escape for their lives. Things like fighting of wits have never been related to them.

But now that it has Yasha bloodline, it can participate in the fight.

Ah Li patted her chest and said: "It's simple. Second sister will teach you that we should use our own advantages when fighting. For example, I can curse the enemy to death!"

After being promoted to the fierce level, her new magical power is called Grudge, which has the power of a hidden curse. It can make people unlucky and bring down their luck, and it can also make people die on the streets or in the wilderness.

It is equivalent to an advanced version of predictive divination.

This also made Zhang Jiuyang secretly sigh, fortunately Ah Li has her own guidance, otherwise with her ability, she would soon set off a wave of terror and become a weird and strange story.

"Second sister, I'm so small, how should I fight?"

Qingji felt a little inferior.

Ah Li's eyes flickered and his eyes lit up, as if he had come up with some brilliant idea.

"Being small has its advantages. When the time comes, you can see if there is a hole you can drill into. Then you can get in and turn him upside down!"

Zhang Jiuyang originally wanted to stop it, but then he thought about it. In Journey to the West, the monkey brother got into the belly of the monster many times, and the effect was quite obvious.

Even if it doesn't go into the stomach, it can have miraculous effects if it goes into the ears.

It's also a good idea.

Unlike Ah Li, who already had a tacit understanding with him, Qing Ji would have to learn how to integrate into their fighting rhythm sooner or later.

Hopefully it will find its own way and not be left behind.

The carriage slowly stopped and the coachman's voice sounded.

"Master, we are here."

Zhang Jiuyang got off the carriage, and Ah Li carried two large barrels of beef and mutton down. Then he chanted a mantra, and the coachman and the carriage turned into pieces of paper at the same time.

She put the paper away and saved it for next time.

Fortunately, there was no one around, otherwise it would have caused a fright.


The sound of the tide sounded, and the moist river wind blew from the Yellow Devil Beach, giving off a faint smell of water.

Looking around, a large dangerous shoal comes into view. The water is like yellow soup, boiling, and many hidden reefs are vaguely visible.

The current is really fast, with rocks scattered all over the place, the water is turbulent, and the sound is like thunder.

If anyone chooses to fish here, they must be out of their minds.

Zhang Jiuyang frowned slightly, something was wrong.

Before setting off, he had specifically inquired about the Yellow Devil's Beach. This dangerous shoal originally had fast currents, making it difficult for boats to cross, and many people died.

Therefore, this place is also called Guixiakou, hoping that the souls of the deceased can find their way home and rest in peace as soon as possible.

Decades ago, a scholar who was rushing to take an exam passed by here by boat. When he arrived at the mouth of Guixia, the river was swollen and roaring.

The scholar thought that he was going to die here, but he dreamed of a strange man with hair as red as fire and pupils that were azure. He told the scholar that his name was the Yellow Demon God and he would protect him from passing safely.

After that, this dangerous shoal became calm and calm.

Later, the scholar passed the imperial examination and became a high-ranking official. He wrote a praise for the Yellow Demon God, and many people nearby also worshipped him. This dangerous beach was renamed the Yellow Demon Beach.

The Yellow Demon God does not want human sacrifices. As long as some pork or mutton is offered every few months, the place can be kept calm and the wanderers can return home safely.

At the same time, the yellow croakers in the Yellow Demon Beach are big and plump, attracting countless people who love fishing.

However, there is a rule here that it is not allowed to make nets for fishing, only fishing is allowed, otherwise the Yellow Demon God will be angry and raise wind and waves to warn.

Over time, the Yellow Demon Beach has become a famous fishing treasure in Qingzhou.

But now Zhang Jiuyang looked at the raging waves and the empty river bank in front of him, and couldn't help wondering, is this the so-called fishing treasure?

It seems that something must have happened in the Yellow Demon Beach.

"Master, I sensed a very dangerous breath under the water..."

Qingji pinched his small fork, looking a little nervous.

Zhang Jiuyang smiled slightly and said, "It's dangerous."

After all, what he was going to fish this time was not ordinary.

Looking around, he found that the water was too turbulent and rushed to the shore from time to time, so it was difficult to find a place to stay.

But soon Zhang Jiuyang's eyes lit up. He held the fishing rod, tapped his toes lightly, and climbed up a steep cliff with a nimble posture. He sat cross-legged and started fishing.

According to what the dragon girl said, it should be at Huangmo Beach.

A Li felt bored after staying for a while, so she summoned the three generals of braised, steamed and fried, and went all over the mountains to catch wandering ghosts.

After she was promoted to the fierce level, the number of soldiers she could raise was also greatly improved. Recently, she was busy expanding her subordinates.

Zhang Jiuyang closed his eyes, fishing, and practicing silently.

Everything he did was practicing.

Time passed little by little. After an unknown period of time, Zhang Jiuyang suddenly heard the sound of climbing from below.

Without opening his eyes, a golden light flashed between his eyebrows, and his eyes were wide open, and everything around him was in full view.

I saw someone climbing up the cliff, carrying a fishing rod and other fishing gear on his back. He was nimble and soon climbed to where Zhang Jiuyang was.

"Little brother, give me a hand!"

The man stretched out his hand to Zhang Jiuyang.

Zhang Jiuyang smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to pull him up, and looked at the man quietly.

I saw that the man was an old man, wearing a light yellow dress, with white hair, but his face was still ruddy. He was only slightly out of breath after climbing so high, which showed that he was in good physical condition when he was young.

"What's your name, old man?"

"Just call me Lao Huang."

Lao Huang sat down by himself, skillfully making a nest and casting a rod.

"Little brother, this place has good feng shui, but the Yellow Demon Beach has been uneasy recently. I see that you are so young, you'd better go back early."

Zhang Jiuyang shook his head and said, "I have been entrusted with a task, and I must be loyal to the person who entrusted me. I can't go back without catching what I want."

After a pause, he asked again, "May I ask, old man, wasn't the Yellow Demon Beach peaceful before? Why is it suddenly uneasy now?"

Old Huang sighed and said, "Because the Yellow Demon God is old, an uninvited guest broke into this dangerous beach. The Yellow Demon God is powerless and can no longer protect the peace of the area."

After saying that, he moved the fishing rod in his hand and caught a fat and huge yellow croaker, weighing thirty or forty kilograms.

The old man had extraordinary arm strength and easily lifted the fish. The yellow croaker also seemed very docile and had no intention of resisting at all.

"Good luck, old man!"

Zhang Jiuyang praised.

But the old man gave the fish to Zhang Jiuyang.

"Little brother, you don't know how to fish, but you are willing to come to this dangerous place to fish. You must be short of money. I'll give you this fish. Go home quickly."

Such a big yellow croaker is enough to sell for a good price, which can make ordinary people worry-free for several years.

Zhang Jiuyang shook his head.

The old man stopped talking and continued fishing. His technique was very skillful. The fish came up one after another, and finally filled the whole bucket.

Zhang Jiuyang didn't catch any.

"Little brother, my teeth are not good. I am old and have no descendants. I don't need money. Today is a good day, so I will give you all these. Go home quickly."

Zhang Jiuyang shook his head again.

The smile on the old man's face gradually faded, and his voice became cold.

"Little brother, you can't be too greedy."

Zhang Jiuyang nodded and smiled: "Am I greedy, or are you too greedy?"

The old man frowned and asked in confusion: "Little brother, what do you mean by this?"

"Put away your hypocritical face."

Zhang Jiuyang sighed lightly, looking at the dense yellow croakers in the bucket, and said: "They are willing to die for you and let people fish for them. Don't you have any pity and guilt in your heart?"

The old man frowned and said: "I don't understand what you are talking about?"

Zhang Jiuyang smiled and said lightly: "Are you fishing or fishing for me?"

After a pause, he said three words.

"Yellow Demon God."


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