The God and Buddha are actually me

Chapter 140: Reopening the Yan Luo case, Dragon Girl plays the flute

Kyoto, Jianzhengyuan.

The seven chief eunuchs of Qin Tian Jian all gathered together with solemn expressions.

Zhuge Yunhu was still relaxed, wearing an ordinary blue cloth, and said calmly: "Four villages, 864 people, were all massacred. Are you sure it was Yama who did it?"

Superintendent Shentu slapped the table and cursed: "It must have been done by him. It's exactly the same as Qingzhou's method. This beast really kills people like pigs and dogs. It's totally unconscionable!"

Yue Ling said calmly: "I don't think so. That time in Qingzhou, Yan Luo killed all high-ranking officials and nobles, and seemed to disdain to kill ordinary people. How could such a person go to such a far place and massacre several people?" A village?”

Shentu Superintendent Hou said angrily: "Yue Ling, why are you still speaking for this beast? Do you need a reason to kill people? Maybe you are just unhappy and want to vent!"

"I'm just speaking for the truth, Jian Zheng. I still think there should be something fishy about this matter."

The Prince of Shentu glared at Yue Ling angrily, his beard fluttering and his eyes like copper bells.

His good friend Nie Guangxian was once the governor of Qingzhou and died tragically at the hands of Yama, so he already hated that evil spirit deeply in his heart.

Yue Ling also looked at him quietly, his eyes calm but not at all disappointed. The Dragon Bird Sword beside him chirped slightly in its sheath.

"If you want to take action, I'll be with you anytime."

At this moment, she acted extremely strong. Although she was a newly promoted prison lord, her strength in the fifth realm made her equal to all the prison lords.

Jizhou Yuejia is a well-deserved mountain.

If you want strength, you must have strength; if you want power, you must have power.

Superintendent Shentu did not expect that Yue Ling would be so strong and would not retreat even a step, so he couldn't help but stagnate.

The other wardens hurriedly came out to smooth things over and ease the atmosphere.

Zhuge Yunhu smiled faintly and suddenly said: "Longhu, you have been very clever recently. Even without leaving home, you can find clues related to Huangquan from the vast sea of ​​files."

"I'm a little curious, how do you know that those children whose skulls were dug out are related to Huang Quan?"

Hearing this, the other prison princes also looked at Yue Ling with great curiosity.

Yue Ling has become famous recently. She pushed against all opinions and forced a thorough investigation of some cases. As a result, she followed the clues and wiped out many evil evil dens. According to the information from the interrogation, these evil evil spirits turned out to be the subordinates of the Double-faced Buddha!

The Double-Faced Buddha is ranked second on the wanted list within the Qintian Prison, and the first one is Tianzun.

This evil old man is cunning, his scheming and abilities are unfathomable. Over the years, they have always been one step behind, as if they were being led by the nose.

Only this time, they caught the double-faced Buddha's men first and rescued a large number of imprisoned children.

As a result, Yue Ling became very popular in the Qintian Prison. His Majesty, Longyan, was so pleased that he specifically lifted her confinement and awarded her a commendation.

Faced with this problem, Yue Ling sighed softly in her heart.

She wanted to tell everyone openly that this was all Zhang Jiuyang's fault. He had to endure the humiliation and go deep into the tiger's den to find out the news.

But she knew she couldn't.

There must be Huang Quan's detailed work in Qintian Prison, but she is not sure who it is. Maybe it is in this room.


She said calmly: "Jian Zheng, I would like to request to take charge of the Yama case."

Someone wants to frame Zhang Jiuyang!

Zhuge Yunhu smiled and said: "Okay, get up from where you fell. In this case, the Yama Luo case will continue to be hosted by you."

But he paused and looked at Shen Tuxiong again.

"Marquis Shentu, if you feel aggrieved, please be the deputy director. I believe that with the combined efforts of Qinglong and Baihu Pavilions, we will be able to get to the bottom of things and catch the real culprit."

Superintendent Shentu cupped his fists and said, "Follow your orders!"

There was a hint of excitement in his eyes, he could finally compete with Yama. He had been waiting for this day for a long time.

Yue Ling frowned slightly.

Shen Tuxiong is too hostile to Yama Luo and does not belong to his subordinates. I am afraid that he will be a troublesome time.

After the meeting.

Shen Tuxiong and Yue Ling walked side by side. He walked like a dragon and a tiger, making bold moves. His burly body was like a black bear walking upright.

"Marquis Yue Jian, should we go to Yangzhou to investigate first?"

"Let's divide the troops into two groups."

Yue Ling glanced at him and said calmly: "I will go to Yangzhou, and you will go to the village near Yunmengze and lead people to investigate. After all, that is the scene of the crime, and there may be other clues."

Shen Tuxiong rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "Marquis Yue Jian, how about we change things? I'll go to Yangzhou and you go to Yunmengze."

Seeing the cold look on Yue Ling's face, he explained: "I'm not greedy for merit, but I'm a rough man. I can't do this kind of searching for clues, so let me go find Yama Luo's lair. "

Yue Ling snorted coldly and said, "Whatever."

"Haha, thank you so much, Marquis Yue!"

After Shen Tuxiong got the answer he wanted, he immediately turned around and left in a hurry.

Yue Ling showed a sneer.


If she hadn't deliberately said that she was going to Yangzhou, how could Shen Tuxiong have volunteered to change with her?

This guy seems to have a hot temper, but in fact he is rough and subtle, and he has a lot of evil intentions.

He didn't completely believe the information from Li Yan, so he came to test it.

After a while, she put on her armor, ordered her troops, and rushed towards Qingzhou.

Zhang Jiuyang, nothing happens to you.

Wait a minute, I'll be there soon!

In the cave, the flames gradually extinguished.

Zhang Jiuyang fell asleep against the wall without knowing when. Although he was not injured in this battle and appeared to be very strong, it actually consumed his mind and spirit greatly.

After the battle, his tense nerves suddenly relaxed, and sleepiness also came over him.

But not long after, he suddenly opened his eyes when he heard some noise.

It turned out that Ao Ya was grinding her teeth in her dream. She didn't know what she dreamed about, and she was holding a big stone and chewing it.

Zhang Jiuyang breathed a sigh of relief.

Hmm? No, where is the Dragon Girl?

The place where the Dragon Girl slept was empty, but he was wearing his coat.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but there was a faint fragrance on the coat, which condensed and did not dissipate.

Did the Dragon Girl leave?

He quickly got up and walked out of the cave to check. Not far away, A Li came back hopping, holding a pheasant in one hand and mushrooms in the other.

"Brother Jiu, I'll make you chicken stewed with mushrooms!"

"Ali, have you seen the Dragon Girl?"

"Yes, she's over there!"

Ali pointed in a direction and said with great joy: "Sister Dragon Girl is taking a bath there. She's really amazing. She's so white and tender now despite such a serious injury!"

After a pause, she smiled and suggested: "Brother Jiu, now is a good time for you to be a gigolo. I'll help you steal Sister Dragon Girl's clothes, and we'll make her my sister-in-law together!"

"Hehe, it can also save a lot of betrothal money~"

Zhang Jiuyang knocked her head hard and said: "Am I that kind of person, Brother Jiu?"

Ali nodded.

Zhang Jiuyang was angry and slowly drew out the Demon Slayer Sword.

"I'll give you another chance, speak nicely."

A Li took a breath, her little head spinning, recalling the idioms she had learned, and hurriedly said: "Ninth brother, you... you are a beast in human clothing, but you are a gentleman!"

Zhang Jiuyang's face turned black, his facial muscles twitched slightly, and he squeezed out a few words from his teeth.

"In the future... don't use any idioms anymore!"

If a child is not taught well, it is the fault of the father. If the teaching is not strict, it is the laziness of the teacher.

He decided to give the child a complete childhood.

As the screams rang out, even the sleeping Ao Ya was awakened, but she was not angry. She thought she was playing a game when she saw this scene, showing a smile with missing front teeth, and clapping her hands happily.


There was a faint cloud and smoke surrounding a small lake in the distance.

Zhang Jiuyang naturally did not want to peek at the dragon girl taking a bath, but waited for a while on purpose, and heard the sound of the jade flute in the distance, and then came to meet her.

On the bluestone in the lake, there sat a fairy in white clothes who was independent and incomparable.

Her clothes had been restored to their original state. The white clothes were whiter than snow, painted with elegant cloud patterns, and her waist-length hair fell like a waterfall, still slightly wet, flowing with a brocade-like luster under the moonlight.

The dragon girl under the moon, in white clothes and barefoot.

She stepped on the clear water, and her slender fingers held a green jade flute horizontally. Her skin was as white as ice and snow, and the sound of the flute was clear and distant, like the sound of nature.

Zhang Jiuyang finally knew why the statue of Ao Li enshrined in Qushui Village was playing the jade flute.

This scene would be unforgettable for anyone who saw it.

The song ended.

He felt as if a clear spring flowed into his heart. After walking in the misty rain of Jiangnan, he was nourished by the water vapor and his mental fatigue was swept away.

Zhang Jiuyang floated over and landed on the bluestone.

The dragon girl seemed to have known that he was coming. Her snow-white feet swayed gently in the water. She was silent, but she let Zhang Jiuyang sit beside her without refusing.

"Zhang Jiuyang, thank you."

Her voice was very ethereal, but compared with the past, it seemed a little less cold.

Zhang Jiuyang remembered her mumbling in the dream, smiled slightly, and said: "Such a big favor, it can't be over with just a thank you."

She raised her head, and her glass-colored pupils stared at Zhang Jiuyang quietly.

"I can give you half a dragon ball."

After a pause, she seemed to be afraid that Zhang Jiuyang would think it was not enough, and added: "There are also treasures in the Yunmengze Dragon Palace, you can take them away."

Zhang Jiuyang saw her so serious, and couldn't help but teasing: "But I don't need these."

"What do you want?"

"Let me think... Oh, it seems that I need a mount..."

Zhang Jiuyang glanced at her lowered eyes, and the fingers holding the jade flute subconsciously tightened a little, and the pair of snow-white feet like lotus were also shaking restlessly in the water.

He couldn't help laughing in his heart. The dragon girl who used to be high and mighty was actually a little cute at this moment.

After a long time, the dragon girl seemed to sigh softly, and a trace of frustration appeared in her beautiful glass-colored eyes.

Zhang Jiuyang felt that his joke seemed to be a bit too much. Just as he was about to speak, he heard her voice faintly.

"Zhang Jiuyang, I want to kill you."

"But I can't do it."


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