The God and Buddha are actually me

Chapter 146: Walking in the dark, asking for the secrets of heaven

The world line is gold, so you can't go south!

Zhang Jiuyang looked at these eight words, and on the one hand, he sighed at the power of Du Shensuan, but on the other hand, he didn't feel afraid.

No matter how advanced Du Shensuan's six-line hexagram technique is, he can never calculate the visualization map on his body.

The visualization map carrying the Chinese gods is Zhang Jiuyang's greatest confidence. He has a plan to implement when he goes to Yangzhou.

Spread the faith of Wang Lingguan!

This world is too closed and the mobility is extremely poor. Although the "Lingguan Conquering Demons" has been circulated in Qingzhou, the land of a state is limited after all.

Yangzhou is much richer than Qingzhou, and its population is several times that of Qingzhou.

If the "Lingguan Conquering Demons" can be circulated in Yangzhou, then the speed at which he gains incense and faith will definitely double, and he may even get the Lingguan Treasure Edict in advance.

No matter how powerful the Painted Skin Master is, how many whips can he block from Wang Lingguan?

Even if the strength of the Chinese gods and Buddhas will be restricted to some extent after they descend to this world, they are still the most supreme existences.

The last time, Zhong Kui Tianshi left a deep impression on him.

So Zhang Jiuyang did not retreat because of this death hexagram. What he had experienced was not dangerous?

Continue to read the letter.

"The world line is gold, you can't go south!"

"If you insist on going south, you must remember..."

Zhang Jiuyang frowned and said, "What about the rest?"

The handwriting stopped here, which seemed very hasty. There were only these two lines in the letter, and the second line was not finished yet.

The young man seemed to think of the scene at that time, and a trace of panic appeared in his eyes.

"At that time, my father picked up the pen to write the letter, and he started vomiting blood from the first word. When he wrote here, the pen in my father's hand suddenly broke, and he fell on the table. He looked like he was asleep, but... he was no longer breathing."

Talking about that scene, he was sad and scared.

Hearing this, Zhang Jiuyang felt a little guilty.

Fortune-telling requires that the secrets of heaven cannot be revealed, so when speaking, one must be vague and half-revealed. In addition, for each fortune-telling, one must receive a reward, even if it is only a penny or a sip of water. It can be less, but it must be there.

These can reduce the punishment for revealing the secrets of heaven.

However, Du Shensuan told him directly, and the unfinished words must be very important, containing important secrets of heaven. With his cultivation, he could not bear the cost of speaking out.

So he died suddenly.

Of course, Du Shensuan was not without a backup plan. He had already calculated in advance that his life was about to end and he was about to go to the underworld to serve as a ghost official in the arithmetic book, so he wanted to sacrifice his life to repay his kindness.

Unfortunately, the most critical information was still not said.

Zhang Jiuyang sighed lightly, not because of the unfinished words, but because of the passing of a kind elder.

In the world, birth, aging, illness and death seem to be really unavoidable.

Even if he became a ghost official, who knows what the underworld looks like?

Ah Li said that even ghosts cannot live forever. Not only the body will age, but the soul will also age, but the aging of the soul is slower than that of the body.

Unless you become a legendary ghost fairy, even if you are a ghost, it will dissipate between heaven and earth after a long time.

Zhang Jiuyang bowed from a distance in the direction where Du Shensuan was buried, which was a belated farewell.

After the man left, Zhang Jiuyang was about to continue to set off for Yangzhou as planned, but he heard Ah Li's voice.

"Brother Jiu, do you want to find out what the next words are?"

Zhang Jiuyang saw that she looked confident and asked, "Can you predict it?"

Ah Li shook her head and said, "Brother Jiu, you can ask Grandpa Du!"

"Ask? The person is dead, you——"

Zhang Jiuyang's voice stopped abruptly, he seemed to think of something, his eyes moved.

The soul of Du Shensuan was taken away by the ghost soldiers, and he should be working in the underworld now, but Ali's secret art of walking in the underworld can allow the soul to travel in the underworld...

"It's still a bit dangerous..."

He hesitated a little, after all, the underworld is too mysterious, who knows what it is like down there?

"Brother Jiu, Ali is not a child anymore, Ali won't be impulsive, if you can find Grandpa Du, that's the best, if you can't find me, I'll come back immediately, how about it?"

There was a hint of expectation and pleading in her eyes.

Zhang Jiuyang sighed lightly, knowing that the little girl had been thinking about the underworld for a long time, she just didn't want to cause trouble for herself, so she kept it in her heart and didn't say it.

If it were him, his father who depended on each other for life was caught in the underworld, how could he not think about it day and night and worry about it often?

Even if she only got a little news about the underworld, it might be a comfort to her.

Zhang Jiuyang squatted down and stretched out his little finger.

"Pin, you must come back, otherwise, your ninth brother will starve to death here."

Ali was very happy, and she pinkied with Zhang Jiuyang, then threw herself into his arms and nudged him, saying coquettishly: "I knew that the ninth brother is the best~"

Zhang Jiuyang shook his head and smiled.

Half an hour later.

Zhang Jiuyang bought the items needed to practice the secret art of walking in the underworld, a coffin, peacock blood, glutinous rice, incense and candles, and paper for covering the dead.

Those who didn't know would think that Zhang Jiuyang was going to hold a funeral.

Ali first made a paper man for herself, and then possessed it.

In this way, even if she had a physical body temporarily, it was equivalent to having an anchor point in the world of the living, so that her soul would not get lost in the underworld and unable to return.

If it were other people who had gone to the underworld, they would not have to be so troublesome. This was a method specially thought out by the second master for her.

Then, Ah Li lit three incense sticks and inserted them into the stove filled with glutinous rice, chanting something in her mouth. It was the Bible of the Yin-Walking Sect, the Wheel-Turning Sutra. At the beginning, the Second Master asked Li Yan to write these scriptures in the Dragon King Temple with blood, which successfully blocked the Yin soldiers.

Reciting this sutra can open up the passage between the Yin and Yang worlds, and can also pray for the next Yin-Walking Gathering Fortune.

Ah Li took off her shoes and socks, lay in the eight-foot-long coffin, and made the wheel-turning seal with her hands. She took a deep breath, as if she was a little nervous.

In fact, it is not necessary to lie in a coffin when walking in the Yin, you can also lie on the bed, but it must be an eight-foot-long bed.

Since ancient times, craftsmen have had a rule of trade that the bed must be seven feet long and the coffin must be eight feet long.

The bed should be seven feet long, and the coffin should be eight feet long, mainly to facilitate the placement of some burial objects.

The coffin is the resting place of the deceased. It has the power to communicate yin and yang in the dark, so it is most suitable for walking in the underworld. However, because the person who walks in the underworld also has to live in the world of the living, an eight-foot-long bed is often customized to symbolize the coffin.

"Brother Jiu, it's time to start~"

Zhang Jiuyang nodded and smeared the peacock blood on the palms and soles of Ah Li's feet.

Walking in the underworld is also called crossing the underworld, touching the blind, and asking for directions. Different people who walk in the underworld have different secret methods. The secret of Erye's walking in the underworld method is this peacock blood.

Peacock blood is a spiritual object, and its nature is yin. In "Bao Gong's Case", Bao Zheng drank peacock blood to travel to the underworld.

Close the doors and windows, and place Ah Li's shoes in front of the coffin, one right and one wrong.

There are also some rules here. If all are placed right, the person who walks in the underworld will suddenly wake up. If all are placed wrong, the person who walks in the underworld will never wake up.

Finally, cover Ah Li's face with facial tissue.

At first, the paper trembled slightly with Ah Li's breathing, but gradually, the trembling became weaker and weaker, until there was no wave at all.

The candlelight around began to jump and flicker.

The Yin had begun.

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