The God and Buddha are actually me

Chapter 221: Ambush Yue Ling and test the dragon girl

The Moon Goddess obviously didn't expect that Yan Luo would be so strong and overbearing.

After a short silence, she also made a decision, with a hint of anger in her voice, saying: "Yan Luo, don't forget what you said today. If I'm in danger in the future, you must save me once!"

Although the voice was angry, it was a real concession.

Zhang Jiuyang smiled slightly and said lightly: "Deal."

This is the benefit of his direct confrontation with Tianzun today. For a fence-sitter like the Moon Goddess, blindly winning her over will only make her wait for the price. Sometimes you have to force her to make a decision.

Still want me to kill Yue Ling?

With his current identity and status in Huangquan, he is no longer at the mercy of others.

The Moon Goddess did not achieve her original goal, and she was unhappy. She no longer used her charm and said coldly: "According to the information I received, after the destruction of the Yuding Palace six hundred years ago, the whereabouts of the Nine Immortals Map disappeared, and now it is no longer in the world."

Not in the world?

Zhang Jiuyang's eyes flashed with a strange color, and he said, "Where is it?"

"The underworld."

The Moon Goddess no longer concealed and told all the information she had received.

"The Jade Tripod Nine Immortals Map, that is, the Jade Tripod Mysterious Art, should be hidden in the underworld now, and the specific location is the Nine Nether Hell..."

After she told the news about the Jade Tripod Mysterious Art, she said lightly: "The underworld is too strange and unpredictable. Although I got this news, I can't take it out. If Lord Yan Luo wants it, go and get it yourself."

"Don't bother."

Zhang Jiuyang's voice was indifferent, and he was about to quit the contact.

A trace of hesitation flashed in the Moon Goddess's eyes, and finally added: "In fact, the reason why I want you to kill Yue Ling is not entirely to disrupt the situation."

"Yue Ling is not a simple person. If she is allowed to grow up, she will be a big trouble in the future. I haven't found out the secrets of this woman yet, but even those clues are already very shocking."

Zhang Jiuyang's heart moved, and he remembered the abyss of karma and the brilliant golden light of merit on Yue Ling's body. He had never seen such a contradictory existence in a person.

Merit is like a saint, karma is like a demon.

"What have you found out?"

In just a few moments, the Moon Goddess had adjusted her mood.

She smiled slightly and said, "It seems that Lord Yan Luo is also very interested in Yue Ling, but I can't tell you now, but no matter what secrets she has, it will be over if she dies."

"Are you going to do it yourself?"

"As Lord Yan Luo said, if you want to muddy the water, Yue Ling is the best breakthrough. If you don't want to take action, then I have to send someone to take a risk."

Zhang Jiuyang frowned slightly and said, "Don't stay in Yangzhou."

"Wan Fu Tower is in Yangzhou. Of course, I will not affect Lord Yan Luo's assessment task. Killing Yue Ling is such a big thing that must be arranged well."

"I believe that Yue Ling will have to return to Beijing soon. By then..."

Her voice was slightly cold, and she said, "Once Yue Ling dies, the Imperial Observatory and the Jizhou Army will inevitably riot. If I really need help, I hope Lord Yan Luo will not forget today's deal."

Zhang Jiuyang didn't say anything and directly withdrew from the Yellow Spring Order.

In a bedroom in the harem of Kyoto, the figure on the phoenix couch sat up, with a little anger on his face.

This Yan Luo is really too much!

He actually dared to threaten directly and force me to submit?

In the past, any man, no matter how strong his willpower was, would have some thoughts when facing her. Under the blessing of the charm technique, let alone threats, he would not even dare to say a harsh word.

Only Yan Luo was extremely indifferent to her, and even had a hint of... disgust and dislike?

"My queen, did Yan Luo not agree?"

Outside the phoenix couch, Su Nu, who was dressed as a palace maid, knelt on the ground and asked.

After a long time, a soft and charming voice came from the phoenix couch.

"Yan Luo is unwilling to kill Yue Ling, it seems that you can only do it. With Yue Ling's combat power, casualties are inevitable."

"As long as we can relieve the worries of the queen, we are not afraid of death!"

The voice in the phoenix couch continued to sound, but with a hint of solemnity and murderous intent.

"After so many years of peace and security, why did the Imperial Observatory suddenly turn its attention to the palace, and the focus is on the harem."

Su Nu thought for a moment and said, "My Lady, are you saying that there is a traitor among us?"

"Su Nu, go ahead, check carefully before you do anything, if there is really a traitor..."

"Chop him up and feed him to the dogs."



Zhang Jiuyang walked on the long street, watching the lights of thousands of houses light up, listening to the laughter of each household, and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

If he hadn't joined Huangquan, who would know how many surging murderous intentions were hidden in such a happy and peaceful night?

The Moon God is not a good person. Although she was suppressed today, it is difficult for her to surrender sincerely with her temperament.

The more Zhang Jiuyang came into contact with, the more curious he became about the Moon God and the forces behind her.

Her people can actually find out the news of the underworld?

And she dared to send her men to ambush and kill Yue Ling, which shows that she is sure to succeed.

It's getting more and more confusing...

Zhang Jiuyang shook his head and stopped thinking about this mess. He had already walked outside the Shen Mansion.

He heard a sound of piano.

The sound was quiet and ancient, like a stream under the moon and a spring breeze on the river, which made people forget the world. Even as the piano sounded, hundreds of birds flew in the sky, whirling and dancing, unwilling to leave for a long time.

A piece of heavenly music, hundreds of birds paying homage to the phoenix?

Zhang Jiuyang seemed to have thought of something, and he became energetic. When he entered the house, the first thing he saw was a bonfire. Yue Ling and others were sitting around it. Among them, a figure in white clothes was very eye-catching.

Her white clothes are as white as the snow, and her skin is like glass. Under the moonlight, every strand of her hair is crystal clear and flowing with brilliance. Her slender jade fingers play with the clouds and play fairy sounds on the guqin.

Everyone was intoxicated, as if their souls had received an invisible baptism.

The moment Zhang Jiuyang stepped into Shen's Mansion, the piano music also came to an end and became a little more cheerful. It was like a natural movement in conjunction with the long chirping of birds.

Zhang Jiuyang also stopped and listened quietly.

When the song ended, the old lady took the lead in applauding and exclaimed: "The song is a fairy song, and people are like gods. It should only exist in heaven, but it is rare to hear it on earth!"

"Who did this Miss Long learn from? It's really amazing!"

Ao Li nodded slightly and said calmly: "People from the mountains and wilds are self-taught."

Mr. Zhao is also an elegant person and praised: "The song just now was like mountains and flowing water, white snow and spring. It can be seen that Miss Long has a flawless and unstained worldly heart. This is why the song has no trace of craftsmanship and is completely made by nature!"

When Zhang Jiuyang heard this evaluation, he would definitely agree with it in the past, but now...

He looked at the dragon girl Ao Li, who was dressed in white and playing the piano under the moon, with complicated eyes.

Is she really Taiyin?

If she is really too yin, does that mean that the image in front of her that is not stained by the world of mortals and is white and flawless is deliberately pretending to deceive herself?

Zhang Jiuyang found it difficult to accept it for a while.

He was about to open his eyes to see if there was any sin on Long Nu, but Yue Ling was the first to notice him.


Yue Ling waved to him and said with a smile: "I'm waiting for you, come here quickly!"

Zhang Jiuyang calmed down his expression, nodded and said with a smile: "Here you go."

"It's Chinese New Year, where is Xiaojiu?"

Mrs. Shen took his hand and sat down. Seeing how thinly he was dressed, she ordered someone to forcibly put a white fox fur cloak on him.

"Go back to the old lady and do some personal business."

After a pause, Zhang Jiuyang looked at Long Nu and said, "When did you come?"

When he said this, there was a hint of hope in his eyes.

If the dragon girl came a long time ago, it means that she cannot be Taiyin. After all, Taiyin was still in the underworld party at that time.

"Xiaojiu, this Miss Long is Xiaoya's sister. She just arrived. I heard that she taught you how to play the jade flute, so I begged her to play a song. She is indeed an expert!"

This made Lao Gaoyi, who was also at the campfire, a little embarrassed for a while.

"Old madam, she is an expert, then who am I?"

"You? You're a dwarf."

Yue Ling said unceremoniously.

Everyone laughed when they heard this, and the atmosphere became very happy.

Zhang Jiuyang also smiled on his face, but his heart sank.

The dragon girl just arrived, which means that she may indeed be Taiyin.

The old lady looked at him deeply and said: "Xiaojiu, Miss Long is a figure of heaven and a human being, and she is also your master. You can't neglect her."

Zhang Jiuyang's heart trembled, and he immediately understood what the old lady meant.

The old lady who had been running a harem all her life naturally did not want her precious granddaughter to become someone else's harem. She called Ao Li Zhang Jiuyang's master to remind him to keep a distance.

After all, as people mature with age, she has a keen eye for observing people and things.

Although Zhang Jiuyang and Ao Li didn't say a few words, Miss Long, who was aloof and aloof to everything, had been looking at him quietly since he came in.

This dragon girl is so beautiful. Mrs. Shen was also the most beautiful woman in Yangzhou back then, but she has to admit that compared with this dragon girl, even she was far behind.

Zhang Jiuyang nodded and smiled. He and Ao Li looked at each other, then their eyes met and they stopped communicating.

The bonfire burned brightly.

The chefs of the Shen Mansion continued to serve a variety of fine wines and delicacies, and everyone exchanged glasses and feasted. Ao Ya felt as if she was in a fairyland, sitting in her sister's arms and eating delicious food with just one mouth. It was so happy.

The atmosphere became more and more lively, and the stay-at-home party lasted until late at night.

Mrs. Shen originally invited some musicians and dancers, but after listening to Ao Li's song, the folk music could no longer be heard, so everyone went on their own to show off their skills.

Lao Gao played his flute, and a rope slowly flew out from the jar, winding like a snake and very agile.

Although Lao Diaoye was a little ashamed, he trembled under Ah Li's gaze and did not dare to disobey.

At midnight, the old lady was exhausted and left first. Master Nie was concerned about the swords in the snow furnace. As soon as the old lady left, he also left immediately.

Ao Ya fell asleep lying in her sister's arms with her belly bulging.

Lao Gao, Li Yan and others also resigned one after another.

The place suddenly became quiet.

The dancing flames illuminated the solemn look on Zhang Jiuyang's face.

Yue Ling had noticed something strange about him a long time ago, but there were so many people before that it was inconvenient to ask. Now there were only three people left, so she asked: "Zhang Jiuyang, what's wrong with you? Did something happen at this underworld party?"

He shook his head and said: "There was no danger, everything went well, and there was a big breakthrough."

After a pause, he looked at Ao Li and said, "Do you know about whale oil?"

Ao Li nodded and said, "You know, whales are relatively rare and can only be found in the East China Sea."

"That's good……"

Zhang Jiuyang smiled slightly and said, "Three days later, I will trade whale oil with someone on the coast of the East China Sea. I have never seen that thing before. Ao Li, why don't you accompany me then?"


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