The God and Buddha are actually me

Chapter 5 Zhongli Ba Duan Jin

In the moonlit courtyard, cicadas chirped non-stop.

After the ghost girl left, the cicadas chirped again, and from time to time, a few barkings of farm dogs could be heard, which seemed quiet and deep.

After vomiting out the filth, the man finally regained consciousness. Under Zhang Jiuyang's questioning, he slowly told his story.

After delivering pork to the county restaurant today, he met a woman in red and white clothes on his way home. She looked vaguely familiar, so he asked her.

Unexpectedly, the other party grabbed him and kept asking where Lu Yaoxing was. He said he didn't know, and then he lost consciousness.

Talking about this, the man was still frightened and his face turned pale.

"Where did you meet that woman?"

Zhang Jiuyang asked.

"The Baishi Bridge on Xiaoyun River."

"You said that woman looked familiar, do you know her?"

Hearing this question, a trace of hesitation flashed in the man's eyes, and he hesitated to speak, as if he didn't want to mention that name.

Aunt Wang glared at him and said angrily: "You have no conscience. If Xiaojiu hadn't saved you just now, you would have died by now."

"Speak quickly!"

"If you dare to hide a word, I will break your dog legs!"

Seeing that her husband was fine, Aunt Wang regained her tough character, frightening the man so much that he trembled and dared not hide anything anymore, and told the truth.

"She, she seems to be... Yunniang."

Hearing this name, Aunt Wang, who was pinching her waist, changed her expression, as if she thought of something scary.

"It turned out to be her, Xiaojiu, do you still remember what I told you not to set up a stall by the Xiaoyun River in the future?"

Zhang Jiuyang nodded and said, "You said someone had drowned there... Could it be that Yunniang?"

Aunt Wang looked around and lowered her voice and said, "You were young back then and didn't remember much, so you may have forgotten that a few years ago, more than one person drowned in the Xiaoyun River, and it was a big commotion!"

"The first one to drown was called Yunniang, a famous tofu beauty in the county, but for some reason she suddenly got pregnant, and the father didn't know who it was, and many people scolded her behind her back for this."

After a pause, Aunt Wang sighed, "In fact, Yunniang is also a poor person. She didn't steal or rob, and gave birth to and raised the child with her own hands. I don't know how much better it is. "Don't be a man who only knows how to gamble and drink!"

"It's a pity that God didn't open his eyes. When her daughter was six years old, she suddenly disappeared. It was said that she was abducted by a human trafficker from another place. Yunniang was so upset that she jumped into the river and committed suicide."

Zhang Jiuyang asked with some doubts: "Why did other people drown later?"

Aunt Wang whispered: "Maybe Yunniang didn't find her child and was too resentful. During that period, people often fell into the river and drowned when walking at night. Many of them were good at swimming. Don't you think it's strange?"

"Later, the matter became a big deal. The county magistrate found several masters to perform rituals together, and finally no one drowned. By the way, your master Lin the Blind also participated in the ritual at that time."

After listening to Aunt Wang's story about Yunniang, Zhang Jiuyang found a suspicious point.

If the female ghost was Yunniang, her biggest wish after death should be to find her daughter. Why did she care so much about Lu Yaoxing?

Is Lu Yaoxing related to her daughter's disappearance?

"Aunt Wang, who is Lu Yaoxing? Do you know this name?"

Zhang Jiuyang asked casually, not expecting to get anything, but Aunt Wang replied: "Of course I know, he was the richest man in our county back then, he was a kind man, often built roads and bridges, the white stone bridge on Xiaoyun River was built by him!"

"Later, his business grew bigger and bigger, our small county couldn't accommodate it, so the whole family moved away. Some people said they went to Xuzhou, and some said they went to Yangzhou, but I don't know where exactly."

Zhang Jiuyang's heart moved, it was the White Stone Bridge again.

The place where he set up a stall to tell fortunes was not far from the bridge, and Aunt Wang's man also encountered evil on the bridge. In addition, when he swallowed the ghost eye, he also vaguely saw a white bridge through the memory of the female ghost.

The White Stone Bridge must be hiding some secrets that cannot be told!

Well, I'll go around it in the future.


Zhang Jiuyang didn't let Aunt Wang and her man leave immediately. After all, it was late at night. Who knows if the female ghost is still hiding outside?

What if he was just rescued here, and he was possessed again when he returned there, wouldn't it be a waste of the precious 軻 character?

In this way, he held the willow branches and the talisman in his arms, and stayed with Aunt Wang all night until the roosters crowed and the dawn appeared, and he was completely relieved.

"Aunt Wang, when you go back, put this portrait in the room, burn a stick of incense every night, and recite "Blessing the House Saint Lord Tianshi Zhong Kui" three times silently, you can ward off evil spirits and protect the house."

Before leaving, seeing Aunt Wang's hesitation, Zhang Jiuyang guessed what she was worried about, so he personally painted a picture of Zhong Kui for her.

Zhong Kui is called the Blessing House Saint Lord, and with this portrait sitting in front of him, it should be able to scare away ghosts and gods.

Aunt Wang immediately felt like she had found a treasure. After what happened last night, she now trusts Zhang Jiuyang very much and regards his words as golden rules.

"Xiao Jiu, thank you so much!"

"This is all the money I have on me now, take it first. When my husband recovers in a few days, I will kill a good pig and give you some good meat!"

She searched her body and took out four taels of silver and a dozen copper coins. She seemed to think it was too little and felt a little guilty.

Zhang Jiuyang knew that this money was already a lot. Four taels of silver was four thousand coins. If you use it frugally, it is equivalent to the expenses of a family of three for nearly two months.

What’s more, the price of pork has risen to eight cents per pound.

Zhang Jiuyang could not refuse, Aunt Wang forced the money into his hand, thanked her profusely, and then helped her husband leave.

Looking at the other person’s back, Zhang Jiuyang felt a little inexplicable.

Unlike yesterday’s sympathy, Aunt Wang looked at him with respect and gratitude today. He suddenly felt a faint sense of accomplishment and the joy of helping others.

That was something he had never experienced when he was setting up a stall to tell fortunes and cheat people out of money.

Maybe being a real Taoist priest is not bad?

Zhang Jiuyang shook his head and temporarily put aside this idea. Being a Taoist priest in this world... I’m afraid it’s a bit dangerous.

The sun rises, and the purple air comes from the east.

Perhaps it’s because of the heat in his body, Zhang Jiuyang, who hadn’t slept all night, didn’t feel tired at all, but was full of energy.

He suddenly thought of something, and sat cross-legged on a piece of bluestone in the courtyard, closed his eyes and clenched his fists, relaxed his whole body, tapped his teeth 36 times, and then crossed his hands to stroke the back of his neck, and used the second finger to press the middle finger to massage the Fengchi point and Yuzhen point behind the head 24 times each, and swallowed it three times after the mouth was full of saliva...

Close your eyes and sit with your heart, clench your fists and meditate quietly. Tap your teeth 36 times, and hold Kunlun with both hands. Sound the heavenly drum left and right, and listen 24 times. Slightly swing to shake the pillar of heaven, and the red dragon stirs the water. Swallow it in three mouthfuls, and the dragon walks and the tiger runs...

This set of movements is called Ba Duan Jin, but it is different from the widely circulated standing Ba Duan Jin. This Ba Duan Jin is a sitting exercise, called Zhongli Ba Duan Jin, and its full name is Zhongli Zushi Ba Duan Jin Daoyin Method, which is said to be passed down by Zhongli Quan, one of the Eight Immortals.

In his previous life, he was a premature baby, weak and often sick. When he was six years old, his grandfather taught him to practice this set of Zhongli Ba Duan Jin. He only practiced it a few times every day when the sun rose. His body gradually became stronger. Not only did he rarely get sick, but he also joined the school basketball team later.

It was a pity that he had abandoned this set of Zhongli Ba Duan Jin after entering high school because of the tight academic schedule and accommodation. Now he was in another world, watching the sunrise, and suddenly felt something in his heart. He picked it up again without any unfamiliarity.

After practicing six times, Zhang Jiuyang felt that his body and mind were completely immersed in it. His limbs were warm, as if he was soaking in a hot spring, very comfortable.

I don’t know if it was an illusion, but he felt that practicing Zhongli Ba Duan Jin in this world was surprisingly effective.

Opening his eyes, Zhang Jiuyang exhaled a long breath, and he was really refreshed and relaxed.

Even the heat that was almost exhausted last night was now fully restored, and even had a slight increase.

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