The God and Buddha are actually me

Chapter 70 The true identity of Blind Lin

"Sister amazing!"

Ah Li's eyes were sparkling, and she couldn't help but burp again. She had been hiccupping recently, as if she had eaten too much.

The thunder light dissipated, the water mist rose, and the strong water power gathered, condensing into a small figure.

The water ghost, Yun Niang's daughter Xiao Doufu, walked into the fire step by step with dull eyes, and used the power of water in her soul to extinguish the burning flames.

This process must not be easy, and there was a trace of pain on her quiet and delicate face.

Yue Ling raised her knife and moved forward. Just when Zhang Jiuyang thought she was going to kill the little water ghost, she made seals with her hands and recited a curse in her belly.

"Tai Shang Tai Xing, constantly adapting to changes. It drives away evil spirits and binds evil spirits, protects life and body. Wisdom is clear and pure, and the mind is peaceful. The three souls are eternal, and the soul has no loss."

A finger was placed between the little water ghost's eyebrows, and a pale golden glow bloomed between the fingers. It was pure and unobstructed, making people forget about the world.

This is a Taoist mind-purifying mantra, which not only helps monks purify their body and mind and eliminate distracting thoughts, but also has the magical effect of reassuring the soul and protecting the soul.

According to the archives of Qintian Prison, the Purifying Mantra often has miraculous effects on some souls controlled by evil cultivators, and may help them temporarily break free from control.

There was a wave of confusion in the little water ghost's eyes.

"Did it succeed?"

There was a hint of expectation in Lao Gao's eyes, but the next moment, the waves in the water ghost's eyes disappeared, and instead became very ferocious.

Yue Ling retreated violently, and the place where he was standing was covered by ice spikes.

"Haha, how naive."

Blind Lin's figure suddenly appeared from another place on the ground, as if he had escaped from the ground, but Yue Ling noticed that there were ghosts from Chenjiacun under the ground.

Those ghost hands helped him escape underground and avoid thunder.

"Master Dao, don't say you can't solve my ghost-controlling technique. Even if Zhuge Qixing comes... 80% won't be able to solve it!"

His voice was originally very confident, but when he mentioned the name Zhuge Qixing, he paused slightly and his voice subconsciously became softer.

Perhaps he realized that he was actually afraid of a man who had been dead for six hundred years. He was a little embarrassed and said: "There is no ghost that is disobedient in my hands. No matter how resentful he is, he will still be my slave. Let me drive you!”

As he spoke, he walked up to the fire ghost and showed a hint of sneer.

Lu Yaoxing was chopped into pieces by Yue Ling before, but now he slowly condensed into shape, but the flames seemed to be weaker.

"Master Lu, actually you don't know a thing until you die."

"That bullshit Purana Bridge, I was the one who lied to you, Daoist Master, driving a life pile? Even a dog wouldn't believe it!"

A wave of fluctuation appeared in Lu Yaoxing's flame-condensed pupils.

"Do you know how your son came to be?"

He grinned, showing yellowed teeth.

"Master Dao, I spent three taels of silver to hire someone to plant the seeds for you. If you can't do it, you can naturally find someone else to do it for you. If it weren't for Master Dao, I would be able to help you myself when I am old."

He clicked his tongue.

"That night, it was very white."

"Of course, I'm not kind to you either. I've already buried that person for you."

The fluctuations in Lu Yaoxing's pupils became more and more obvious. In anger, the body of flames became more turbulent, and the billowing heat continued to rush around.

Blind Lin did not panic, because no matter how angry Lu Yaoxing was, he would never be able to escape his control, and instead would become even more powerful.

Zhang Jiuyang looked at him deeply and suddenly said: "You are lying."

"If the ghost really can't escape your control, then why did you say in the diary that the evil spirit of that thing is getting higher and higher, and you can't control it anymore."

"Also, Mr. Lu's records also mentioned that you became very forgetful for a while, and it seemed that even your memory was affected."

Upon hearing this question, the smile on Blind Lin's face instantly faded.

His voice became very dark.

"Xiaojiu, you don't understand me at all. What I can't control is not ghosts, but... myself."

He raised his head suddenly, his empty eye sockets were like skeletons, and his expression was a little crazy.

"I dug out these eyes with my own hands. If I dug them any deeper, I would be dead!"

"But it doesn't matter, I will be liberated forever soon, as long as you are willing to become my teacher!"

He took a step forward and laughed and said: "When I have the ghost-eating magical power, combined with the ghost-raising methods of the Yinshan Sect, I will definitely be able to practice and become an immortal. By then, even if Zhuge Qixing is resurrected, he will definitely not be able to compare with me!! "

Yue Ling seemed to realize something and said coldly: "Who...are you?"

Upon hearing this question, Blind Lin's mood suddenly calmed down, and even his voice became slower.

"who I am?"

"What a good question..."

Kyoto, Qin Tianjian, Tianji Pavilion.

Someone once said that the most terrifying thing about Qintian Prison is not the strangers with their own abilities, but its all-pervasive intelligence agency, Tianji Pavilion.

This behemoth, founded six hundred years ago by the national master Zhuge Qixing, has already become the pillar of the country that protects Daqian in the dark night, and a large amount of financial and material resources are invested every year.

Among them, 30% went to other institutions of Qintianjian, and 70% went to Tianji Pavilion.

In the fight against evil spirits, intelligence is crucial.

At this moment, everyone in Tianji Pavilion looked in a hurry, either looking at various files at their desks, or searching for books on the two-foot-high bookshelf.

They are all busy because of one name - Xu Heshan.

This is the mission sent back by Lingtai Lang Yueling.

Blind Lin's father is named Xu Heshan, and he himself was born in the Yinshan Sect, and he is very likely to be the head of the Yinshan Sect in the present.

The Yinshan Sect has been extinct for many years, and Xu Heshan is undoubtedly a breakthrough.

Because this case was classified as a Sha-level case, and it was personally hosted by Yue Ling, the head of the Tiangang, and it might also involve the Huangquan case, the higher-ups attached great importance to it, so they had not closed their eyes for three days and three nights.

But this time, the Tianji Pavilion, which had been invincible before, really hit a wall.

After three days of searching, no one named Xu Heshan met the requirements.

Until a clerk found a seemingly insignificant record in an old yellow file, he was suddenly shocked and shouted.

"This is impossible!"

In an instant, everyone looked at him.

A moment later.

The record was urgently sent to Xu Jianhou, who was in charge of the Tianji Pavilion. When Xu Jianhou saw it, his hair stood on end and he almost couldn't hold the pen in his hand.

He took the file and hurried to find the supervisor Zhuge Yunhu.

In a quiet room, he saw the supervisor who was recuperating. He was wearing a green long gown, which was not gorgeous and even a little pale from being washed.

His appearance was very ordinary and unremarkable, except for his eyes, which were warm and peaceful.

It was hard to imagine that such an ordinary old man would be the descendant of Zhuge Qixing, the supervisor of the Daqian Qintianjian, and one of the rare sixth-level great monks in the world.

"Zongqing, you have always been calm, why are you so flustered this time?"

Zhuge Yunhu smiled slightly and motioned him to sit down.

Xu Zongqing hurriedly handed him the file in his hand and pointed out a sentence in it, saying: "The identity of Blind Lin should have been found, but... you can see it yourself."

Zhuge Yunhu looked closely and saw the sentence marked with cinnabar.

"In the third year of Qianyuan, the national teacher set up the Star Dou formation and punished the Yinshan Sect in Baigui Mountain. The head of the ghost sect died. His father's surname was Xu. The common people wanted to bury him and cried for him, but the emperor did not allow it."


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