The God and Buddha are actually me

Chapter 81: Qingzhou Dragon Falls, Nine Suns Pray for Rain

The next day.

Zhang Jiuyang rarely did not practice hard, but prepared to take his new work out.

Yes, after a month of hard work and thinking, Mr. Liaozhai finally has a new work, called "The Record of the Spiritual Official Conquering the Demons".

I believe it will definitely set off a trend again.

In the study, he carefully put the "The Record of the Spiritual Official Conquering the Demons" into his arms, and then glanced at the little A Li who was sleeping soundly beside him.

Last night, she cast a spell to summon the Five Divine Soldiers and horses, and refined the Five Divine Soldiers and Horses Altar. She was very tired and slept until now.

Zhang Jiuyang smiled slightly and hid another book on his desk.

This was written when he was bored when he encountered a bottleneck in his creation. As a result, after writing for a while, he opened up his mind, was invigorated, and had frequent inspirations, so that he finished "The Record of the Spiritual Official Conquering the Demons" ahead of time.

This time he learned his lesson and did not break the chapter, giving the Spiritual Official a perfect ending.

In case Yue Ling used force to urge him to update.

After carefully locking the work he wrote when he was bored into the cabinet, Zhang Jiuyang stood up and covered the Taoist robe that Ah Li had kicked off. Although he knew that she was a ghost and would not be cold, he still couldn't help but tuck the corner of her clothes.

The little girl seemed to dream of something delicious, smacking her lips.

Zhang Jiuyang shook his head and smiled, without waking her up, turned around and gently closed the door and left the room.

Not long after he left, little Ah Li suddenly opened her eyes, her eyes sparkling, without a trace of sleepiness, she jumped up and ran straight to the cabinet.

"What did Brother Jiu write? He refused to tell me..."

"Hmph, I can recognize a lot of words now. If you don't tell me, I'll read it myself!"

She didn't break the lock, but directly put her hand into the cabinet, took out the book, opened it, and frowned: "What does Sex and Zen... mean?"

After reading a few pages, she frowned and said, "Why is it all about ah ah ah ah? It's boring. I want to see fighting and killing, and blood flowing like a river!"

She closed the book with some boredom, put it back in the cabinet, turned around and went back to sleep.


Zhang Jiuyang walked out of the largest Yumo Study in Qingzhou with a smile on his face.

The process was very smooth. The shopkeeper had been looking forward to it for a long time. He didn't even need to say anything. The other party directly offered many generous conditions.

Of course, the shopkeeper was in awe of Mr. Liaozhai, who could get through the government and write banned topics but was not wanted.

Walking on the street, Zhang Jiuyang bought a candied haws for A Li. When he was about to go home, he heard the sound of gongs and drums coming from the street.

"Here it comes, look, it's the frog bride!"

"Haha, the groom is also a frog, what a strange thing, the scene looks quite grand!"

"I wonder if I can go to the bridal chamber tonight..."

Zhang Jiuyang's heart moved when he heard this. Is this the frog wedding that A Li said?

I saw a team slowly approaching from a distance. People were beating gongs and drums, blowing suona, and there were children in the front sprinkling peanuts or grains, which was very festive.

The sedan bearers carried an open-air bamboo sedan with two frogs tied with red ropes on it, with a look of despair.

The most interesting thing is that one of the frogs was wearing a red headscarf, which would sometimes fall off, and there was someone next to it who was responsible for covering it up, which made passers-by laugh and regarded it as a spectacle.

But Zhang Jiuyang couldn't laugh.

Because he saw many people kneeling down to the two frogs, hitting their heads on the ground, and they looked so pious amid the laughter of the crowd.

They wore the roughest linen clothes and had the roughest skin. They were sweating profusely under the scorching sun, but they dared not order even a bowl of tea worth two cents.

They also knew that this matter was ridiculous, but they could only regard the two frogs as the last straw to save their lives.

They were farmers.

Zhang Jiuyang had worked with his grandfather when he was a child, and he knew the difficulties of farmers. At this moment, the crops were almost ripe. They had paid too much sweat and hard work. They were about to harvest, but they ushered in a long drought.

If it didn't rain again, the crops would die of drought. How could they survive this winter?

In ancient times, winter could really freeze people to death.

But letting frogs get married... would it really work?

Zhang Jiuyang didn't dare to guarantee this. He didn't have the magical power to make rain, otherwise he wouldn't mind helping the people of Qingzhou to overcome this difficulty.

I don't know if there is anyone in the Imperial Astronomical Observatory who can pray for rain. Maybe I can write a letter to ask Yue Ling.

Thinking of Yue Ling, there has been no news since she returned to Beijing. Zhang Jiuyang was also a little worried. After all, she was trying to cover up his lie.

While thinking, he walked forward and unknowingly came to a temple.

This is a very deserted temple. There are three big characters on the door plaque with spider webs - Dragon King Temple.

Zhang Jiuyang was a little curious. Since it was to pray for rain, why didn't the people of Qingzhou come to the Dragon King Temple, but instead made a frog wedding?

Could it be that something happened in the Dragon King Temple?

Out of curiosity, he slowly walked into the Dragon King Temple.

Entering the temple, you can smell a distinct smell of moldy wood. There is a statue of the Dragon King in the temple. He is wearing a yellow robe and a crown. His facial features are calm and majestic.

Zhang Jiuyang noticed that the temple looked a bit old, but the statue looked relatively new, and the contrast was a bit sharp.

Just then, he heard footsteps behind him. He turned around and saw a thin, white-haired old man who was walking towards him tremblingly with three incense sticks in his hand.

When he saw Zhang Jiuyang, his cloudy eyes revealed a hint of surprise.

"This little brother, you are not a native of Qingzhou, right?"

Before Zhang Jiuyang could ask, he took the initiative to ask.

Zhang Jiuyang nodded and said, "Old man, why do you say that?"

The old man waved his hand and said with a smile: "There are no local young people in Qingzhou who are willing to come to worship the Dragon King now, except for me, who is half-broken and about to be buried."

After a pause, he sighed: "Few people nowadays remember the Dragon Prince. Why do you want to get married with frogs? Isn't this nonsense?"

Zhang Jiuyang's heart moved and he said: "Old man, can you tell me what happened here? Why is everyone unwilling to worship the Dragon King?"

The old gentleman seemed to have not spoken to anyone for a long time, but he was now more interested, with a trace of reminiscence in his eyes.

"In the past, this place was very lively. Whenever there was a drought, everyone would rush to worship the Dragon King, and then it would rain soon, which is very effective."

He pointed to a certain corner and said with a smile: "I was only eight years old at the time. Because I offended the Dragon King, my father beat me with a broom. It was here that I wanted to make amends to the Dragon King."

The old man seemed to have seen the lively scene decades ago, and then looked at the desolation now. He couldn't help but sigh softly and told the story of the Dragon King Temple.

It turns out that about seventy or eighty years ago, an extremely legendary thing happened in Qingzhou - the falling dragon!

A dragon fell from the clouds and landed next to an ancient town in Qingzhou. Its trunk surrounded the mountains and was hundreds of feet long. Its head was like a hill, and its eyes were like the sun and the moon. It was extremely terrifying.

There were obvious black marks on its golden scales, as if it had been struck by lightning and burned.

At that time, the villagers all speculated that this was because the Dragon King failed to overcome the tribulation, because some time ago, there was indeed a period of lightning and thunder in Qingzhou, and it rained heavily for several days, and a lot of farmland was drowned.

However, the simple villagers did not hold grudges. They organized themselves together, built a shed to shade the dying dragon, and kept watering it with buckets.

This lasted for two days. The old man was still young at that time, but he also used a small bucket to collect water and poured it on the dragon's scales, seeing the dragon with his own eyes.

Later one night, with the sound of a thunderbolt, a heavy rain came. After the weather cleared up the next day, people found that the dragon had disappeared, and only the traces left by its body in the mountains were left.

After that, the people of Qingzhou pooled their money to build a Dragon King Temple in the city. This temple was very effective and almost responded to every request. The weather in Qingzhou was really good in those years, with good times every year, and it almost became the richest place in Daqian.

Therefore, the Dragon King was canonized as a righteous god by the court.

Everything is developing in the right direction. The incident of the falling dragon in Qingzhou has become a legend, and the Dragon King Temple is very popular.

Until one day, the statue of the Dragon King suddenly broke.

No one knew the reason. Even Miao Zhu became a madman overnight and soon hanged himself.

People pooled their money to rebuild a larger and more magnificent statue of the god, but since then, the Dragon King Temple has stopped working. At first, some people still insisted on offering incense, but as time went by, more and more people came to offer incense. The less.

When people who saw the falling dragon died one after another, many people began to doubt the authenticity of the incident, thinking that someone was making up stories to defraud people of incense money.

"Fart, I saw it with my own eyes. I even poured water on the Dragon King. If my father hadn't held me back, I would have wanted to touch the dragon scales!"

The old man became emotional and said angrily: "They haven't seen it, so why should they say it's a lie!"

While he was still coughing, Zhang Jiuyang quickly patted him on the back.

"Little brother, do you, do you believe me?"

he asked, breathing heavily.

Zhang Jiuyang nodded and said: "I believe it. Please stop talking and take a rest."

The old man seemed to have some chest tightness and sat tremblingly on the ground, leaning against the pillar and looking at the familiar yet unfamiliar statue, his eyes slightly moist.

"Lord Dragon, the people who watered you and shaded you are almost dead now. When I die, I wonder what they will say about you..."

"Lord Dragon, you have great supernatural powers. If you are good, you can give Gou Wazi a dream, so that I can go on the road with peace of mind..."

Zhang Jiuyang was silent for a moment. He looked at the old man's moist eyes and suddenly felt something in his heart.

Incense is not just a tool.

The gods obtain incense and protect one side, which is the spiritual sustenance of countless people. It is not only a contract that is not left in words, but also some kind of inexplicable friendship.

The old gentleman thought of the fragrance on his body, but felt a little chest tight and weak. He was too old and was no longer the young man who could run all over the mountains with a bucket.

It's so difficult to even put on the incense.

Zhang Jiuyang couldn't bear it, so he stepped forward and said: "Old man, let me help you burn incense. I am a disciple of the Taoist sect, so I am not neglecting Lord Dragon."

The old gentleman was a little surprised when he heard this, then nodded and said: "Thank you very much, little brother."

Zhang Jiuyang took the incense, lit it, bowed three times, and then inserted it into the already hard incense burner.

"The Dragon Prince is here. Zhang Jiuyang is offering incense and praying for rain. Qingzhou has been in drought for many days, and the people will not be able to harvest anything. I beg the Dragon Prince to use his magical power and give rain to benefit the people!"

The smoke drifted upward and gradually dissipated.

He helped the old man leave and took him all the way to his home before leaving.

But what he didn’t know was that not long after he finished burning incense, in a large swamp hundreds of miles away from Qingzhou, a pair of huge pupils suddenly lit up under the dark water.

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