
“Zeus, what’s the matter with you coming to us! Now there are many things in the underworld and the ocean that we need to deal with!”

Two gods similar in size to Zeus entered the temple together, they were Poseidon and Hades, and they had no respect for Zeus, the god-king, and their words were more like questioning.

“Oh? Need my help?!”

Zeus said with a smile, he had anger in his heart, but hid it, he did not have the strength to turn heads with these two now, he calmly observed these two guys.

Poseidon has a handsome face, eyes are sharp, the body of the mighty shore is only covered by blue cloth, the upper body is half-exposed, and the long blue curly hair is draped loosely behind him, very bold, but looking at people can not look at the surface, look at God even more so, at least Zeus felt from his brother is not open, but like the sea.

Hades was shrouded in a black robe, with long black hair, an indifferent expression, pale, abnormal kind of paleness, perhaps because of being in the underworld, he was covered with a gloomy breath, looking bad and touching.

They are powerful and no worse than Zeus.

The only thing these two guys have in common may be the targeting of Zeus, without the slightest intention of constricting their momentum, and their words are like blades at all times.

Hades directly accused: “No need, you better do your duty as a god king, after being a god king for so long, there are still so many vacancies in the priesthood.” ”

“Maybe you called us here to ask for help?” But we’re sorry we don’t have extra capacity. ”

Poseidon also laughed sarcastically on the sidelines.

Zeus’s brows furrowed slightly, he felt that his anger was almost impossible to suppress, even if these two guys were strong, he wanted to subdue them.

Why are these two guys so directed at Zeus?

Perhaps there are a little other factors, but the main reason is that the three people originally had the opportunity to become the god king, but it was Zeus, the youngest of the three, who finally ascended the throne of the god king, and they were not convinced in their hearts, and naturally they would be dissatisfied.

Zeus knew, but it didn’t mean that he could accept it calmly, he had planned to put up with these two guys for the time being, but these two guys who had to step in were too indifferent to put him in their eyes.

“Hmph, you guys jump for me now, and see how labor and management will put a forgiveness hat on you in the future.”

He still suppressed his anger for the time being, and now that the matter mattered, he did not talk nonsense, and explained his meaning straight to the point: “You also know that the priesthood is empty now, so I plan to do something to the Titan God.” ”


The gods looked at him in amazement, and the biggest reaction was that of Moonezine, who was one of the twelve titans in her own right.

“Are you crazy Zeus, they are all on our side.”

The other goddesses also objected to Zeus’s proposal, and Kronos and the loyal Titans were sent to the Abyss Hell together, and the rest sided with them or remained neutral.

More importantly, they are all related to the Titan God, and Zeus’s mother Rhea is also a member of the Titan God, at this time, the gods do not value the bloodline, but it does not mean that they do not value the feelings of time.

They were all opposed, but Poseidon and Hades, who were most dissatisfied with Zeus, did not immediately speak out, and their faces were pensive.

Zeus smiled at the goddesses and explained, “I’m not that cruel, I just hope that they are more closely involved with us, and that their children are old enough to serve as priests in Olympus, which is also good for them.” ”

After overthrowing the Titan God system, those Titan gods refused Zeus’s solicitation, and their minds Olympian gods understood that they wanted to wait and see, because at this time, many gods were not optimistic about the young Zeus and them, and even these Titan gods did not have the idea of replacing them, after all, these Titan gods are still the largest force in heaven and earth.

Zeus made this decision after realizing this, and he said it nicely, but he was bound to do it, and he could not have allowed such a group of guys outside his jurisdiction.

“What about their reluctance?”

Hades asked, Zeus glanced at the gods and said calmly: “I heard that the environment of hell is very poor, and Kronos may need the company of their brothers and sisters.” ”

The gods shuddered, and Mnemoshene wanted to say something, but Zeus stopped: “Don’t worry too much, they should agree.” ”

“You may have overestimated yourself, Zeus.”

Hades spoke up after a long silence, he felt very reliable about Zeus’s advice, but he did not think that Zeus had the ability to deal with these Titan gods, which was undoubtedly much stronger than the original Olympus, the Titan God system that had ruled the world for many years, even if they lost most of their strength, but if they were combined, they were still the most powerful force in the world.

Zeus knew that it was imperative that he had to divide the Titan gods, and now he was a little impatient with the attitude of the gods.

His voice had already cooled down: “Don’t worry Hades, I have a way.” ”

The gods looked at him with different expressions, Zeus’s prestige was not enough to convince them, and they were always a little reluctant to do so.

Poseidon said: “In that case, vote.” ”


“That’s enough!”

Zeus, who had been suppressing the anger in his heart, was completely ignited, and could no longer suppress it, and he stared coldly at Poseidon: “Poseidon, I called you not to consult you, but to announce to you my decision, which is my order!!!.”

The gods were shocked by Zeus’ sudden anger, and Poseidon was furious when he was drunk.


Poseidon roared out Zeus’ name, his face full of anger.

Zeus was not afraid in the slightest, and his lightning spear appeared in his hand, he pointed at Poseidon and said coldly: “I am the god king, Poseidon!” You just have to obey my orders!!”


Poseidon was furious, and his Seagod Trident appeared in his hand, and the two fought each other.

Hades did not say anything to help Poseidon, he watched the two with the goddesses.

The sky is covered with dark clouds, thunder and lightning, and the calm sea is choppy and turbulent, turning up huge waves.

This is the wrath of the gods!

For some reason, the humans below could only kneel humbly and pray to the gods to calm their anger.

Zeus and Poseidon need a battle, Zeus is not afraid, his anger needs to be vented, he is a god king, a noble god king, Zeus will never allow anyone to rebel against him again and again, even the powerful Poseidon.

None of them could this battle take place in the temple of Mount Olympus, where the figures of Zeus and Poseidon appeared in the sky together.

“Zeus, you have forgotten your respect for your brother!”

Zeus has no intention of talking nonsense anymore, he just wants to teach Poseidon a good lesson now.

Armed with a thunderbolt spear, Zeus turned into a ball of thunder and rushed towards Poseidon, who was furious and swung his trident heavily to counterattack.

With boundless might, they collided together.


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