
Zeus did not return to Mount Olympus after leaving the Uria Mountains.

According to information given to him by Selene, he found his sister Hestia in a town.

The eldest goddess of the Olympian lineage, she turned into an ordinary woman, and she set up a stall selling apples in the market in the town, like an ordinary vendor.

Even Zeus, if it weren’t for the information that Selene kept telling him, he couldn’t be sure that this was his beautiful big sister.

In fact, Zeus can’t understand why many powerful gods like to mingle in the human group, and there are not many such examples, such as the Prometheus family, who don’t know which human country they are playing in now.

In fact, this guy is now part of Olympus because of the battle of Titan, but until now, he has not seen him, and it is really a bit of a mistake.

Although Zeus was once human, he rarely intervenes in human life today.

It’s not unwilling, this is actually a limitation of God, humans will collapse when they see the true body of gods, so if he wants to get along with humans, he must incarnate himself, just like Hestia now.

Zeus did not like this bondage, but this time for the sake of his sister Hestian Zeus also decided to endure such bondage once.

It is really unimaginable how high it is to attack a goddess who maintains her virgin identity under the eyes of many mythical eggs.

Although Zeus had already made many preparations, he still felt a little suspended.

Of course, he also has faith.

Zeus transforms into a heroic human warrior, and he decides to come up with a name for this looking self.

“Well, it’s called Kadisis.”

A very random name.

He walked into the town, pretending to be casual and casual, and he walked into the town.

This look attracted the favor of some human noble ladies and ladies, who looked at him boldly, and he also waved back dashingly and kissed.

Is…… It’s in his nature.

In this way, Zeus walked all the way to the market, casually looked left and right, and then casually walked to the stall of the woman dressed as Hestia.

“Madam, how do you sell apples?”

Hestia replied with a smile, “Two copper coins.” ”

“Well, good price.”

Zeus picked up an apple and slammed it in his hand, then winked at Hestia.

“How about a little cheaper?”

His appearance is still quite tempting for ordinary human women, but unfortunately, it is Hestia.

Her face sank: “Guest, the price of two copper coins is already fair. ”

“Can’t it really be cheaper?”


“Okay then.”

Zeus looked helpless, and then pulled out a gold coin from a money bag that he didn’t know which unlucky guy he had come from.

“I want an apple, just this one in my hand.”

“Guest, are you here to make trouble?”

Hestia’s face showed impatience at the right time, it seemed that it was not the first time she had encountered such a situation, and she was dealing with it quite like a normal woman.

Gold coins are the largest currency in the human world, although the equivalent value is different in various countries, but it is roughly equivalent to 10,000 copper coins.

She is not without gold and silver coins, but it is difficult to find it because of an apple, and her identity is only that of a vendor.

“I really only have gold coins.”

Zeus leaked the money bag to her, and it was shining with gold, it was indeed only gold coins, and Hestia looked embarrassed.

Zeus shrugged indifferently and said, “Otherwise, madam, you will treat me to an apple.” ”

Hestia’s face was helpless, if she were a normal person, she should think why don’t you buy an apple with a gold coin.

Zeus took an apple, did not give it a coin, he ate it for free, and left, after which Hestia calmed down and continued to sell the apple as if nothing had happened.

However, the next day, Cadisis, a human warrior transformed by Zeus, appeared at Hestia’s apple stall in time.

“Ma’am, I’m here again.”

He picked up an apple to himself, put it in his mouth and nibbled on it, and then took out a gold coin from his purse.

“Guest, didn’t you go and exchange it for copper and silver coins?”

“No, no, no.”

Zeus shook his head, he flicked the gold coin, and said intoxicatedly: “Look how dazzling and beautiful this gold coin is…”

“Good, good, good.”

Hestia’s face once again appeared helpless, and then Zeus took an apple and left leisurely.

Day three, day four… Zeus received an apple for free from Hestia in this way.

On the fifth day, when Zeus came here, Hestia took out a box filled with silver and copper coins.

She smiled and asked, “Guest, do you still want an apple?” ”

Zeus paused, but then a big smile appeared on his face.

“Sorry ma’am, I thought we were so ripe that you would treat me to apples for free.”

He took the apple and walked around, indicating that he didn’t have any money with him.

So the smile on Hestia’s face stopped.

So Zeus once again got an apple and left happily.

On the sixth day he arrived as promised, and Hestia carefully guarded the apple, asking him to give him gold coins first.

But how could Zeus do what she wanted? He pulled out a gold coin for her, then picked up the apple and walked away.

“Guest, your change!”

“No, I don’t need to.”

On the seventh day, Zeus came again, he picked up the apple, and Hestia tried to give him change, but the result was that Zeus left a gold coin again.

Day 8, Day 9, Day 10…

In terms of days, this is destined to be a long story, maybe it will be recorded as an apple story in later generations?

Who knows, but the town’s security is getting worse, and the sheriff has received complaints from many people who have lost their wallets.


ps: The fourth more, thank you for setting up the first order for me before it was put on the shelves, very stable this wave, and thank you to the old brothers who gave me tips at this time.

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