The gods did not object, and the matter was settled, so what to do next?

Zeus directly carried the thunder blindly, it is definitely not possible, the division must be famous, all wars do not come suddenly, more or less need an excuse.

For Mother Earth Gaia, this excuse is also quite implicit.

Zeus also had his own idea in his heart for a long time, and this gap still had to be opened by humans, so at this time, the gods were carefully preparing a gift for mankind, a big gift.

Prometheus created a clay figure out of clay, just as he did when he created humans, but this time he was extra serious at Zeus’ command, he needed to create the most perfect human body, well, female.

From here, everyone must know Zeus’s plan, Zeus wants to create Pandora, a Pandora who brings disaster to mankind.

Slowly, the clay man formed in the hands of Prometheus, he completed his task, and then retreated directly, looking calm.

Then now the rest of the people present except Zeus are all goddesses, after all, they created women, how can they let male gods blindly look at me.

The next thing to do is to give this clay soul and make her human, but at this time Athena is not on Mount Olympus 670, and needs to change a god to do it.

Zeus thought about it and gave the task to his second sister Demeter, whose divine power contains life and will make Pandora’s body and soul full of life.

When Demeter put the “soul” into the clay figure, she came to life, and then Demeter continued to inject divine power, the mud body turned into fair skin, plump and shiny, and she changed into a beautiful human girl.

The girl blinked smartly and looked at Zeus, her appearance was very cute.

But this is not enough, what Zeus wants to create is a perfect work, it is not enough to obsessed with humans, to obsessed with God.

Such beauty was not enough, so Zeus asked his daughter Aphrodite, the god of beauty, and Aphrodite injected her beautiful divine power into the girl, and then the girl changed, the appearance changed a little, but it became more beautiful, and the body exuded a fragrance, which would be crazy.

Zeus is a little moved, such a girl already has a little shadow of Aphrodite, too tempting.

But it just (afah) seems that the girl’s body skin cannot match the divine body, and Zeus let many ocean goddesses inject divine power together, so that the girl’s body turns into a divine body, as soft as water.

Well, Zeus nodded, so that it looked and felt quite good.

The body has been made, then it is internal.

Zeus thought about it, but he decided on a maiden wisdom, he wanted her to think, so Thetis gave her wisdom to this maiden.

Zeus then summoned his daughters, nine muses, all of whom were goddesses of art, and Zeus made them skilled in weaving a beautiful suit tailored for her.

Then he taught her to sing, taught her to dance, taught her all kinds of arts, and the wise girls learned quickly, and soon had a little level of the muses, and they also completed.

This maiden is perfect, both inside and out. Perfect, gathering the strengths of many goddesses, it is no longer even human.

Looking at her eyes looking at her with bright eyes, Zeus suddenly felt a little reluctant to send her to the world to bear her sins.

But this soft-heartedness only lasted for a moment, there was nothing reluctant, it was a big deal to make a little compensation first.

Zeus thought so, so he sent men to summon Helios, the sun goddess, and Selene, the moon goddess.

He liked the girl’s eyes, so he asked Helios and Selene to bless the girl.

One eye is like the sun, one eye is like the moon, and the bright eyes are good.

After thinking about it, he still felt that it was not enough, and he put his thunder and lightning token into her body to ensure her safety, this time even the gods are difficult to hurt her, and even some malicious touches will trigger the thunder and lightning.


In the temple, there are only Zeus and the maiden.

“Your name is Pandora, you can call me father.”

Zeus began communicating with the maiden, for the first and perhaps last time since creating her.

As for asking Pandora to call him father, it is okay to say so, and he is willing to treat her as his daughter, or as a gift that she is about to bear her sins.

Pandora nodded obediently and called, “Father.” ”


Zeus nodded, and then said: “Next you need to complete a mission, this box contains countless evil spirits, which will bring countless disasters to mankind, and all you need to do is find an opportunity to open it in the world.” ”

Zeus took out a box that had been prepared, well, it was actually an empty box, and there was no so-called evil spirit in it.

As long as this box is opened, the prepared gods will release their power, and the disaster will land on earth as scheduled.

The girl’s bright eyes flashed with unbearability, she was wise, she knew how to think, she knew what would happen when she opened this box.

She couldn’t bear it, but she couldn’t go against the words of the man in front of her, whom she called her father.


She obediently responded, Zeus nodded in satisfaction, and then said: “You will be responsible for such an act, but don’t worry, after completing this task, you can return to Mount Olympus, and I will officially grant you the status of a god.” ”



After Zeus pondered for a moment, he seriously instructed: “You are going to the world as a gift from God, but you are just going to complete the task, you are Zeus’s daughter, your status is noble, don’t have too much involvement with humans, don’t do something out of the ordinary, after all, you will return to Olympus in the future.” ”

Zeus’s words were very long, his expression was also very serious, and when he was telling something important, Pandora was a little ignorant, and finally nodded his head as if he didn’t understand, but she remembered.


ps: Second more, daily timeout.

Also, I wonder if it is Jida himself in the comment area … It doesn’t feel like it. _

See the ununderlined version of the novel please

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