As time passed, Achilles grew rapidly.

And on earth, the time of childbirth of the Athenian saint Alcmene is also approaching.

When the divine light disappeared, and Alcmene’s belly grew bigger day by day after he came out, there were people who questioned him, mostly people who used to adore this holy girl in their hearts.

But as one by one they were punished and executed by the heavenly gods, such voices were completely silenced, and Alcmene was more respected than before.

She was going to give birth and received the highest attention and care, after all, the child in her belly had the blood of a god.

Of course, no one dares to say it explicitly, they are not stupid, more or less they can guess, well, just know.

Human childbirth is not as easy as that of gods, even if Alcmene’s body is strong enough compared to ordinary people, but he still screams and screams.

It was not easy for her to give birth to this child, and her body was almost unable to hold it several times, which made several midwives tremble, if it were not for the divine light protecting the body at the critical time, perhaps the child could be born smoothly in the end, but Alcmene was unable to escape death.

This child is about the plan of the gods, it must be born smoothly, Hera is watching the place, escorting, well, protecting the child’s mother is also in the plan.

That’s all.

The child was born smoothly, and the cry shook the temple, which should be unusual for this power.

Eventually, the child was named Hercules.

If Zeus had been keeping an eye on the world, he would have been shocked.

But it is a pity that he did not care about his demigod son, Achilles, and they grew up day by day, and Zeus also began to teach them.

The last collective training made Zeus understand that one training is not suitable for all children, not all of them like to fight, such as this time Herb and Fia, they do not like Zeus and do not want to force them.

As for cultivating feelings, as long as they are not far away, they can be.

So this time Zeus’ training was only for his two sons, Hermes and Achilles, originally Hermes, the little monkey, did not want to train with his father, who was strict with him, but under a violent beating he had to follow, Achilles was very excited.

He was warlike, and he was always taught how great he was to be a father when he was by his mother’s side, and his goal was to follow in his father’s footsteps to the point where he could match.

Teaching the two children Zeus is naturally not like the previous step by step, the divine power, combat skills, and divine body are carried out together, Zeus can teach them more attentively.

At the beginning, the gap between the two little guys was revealed, Achilles’ talent was stronger than Hermes, but not much, plus he still practiced hard, so that the progress was far from Hermes.

Although Achilles was born with the strength of a divine body, Zeus valued his temperament the most, tenacity, hard work, rigor, and although young, he gradually showed his bravery.

Seriously, Ares is similar to Achilles, but Achilles is much better than Achilles in nature, even if Ares’s temperament has been polished too much by Zeus.

From here, Achille may be the more suitable candidate for Olympus’s position as god of war.

Zeus also needs to start thinking about this problem, a little headache for him, otherwise the impact may be great.

And this, perhaps, will be a headache for a long time.

“Hermes, don’t be lazy

Zeus noticed that Hermes, the little monkey, was lazy again during training, and hurriedly drank, Hermes’ small body trembled, and his movements quickly standardized.

Compared to Achilles next to him, Zeus now felt that it was Hermes who gave him more headaches.

This little guy is too skinny, he has taught Hermes many times, but this guy just teaches repeatedly, and he is not keen on fighting the body and cultivating combat skills, so he focuses on cultivating divine power.

Little monkeys prefer to play in the wind and make trouble.

Zeus did not like this kind of lazy nature, he hoped that Hermes would not be distanced by Achilles.

His expectations of Hermes are very high, this little monkey is going to occupy the position of a main god in the future, naturally wants to make him stronger, so seeing this incomplete guy Zeus is inevitably anxious, but for a while he has no good ideas.

Hermes respected him very much and was afraid of him, but he was too loose, even if he admitted his mistake at the time, he would still make it next time, which was different from the previous children, which made Zeus feel helpless deeply.

While getting along with Hera, she saw the irritability in Zeus’ heart and asked, “What’s wrong with you?” ”

Zeus did not hide it and told his wife about his troubles.

“Hermes doesn’t like to cultivate combat skills honestly, he always wants to do something else, his mind is more focused on pranks, I don’t want him to waste his talent like this.”

“That’s how it is.”

Hera nodded in understanding.

In fact, she didn’t like Hermes, and she didn’t like the child’s character very much, after all, she had been teased, she had lost someone, and she had been ridiculed by Thetis for a few days, but these were all trivial things.

She could hear the expectation in Zeus’s tone that she needed to share her husband’s worries.

After thinking for a while, Hera came up with an idea.

“Since Hermes doesn’t like to be boring, let him focus on learning the use of divine power, I think he is very interested in this aspect.”


Zeus thought about it, Hermes was indeed more interested in divine power, Zeus never left his magic scepter, and a set of treasures was also quite skillful.

This seemed to be a solution, he seemed to be extremely unaware of where Hermes seemed to have the title of the God of Magic (Wang Zhao’s)?

Zeus asked, “Who would teach him then?” ”

Hera already had a candidate in mind: “Sister Hestia has time to control Hermes. ”


Zeus had a smile on his face, he was naturally extremely satisfied with this problem, Hestia’s strength naturally needless to say, and she was also idle and bored in Athens, and it was good to let her take the child.

After thinking about it, he said again: “Pandora is also bored on Mount Olympus, and I plan to let her go with mes by the way.” ”

Hera’s eyes became dangerous for a moment: “Don’t you have any thoughts about her?” I’ll tell you about Zeus, you hooked up with those goddesses and hooked up with me… Body”

Ahem, Hera was speechless for the time being.


ps: Pandora is naturally impossible to send, here is a reminder, don’t worry about your son’s thunder. _

See the ununderlined version of the novel please

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