Zeus had too many doubts in his mind.

It can’t even be said to be puzzled, but shocked.

Why did this happen? Eros is one of the original elements of this world, and there is no problem with Eros…


Where did Eros go? How did a primordial god disappear?

Zeus wanted to pursue a result, but eventually returned to Mount Olympus, on Aphrodite, who he had just eaten.

Slightly scary.

Zeus initially suspected Gaia, the mother of the earth, but this suspicion could be ruled out directly.

In contrast, what was more suspicious was the silver bead that exuded a faint divine light in his body.

Too much is wrong, from the reaction of the silver bead to Aphrodite, and then he follows the consciousness to do that, Ero’s “two one zero” love lust fades from the world, and Aphrodite also has life in her belly…

That’s probably what happened, and Zeus recalled an incident about Cupid, son of the god Venus.

Venus is Aphrodite, and now the life in Aphrodite’s belly should be Cupid, and if you change to the ancient Greek translation, it should be Eros.

Well, with the same name as the just disappeared primordial god Eros, there is no inevitable connection in this is impossible.

Zeus didn’t know what the history was about, he just wanted to figure out what was going on now, but Silver Pearl didn’t respond, no matter how annoyed he was.


The sky of the world darkened slightly, the clouds were dense, and thunder and lightning flashed in them.

Zeus was in a bad mood and was very annoyed, so he did not go out to greet the gods on Mount Olympus, and he was afraid that he would not be able to control his temper.

Zeus’s anger came from the panic in his heart, he always thought he was a traverser at first, he changed the original history, changed too many things.

But now Eros is still dying as scheduled, Aphrodite is pregnant as scheduled, and her son Eros (Cupid) will grow into a god in charge of human love…

This trajectory is too terrifying, about the primordial god, it still happens as expected, and it is still caused by something in his body.

At this time, history is the most unreliable thing, which can be fabricated at will, does that mean that he is doomed to failure next?

Zeus often shuddered these days, he thought too much, and he was already afraid in his heart.

But now that the day is getting closer and closer, there is not much time, and he is in such a state to force the palace and fight, and there is really no hope at all.

It needs to change, and we can’t get tangled up here, otherwise we may really not have a chance.

Zeus was decisive and tried to deal with his state of mind, but it didn’t work well.

This incident was somewhat impressed by him. I am bored all day long, and I often think about it

For this reason, Hera ran to persuade him, but the effect was not great, because some were difficult to say after all, even if Hera was his wife and the woman she loved the most.

Speaking of which, he had comforted Hera only a few days ago, and then it had to be the other way around.

Zeus wanted to go out for a walk, well, the law only swirled in his mind, he was now too powerful, and the earth was under his control.

The world, too, is just a glance.

“That’s it, just walk around the mountain.”

Compared to the world, Mount Olympus is actually small, but now it is very large, and there are many gods gathering on it, a bit like a human bazaar.

Zeus did not want to come into contact with them, so he wandered around Mount Olympus alone.

He didn’t know what he wanted to do, so he thought that he had been in the temple for too long and was in a bad mood, so he came out to relax.

If you are distracted, you will always meet people.

In addition to Zeus, there are people on Mount Olympus who do not like to be lively.

For example, Artemis.

The goddess in a moon-white robe stood on the top of a cliff, lined with the moon, looking cold and high, and also had a bit of a magnificent taste.

Zeus suddenly felt a strange and familiar feeling, this was his daughter, the daughter who had grown up since childhood.

Well, it is also in the once favorite goddess, almost juxtaposed with Athena.

Zeus came here by accident.

Although Olympus was small, he walked around casually, not knowing that Artemis was here in the first place.

Artemis likes to be alone, she is cold, and she was close to Zeus when she was a child, but after returning from the ocean war, she was even more cold, and he never had contact with Artemis again.0

In fact, when it comes to it, Zeus’s impression of this daughter is cold, well, perhaps the only exception is that the little girl gritted her teeth and said with a serious face that she wanted to be a virgin goddess…

Zeus laughed, and the laughter alarmed Artemis, who seemed to be posing.


She turned around, a little surprised, but there was no expression on her cold face.

Cold goddesses tend to arouse men’s desire for conquest, especially in the case of Artemis, which is so beautiful.

“Really, what was I thinking, feeling like something broke after eating Aphrodite… This is not good. ”

Zeus smiled wryly and shook his head, sad at his thoughts.

Speaking of which, Artemis’s name is the goddess of the moon, although Selene is the real goddess of the moon, and what kind of goddess is Artemis coming from, it seems to be hunting?

However, it is still good for the moon, and Artemis is really suitable.

Although Selene was a personal seal of Zeus and the moon goddess was close to him, he still felt that this made him unhappy.

If you don’t like it, you have to change it

Zeus’s face straightened, and he said softly: “Artemis, do you like this place very much?” ”

“1.5 like it?”

Artemis was dazed, and then shook his head: “No, it’s just that the mountain is too noisy.” ”

“Well, I don’t like it here… Or, do you like the moon then? ”

This time Artemis was not at a loss.


She answered, not understanding what her father meant, but she didn’t ask either.

Zeus did not answer immediately, he looked at the moon for a long moment before nodding and making a decision.

“Since you like the moon, then I will give it to you”

The words fell, and the floor was loud.


ps: In fact, I want to write a plot about the goddess, which is also the original intention of this story, but unfortunately there is a little trouble, and now it is a little casual. _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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