With a 0-3 situation, no team in NBA history has ever been able to achieve a turnaround.

But even with that situation, Mavericks fans haven’t given up their support for the home team.

Compared to the third game, the enthusiasm of the fans in the fourth game was even higher, and many Mavericks fans made an online call to action, organizing hundreds of large decibel spectators, ready to create a noise directly in front of the basket to interfere with the Rockets players’ free throws.

Not only fans, Mavericks owner Cuban also said before the game that as long as the Mavericks win this game, he will pay out of his pocket and give each player a million-dollar bonus.

Passionate, expensive, and in order to win a victory, the city of Dallas has fallen into a frenzy.

Mavericks coach Carlisle also said in a pre-game training interview that the team will make big adjustments in this game and is ready to fight.

The Mavericks are all alive, the Rockets are on the step-by-step basis, the players should train and rest, and they haven’t made too many adjustments, and with a 3-0 lead, the players’ mentality is inevitably relaxed.

During training, many players, including Harden, began to talk about the Spurs.

The Spurs, who finished second in the regular season, are now leading 3-0 like the Rockets and are potential opponents for the next round.

On April 22, US time, the fourth game between the Rockets and the Mavericks was played at the Route Center Arena in the United States, with crowds outside the arena and a full house inside.

The biggest difference from the last game, directly in front of the baskets on both sides, are sitting big fat fans wearing red fans, and their role is to do their best to interfere with the free throws of the Rockets players.

Carlisle also made good on his pre-game remarks, and this game made drastic changes to the lineup, replacing Pachuria with rookie Justin Anderson, pushing Parsons to the No. 4 position, and playing a small lineup like the Rockets.

Shortly after the game, to deafening cheers from fans, Nowitzki used his long arm to bring the ball back to the Mavericks half.

For the first time in the series, the Mavericks were given the opportunity to attack first.

DeLong advanced to the front, the Mavericks blocked inside, and Nowitzki borrowed the block to get Delong’s pass.

Howard didn’t follow, watching Nowitzki make a move.


Nowitzki hit a rebound to give the Mavericks a headshot.

The fans cheered.

The Rockets’ attack, Beverley advanced to the front court with the ball, wanted to find Hao Shuai, but found that the Mavericks actually used a double ballless bag clip on Hao Shuai, Anderson stalked Hao Shuai to death, and Delong let Beverley go directly to cut off the passing route of his teammates.

Beverley was let off and chose to shoot a three-point shot himself.


Beverley hit a three-point shot, Nowitzki stuck Howard and Parsons grabbed a defensive rebound.

The Mavericks fought back, and Nowitzki ran to the front court, didn’t go inside, and directly caught the ball at the three-point line to chase three points.


The basketball crosses a high parabola and hits the net.

The fans were thoroughly excited, and Nowitzki started the game with a fiery hand, and he led the team to a 5-0 attacking wave.

The Rockets’ offense, the Mavericks still used a double bag clip against Hao Shuai, and Beverley was once again empty.

This time Beverley didn’t make his own shot, dribbled the ball to Harden, made a block, and Harden went straight inside.

Parsons made a pounce, and Harden forced his hitter to foul and walk to the free throw line.

Harden took a deep breath and walked to the free throw line.

Harden just received the ball from the referee and dribbled twice, and there was an earth-shattering cheer on the scene, especially from the front of the basket, like a sonic bomb, which made people’s ears feel particularly uncomfortable.

Not just the sound, the dozens of big fat fans stood up, held up gas sticks, and did everything they could to interfere with Harden’s free throws.


Harden’s first free throw really went off.

This extreme interference has a great impact on the players on the field.

After Harden finished the free throw, he complained to the referee, who turned around and motioned for the fans to sit down, but the noise of air sticks and interference was still there.


Harden was slower on the second free throw, but the basketball still went off the basket and the rebound was grabbed by Nowitzki.

The Mavericks counterattacked, and Nowitzki caught the ball at the top of the circle, successfully attracted the attention of the Rockets’ defense, and after a pass to Matthews, who made a layup, he scored two more points.

At 7-0, the Mavericks caught the Rockets off guard in the opening game.

Bickstaff reminded teammates on the sidelines to watch the defensive position, but the Rockets’ offense was more problematic than on the defensive end.

On the Rockets’ offense, Beverley was again empty, he gave the ball to Harden, and then made a block.

Harden made a three-point shot.


The shot was shorter, the three-point shot was smashed out, and the rebound was once again pocketed by Parsons.

The Mavericks fought back, and Matthews made a 3-pointer from the outside, but Nowitzki rushed to grab the rebound in front and hit another basket.

At 9-0, the Mavericks continued to extend the scoreline.

The fans at the scene were already extremely excited at this time, and Carlisle’s change of formation was surprisingly good.

The Rockets’ offense, Harden borrowed Beverley to block and shoot again.


I don’t know if it was because the previous two missed free throws affected the feeling, and the ball hit the back edge of the basket and bounced high directly out of bounds.

Mavericks ball!

Bixstaff couldn’t stand it, and directly reached out to call a pause.

Hao Shuai can’t catch the ball, Harden doesn’t feel good, the Rockets can’t count on Beverley and Ariza to lead the offense, right?

Coming back with a timeout, Beverly replaced Beverley with Louis Williams, with the obvious intention of stepping up the attack.

A more important strategic point about this substitution is, do you dare to put Beverley empty, and then do you dare to put Williams empty?

Bikstaff’s response can be said to be very targeted, but he faces Carlisle, known as the “master tactician”.

This substitution adjustment just went, and Carlisle coped with it in advance.

It’s still Hao Shuai, but this time the person who wrapped it changed from Delong to Parsons, and the person who was emptied became Ariza!

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