Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

This is a crisp echo of a kitchen knife cutting through beef and colliding with a cutting board.

“Kobe beef, salted organic vegetables from the Mediterranean, green-shelled black eggs, dried scallops, grass mushrooms, dried tofu, and fungus flavored from dashi stock…”

Erina’s eyes were full of confidence, and she was convinced that her dishes made with a variety of noble ingredients would surely surpass the simple ingredients of the gloomy rice.

“Victory has always been mine!”

The girl’s right hand gripped the wooden handle of the sharp knife, and the palm of her left hand pressed on the back of the knife, and as soon as the blade went up and down, a thin piece of beef char siu was cut off.

It is a common knife press in knife work, which can quickly cut thin enough slices, which is a knife technique commonly used by chefs.

The gravy of Kobe beef flows out, and a rich meat aroma fills the kitchen.

Sprinkle a handful of spices, which burn on top of the piping hot beef, giving off a burst of intoxication.

Erina closed her eyes and the corners of her mouth rose in pleasure.

The kitchen is her dominant field.


A wave of violent meat aroma suddenly exploded, directly blowing away the aroma of Kobe beef from Erina.

Like a depth charge exploding in the deep sea, it is violent and unstoppable.

“What! This is! ”

Erina’s pupils contracted violently and she turned her head sharply to look to the other side.


On the other side, Li Fan’s spirit was highly concentrated, and under the fixation of spiritual power, the speed of his hands once again exceeded the limit.

Fast! Permit! Vicious!

Using the hand of God, Li Fan felt that the pig-killing knife in his hand had almost become part of his arm.

If the arm dictates, nothing more than that.

Soon, the sliced meat was only 0.1 cm thin.

Tong! Tong! Tong! Tong! …… Tong! Tong! Tong!

Each time the blade cuts, it brings up a piece of meat, as well as a little gravy.

The fragrant smell molecules diffused into the air, turning into a breeze that filled the entire kitchen and even spread to the entire restaurant.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

The blade was almost so hard to see clearly, and a cursory glance could only see a series of afterimages and pieces of meat that kept appearing.

0.08 cm… 0.06 cm… 0.02 cm… 0.01 cm!

Li Fan swung his knife like electricity, and the blade danced a series of afterimages, chopping the entire char siu pork in one go.

After cutting, the whole char siu pork remains intact as if it had not been cut, and time seems to stand still forever at this moment.

In a sense, this has gone beyond the cicada wing blade knife.


Gently pushed the char siu pork with a blade, and the whole char siu pork was subdivided into hundreds of thin pieces of meat, and the scene was dark.

Under the influence of pig-killing knives, these pieces of meat never grow old and are full of gravy until they are swallowed.


Ma Huayun was stunned and almost didn’t kneel down for Li Fan.

Ouch, I went, I saw a 0.01 cm sheet, but it was cut out by the machine with titanium alloy steel wire!

Cutting so thin with a knife by hand is really unseen and unheard of!

And the knife is different from the kitchen knife seen before, it is very thin, and the blade is also very long, more like a sharp knife for slaughtering livestock.

…… At this time, Erina, who was cut and painted, walked over, his eyes complicated: “What kind of knife are you?” Can you actually cut so fast? ”

Li Fan had an unchanging smile on his face: “This knife is called… Pig-killing knives. ”

The bright and blind scene just now was in strong contrast with the three words “pig-killing knife” that came out of his mouth, which made Xue Che Eri Nai and Ma Huayun stunned.

How can such a crazy bully cool slag knife be a pig-killing knife?!

Rinami Eijiri’s eyes widened, and she was furious: “Yumin, are you teasing me?!” How could the pig-killing knife use such a fast knife technique just now, even so fast that the aroma of the whole char siu meat did not escape and remained perfect! ”

Although Ma Huayun did not speak, his eyes were also full of disbelief, thinking that Li Fan was prevaricating.

Li Fan’s expression was indifferent: “The years… It’s a pig-killing knife. ”

When Xue Che Eri heard this, she suddenly realized: “It turns out that the name of this knife is called the Time Knife!” Years, years, really a veritable knife of years! The whole char siu pork is cut down to the end, as if the years have stood still, and the aroma does not leak! ”

Li Fan’s right hand holding the knife froze, he just pretended to say the introduction of the system’s kitchenware, it seems that Erinai still took it seriously… Sure enough, the milk is big and brainless.

“With the Age Knife and such superb knife skills, you are indeed qualified to be my opponent for Erina, but I will not admit defeat, I will let you know that pork cannot surpass beef!” , Erinai glanced at Li Fan in a complicated way, and then turned around haughtily without turning his head.


Li Fan shook his head, ignored the eldest lady, and prepared to start frying poached eggs.

This time, he plans to mix peacock eggs and Chinese native eggs to make a unique mixed poached egg.

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