The God-Level Restaurant Of Wanjie Cuisine

Chapter 20 Steamed Bun Invasion

Generally speaking, the dough used to serve as the skin of the bun usually needs to be fermented for several hours.

But that's just a conventional concept. For the system, fermentation is just a matter of minutes.

"Well, let's do a rough job first..."

Li Fan was thinking, ready to put down the dough ball.

[New mission released: Conquer Uchiha Madara with soup dumplings! 】

[Task requirements: Let Uchiha Madara say the words "delicious" and "delicious" by himself]

[Task Reward: Randomly recruit a clerk]

Li Fan's eyes lit up, the reward for this task is not bad!

"Tsk tsk, I just wanted to try the taste of soup dumplings, it seems that I have to go all out this time!"

The corner of Li Fan's mouth raised slightly, and the dough in his right hand spun rapidly again.

During the rotation, the left hand pulled out a small ball from the dough from time to time, but the large uneven dough quickly turned into a complete ball under the action of centrifugal force.

Soon, the big dough was divided into thirty small doughs.

Draw a knife!

Put Jiangnan water onion and American bison on both sides, chop quickly with two knives on the left and right, and then quickly mix them together with a blender.


Li Fan added a little cooking wine, and the filling of the soup dumpling was ready.


Li Fan grabbed a piece of dough and waved it slowly with one hand, but the dough fell heavily on the cutting board at an explosive speed, with such force that the dough turned into a bun skin on the cutting board.

Uchiha Madara, who was sitting on a chair waiting, had a gleam in his eyes.

Just relying on the skill of controlling strength with this hand, it is enough to see that Li Fan is not ordinary.

Every move was obviously slow to the extreme, but the moment the dough was thrown out was fierce and fierce, which was somewhat similar to the soft fist of the Hyuga family.

Snapped! Snapped! Snapped!

One after another, the dough was slammed onto the chopping board, and there was no need for a rolling pin at all.

In an instant, thirty dough pieces became thirty bun skins.

The skin of this kind of steamed stuffed bun is very thin, especially after the special addition of God's hand, it is almost crystal clear.

Li Fan holds the iron basin in his left hand, which contains the stuffing he just mixed.

Holding a small iron spoon tightly in his right hand, he scooped out the minced meat quickly and regularly. The minced meat that flew out just formed a semicircle and flew onto the dough without any escape.

No more, no less, exactly thirty copies!

But this is not the point of filling soup dumplings.

As we all know, whether it is a soup dumpling or other buns, the folds on the buns are the most important part.

It can be said that the folds of the bun determine the taste and aesthetics of the bun skin.

Even if the same filling is used, the skin of the more wrinkled bun tends to be thinner and richer in texture!

Common buns have 7-9 folds, but like some strict buns, there may be as many as eighteen folds.

"Ten folds don't seem to have the slightest difficulty."

Li Fan's eyes were full of confidence, he picked up a bun skin, and made ten folds in an instant, and he was still pinching it fast.

Whenever the strength is insufficient, the wrinkled hands will become slow, but it will not destroy the overall structure of the bun. When the strength is restored, it will be fabricated quickly like a mad dragon.


Soon, fifteen folds, twenty folds, twenty-five folds!

Thirty soup dumplings, which are as white as works of art, are served on the table after just ten minutes of high-temperature steaming with black technology.

Uchiha Madara looked at the "strange" soup dumpling in front of him with a cold expression.

Hold the wooden chopsticks and tap them with the tip of the chopsticks. The skin of the buns is deeply sunken. When the chopsticks are removed, the skins of the buns swell up again!

Uchiha Madara looked slightly surprised.

Ignoring that the soup dumpling was still hot, Madara Uchiha picked one up, stuffed it in his mouth, and bit it open.


Uchiha Madara's pupils shrank suddenly, and the gravy burst in his mouth, yes, it was like a big bang!

The endless deliciousness spread out, and even flowed directly to the stomach with the swallowing, and the cells of the limbs and bones were all cheering.

Uchiha Madara filled the soup dumplings faster and faster, and even waved his hand too fast, making a buzzing sound in the air.

Li Fan saw that it was anxious.

Madara, I know you enjoyed your meal, but don't say a word!

Let me say something delicious to make my brother happy!

"Well, Mr. Ban, is it delicious?" Li Fan leaned forward cheekily.

Uchiha Madara raised his head and looked at Li Fan with those unwavering eyes for a long time, until Li Fan felt goosebumps all over his body, and then said a word lightly.

"it is good."

[Congratulations to the host for completing the task! Reward the host to draw a clerk once! 】

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