The God-Level Restaurant Of Wanjie Cuisine

Chapter 5 The Medicinal Effect Of Depressed Ecstasy Rice (For Collection)

"It's delicious! It's so delicious! But why am I so sad..."

While crying, Xiao Yan crazily ate the meal of ecstasy.

Xiao Yan was shocked by the slices of transparent char-siew pork. The exquisite craftsmanship of this kind of knife is probably comparable to the ground-level fighting skills!

Xiao Yan's crazy appearance made Li Fan dumbfounded... I already knew that Despondent Ecstasy is invincible, but this is too exaggerated...

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Swallowing the rice in one gulp, Xiao Yan's face was full of tears.

Pick up the poached egg with chopsticks and bite it gently with your teeth. The thick egg liquid overflows, but there is no fishy smell. The taste of the egg is sublimated in the mouth.

sky! How can there be such a delicious poached egg!

In a trance, Xiao Yan seemed to see that his parents in the previous life were greeting him, and this ecstasy directly caused his spirit to enter some kind of illusion.

"Dad! Mom!"

The numb reading before time travel, the teachings of parents, the depravity after graduating from university...

The shadow of the genius physique after crossing, becoming a waste material overnight, and the third stage of Dou Zhili can't go away...

Xiao Yan's eyes turned red. Before time travel, he didn't know how to cherish his family. After time travel, he was ridiculed coldly. Now seeing his parents, he couldn't control his tear glands...

Every time he took a bite, Xiao Yan would think of one thing from the past, those ordinary daily life, but now became Xiao Yan's most precious memories.

Especially after traveling through the Doujie for fifteen years, this kind of memory became more and more precious.

When I was in school, I hated studying, skipped class with my buddies and went to Internet cafes, and was criticized by the leader after work...

The time in the illusion soon came after Xiao Yan traveled, but it didn't end yet.

Xiao Yan watched his parents in the illusion grow older, their hair gray, even though they were terminally ill, they still read his name on the hospital bed, and finally their tear ducts collapsed.

Endless regrets filled my heart.

With a sound of "click", the illusion shattered, Xiao Yan returned to reality, and the meal of ecstasy in front of him had just finished eating.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

It took Xiao Yan only two minutes to finish a big bowl of Despondent Rice, leaving only a few grains of rice.

Xiao Yan's feeling was that he fell from heaven to hell in an instant.


lonely ~ lonely!


"Boss! Let's have another bowl of ecstasy rice!"

Xiao Yan stared at Li Fan closely and said, there seemed to be a bit of pleading in his tone, he still thought, he still wanted to talk to his parents in the previous life, even if it was just an illusion.

Li Fan shook his head, and pointed to the menu behind Xiao Yan: "The rule of this restaurant is that you can't order the same dishes every time, and you can't order the Depressed Ecstasy Rice anymore."

As soon as these words came out, Xiao Yan's face became ugly.

"Boss, I'm willing to pay double the price. As long as you agree, I can even..."

Looking at the excited Xiao Yan, Li Fan had a stubborn expression: "Sorry, the rules of our store never change."

Li Fan bleeds secretly in his heart, of course he would be happy if he could sell a few more copies, but this rule is set by the damn system!

It is a fool to have money and not make money, but it is distressing to have money and not make money!

"Boss..." Xiao Yan gritted his teeth, "I beg you to give me another bowl. From now on, I can help you with one thing for free!"

A promise from Emperor Yan in the future, this is simply worth more than mountains of gold and silver.

However, Li Fan still shook his head, and said the system's words in a rigid tone: "Wanjie Restaurant has its own rules, if you do this again, I will directly put you on the blacklist, and if you want to eat, you can wait until tomorrow. "

What a joke, if every customer is like Xiao Yan, then when there are too many people, the whole restaurant will be extremely chaotic.

"Boss, you really don't know how to do business. How can you push the money out?" Xiao Yan's mouth twitched, his expression helpless.

He, Xiao Yan, had never begged anyone in his life, he never thought that he would cry and beg for a bowl of rice today, although the reason for crying was because of the meal of ecstasy.

Xiao Yan decided to have a good chat with the young boss, and let him know how rich he is.

Xiao Yan took out a bottle of elixir from his pocket, slapped it on the table, and said to Li Fan with a straight face: "Boss, if you give me another bowl of ecstasy rice, this bottle of elixir will be yours!"

Li Fan looked at the bottle of elixir, and the system automatically gave a reminder.

"It's just a bottle of Buqisan. I can't even afford the original bowl, let alone another bowl."

"What!" Xiao Yan's eyes widened, his face full of disbelief.

This bowl of rice is so expensive!

Xiao Yan suddenly felt that his behavior was a bit reckless, how could the price of this kind of food that can make people enter the illusion of memory be so cheap.

Xiao Yan's face was embarrassed: "What, boss, I don't seem to have any money... Haha... Hahaha... Haha..."

Li Fan looked him up and down: "Use your three-day luck to pay in advance."

Xiao Yan was taken aback for a moment, then quickly agreed.

Although I don't know what three-day luck is, but at most it is unlucky for three days, right? It can't be more unlucky than now, right?

Xiao Yan didn't know how naive his thoughts were, until later when he saw Li Fan's face was gloomy.

After paying off the bill, Xiao Yan reluctantly walked out of the door, and before leaving, asked Li Fan when he would open the shop again.

Li Fan thought for a while and replied: "You are already a customer of Wanjie Restaurant, and when Wanjie Restaurant opens, you will naturally receive a reminder from the restaurant."

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Immediate recharge (activity time: January 31st to January 2nd)

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