Crash! Crash!

Countless beams that had been rotten by the flames were blasted into the sky by the gust of wind and fell heavily on the ground.

Those Jialie clansmen and mercenaries who were pretending to be bandits were stunned, and many of them were caught off guard by the wood.

But immediately, they all reacted, holding swords one by one, and surrounded Uchiha Madara from nearby.

"Dare to ask who you are, this is a grievance between us and the Xiao clan, I hope you don't meddle casually..." A steady middle-aged man stood up.

Uchiha Madara didn't have any nonsense, just cut it off with a single knife.


Just after the sickle was swung out, several flashes of light appeared, forcibly blocking the blade of the sickle.

Several young men of the Jiale tribe held long knives or long swords, gritted their teeth and tried their best to block Uchiha Madara's slash.

In Wanjie Restaurant, Li Fan shook his head subconsciously. Do these guys think Uchiha Madara is the regular enemy from before?

"Ants... are people in the Otherworld so fearless?"

Uchiha Madara grinned mockingly, his pupils shrank, and three blood-red goblins leaped onto it, spinning continuously in his eye sockets.

Let go of the handle of the sickle with your right hand, and quickly make a seal with both hands.

The speed is so fast that afterimages appear.

Art fire escape ho fireball!

Uchiha Madara opened his mouth suddenly, and the chakra in his body was transformed into a scorching flame, which was forced to be compressed into a spherical shape and spit out, forming a huge fireball with a diameter of more than four meters.


The huge fireball shook the ground and burned all enemies. Compared with the flames that burned down the Xiao's house before, this flame is more terrifying!

Xiao Yan, who had just arrived, was dumbfounded. Even though he was still several hundred meters away, he seemed to feel that the heat wave was burning his veins.

The temperature of the fireball was astonishingly high, and even the sand grains on the surface almost melted into a liquid state.

What a terrible power!

Could it be that the price is as high as 10,000 common currency!

"Hmph! Sure enough, this body is no longer viable!"

Uchiha Madara snorted coldly. Contrary to Xiao Yan, he was very dissatisfied with his body and could not display his true strength at all.

The body is too old, and the number of chakras has decreased sharply, so that he dare not release the powerful ninjutsu now, otherwise he will directly use the wooden escape, and these Jialie people will die in minutes without a place to bury them.

Picking up a few bottles of pills scattered on the ground, Uchiha Madara poured them into his mouth without hesitation, a surge of vitality flooded into his body again, and his white hair even turned black because of it.

"This guy, Madara, is really unscrupulous. He murdered and set fire, and he didn't forget to take away his medicine..."

Seeing this scene through the live broadcast of the system, Li Fan shook his head, not caring about Uchiha Madara's actions.

But because he didn't see it with his own eyes, Li Fan was only slightly uncomfortable with the bloody scene, and he didn't vomit as ordinary people say.


In the big world of fighting, just when Uchiha Madara was about to use fire escape again to kill the remaining Jialie tribe, he suddenly felt a threat.

Gathering a high concentration of chakra in his footsteps, he activated the teleportation technique and moved away from the spot at high speed.


A giant machete condensed with grudge slashed on the surface, splitting the ground where Madara Uchiha was standing just now with countless spider web patterns, and the soil layer with a radius of one meter collapsed directly.

Unleash your fighting spirit, turn the emptiness into reality, a strong man in the realm of a great fighter!

With a jump, Uchiha Madara stood on top of the ten-meter-high pavilion, showing a hint of interest.

"Oh? Is this the otherworld's powerhouse? Interesting, it doesn't look like ninjutsu, is it a physical powerhouse?"

Uchiha Madara remembers that there are many famous taijutsu in the ninja world, but the one that catches his eyes is the Eight Gate Dunjia.

The power of most Taijutsu is not as great as ninjutsu.

But the development of Dou Po World... seems to be the exact opposite.

Xiao Yan, who was watching the battle, couldn't help but exclaimed: "Jialietian, why did the patriarch of the Jialie clan appear here?!"

In the next second, Xiao Yan was crying stupidly because of his own question. They are here to exterminate the family. Of course, there must be a matching master to help out, and it is impossible to have only one great fighter, Jia Lietian.

Sure enough, after Jia Lietian's burly figure, another figure walked out.

"Are you the helper invited by the Xiao family?" Jia Lietian looked calm, "It's a pity that you came a step late. If you had come earlier, you might be able to turn the tide by cooperating with Xiao Xin, but it's a's too late!"


Jia Lietian, who was wearing a fighting spirit armor, suddenly rushed to Uchiha Madara at an astonishing speed, and smashed down his casserole-sized fist.

It's a pity that this punch was empty, and what remained in place was a wooden stake.

Stand-in technique!

Uchiha Madara appeared a hundred meters away, and touched the wound on his face that was torn by the fist wind.

How could he be so embarrassed if he was young.

Uchiha Madara looked at the two great fighters in the distance with cold eyes, forming complicated marks with his hands.

Fire Escape·Fire Extinguishment!

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