The God-Level Restaurant Of Wanjie Cuisine

Chapter 60 Fierce Battle Wang Qiang

"A natural disaster is coming! Run away!"

"Which strong man is attacking Fenglan Shengzong! Isn't he afraid of Fenglan Shengzong's revenge?!"

"Stop it, you bastard! Who launched the attack!"

Sounds of rage, fear, and wailing sounded one after another.

Madara ignored it, and continued to instill chakra steadily, further increasing the range and damage of the Birth of the Tree Realm.

Under Uchiha Madara's control, the trees were like devil's beards, crushing some weak disciples into blood residue.

At the same time, those sects that were hostile to the Fenglan Sect also received a message from the spies, and they were overjoyed.

"Hahaha! Who is this strong man who is so terrifying! This is probably several times more terrifying than an earth-level fighting skill!"

"The Sacred Fenglan Sect has oppressed us in the Gamma Empire for so many years. Enjoying the offerings from the Gamma Empire alone, I don't know how many sects are jealous. This is probably a strong man invited from the Zhongzhou Continent!"

"Hiss! Such a powerful wood attribute fighting skill is unheard of and never seen before. This person's strength is so terrifying!"

Uchiha Madara ignored the spies who were peeping at him, looked calm, and used the wooden escape to destroy everything he saw in front of him.

I saw countless green brilliance flowing in the crevices of the stones, in the flower gardens, and in the medicine fields, and then developed into big trees piercing the sky, and they can be seen for a radius of ten thousand meters. Those big trees go straight to the sky.

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!", a true disciple of fighting spirit level ran in the ruins with fear on his face, trying to escape from this devil's slaughter field.

"Where did these plants come from!", this true disciple's face was ferocious, as if frightened to the point of madness, "I came to Fenglan Sacred Sect to become stronger, not to die!"

Dou Ling ran at full speed at a frighteningly fast speed, spanning nearly a thousand meters in an instant, and as soon as he was about to escape from Fenglan Shengzong's range, a green afterimage appeared on his right, and even the air was blown.

The true disciple reluctantly turned his head and saw clearly against the howling wind that it was a pole that was a thousand meters long.


The vines swung at high speed were so powerful that they sliced ​​off the disciple's head in one fell swoop, and blood was scattered in the sky.

"It's really weak."

Uchiha Madara watched all this with cold eyes, automatically lifted a new tree under his feet, and slowly lifted him into the air, allowing him to have a more comprehensive view of the collapse of Fenglan Shengzong.

When the mountains were crushed and destroyed by trees, the various buildings of the Fenglan Holy Sect could no longer stand, and were either crushed by big trees or fell into cracks on the ground.


With a loud bang, Fenglan Mountain, on which Fenglan Shengzong relied, completely collapsed and turned into a huge boulder.

It was so shocking, it was so shocking that the elders of Fenglan Shengzong couldn't react, and even the other sects who cheered were dumbfounded.

"Dare you, thief!"

An angry roar resounded throughout the universe, and Uchiha Madara felt a dangerous killing intent inexplicably.

Looking down, I saw that the ground that had calmed down suddenly became more chaotic, and countless surface cracks spread, but concentrated towards Uchiha Madara's position.

"That's right, that's the kind of momentum, that old guy from last time!"

Uchiha Madara laughed and urged Mutun to suppress the earthquake.

An old man flapped his condensed wings, suspended in the air, and looked at Uchiha Madara angrily: "Who are you, and why are you attacking my Fenglan Shengzong!"

Yun Ling was about to vomit blood, he had lived most of his life to be promoted to the Douwang realm, he thought that relying on the sect to improve his strength, maybe one day he could become a Douhuang [Fenglan Shengjing collapsed in an instant!

"Oh? You didn't recognize me?" Madara Uchiha raised the corner of his mouth slightly, "In this case, I'll let you know!"

Shadow clone technique!

Shadow clones appeared around the main body one after another, and the countless Uchiha Madara made everyone lose their eyes.

I have heard of the fighting skills of clones, but I have never heard of the fighting skills that can create so many clones!

Could this be the legendary heaven-level fighting skill?

Thinking of this, Yun Ling's eyes became eager.

"Unknown powerhouse, if you can hand over this heaven-level fighting skill, this old man might let you live..."

Uchiha Madara ignored Yun Ling's words, and quickly formed a seal directly, and all shadow clones formed the same seal.

Art fire escape ho fireball!

Opening his mouth slightly, the scorching and high-temperature flames were spit out directly, forming dozens of huge fireballs with a diameter of 5 meters, like a meteorite fire rain that destroyed the world and hit Weileng on the opposite side.

This is a flame that is enough to evaporate the water in the human body and turn a person into a mummified corpse.

"No good!"

Yun Ling exclaimed, although he tried his best to avoid it, he was still hit by several fireballs.

The smoke from the flames dissipated, revealing Yun Leng's dismal appearance. His original long white beard was burned off, and many large holes were torn in his clothes, and his skinny body could even be seen.

"Damn it, it turned out to be you!"

The old man gritted his teeth, he already understood Uchiha Madara's identity.

He felt like a monkey being played with, funny and ridiculous.

"Cloud Turning Palm!!"

Yun Ling roared angrily, all of his fighting spirit gathered in the palm of his right hand, and he slapped Uchiha Madara fiercely.

Terrifying wind, waves and tides swept through the white clouds, and finally formed a huge cloud-shaped palm, carrying unstoppable majestic power, tearing apart the air and shattering the cloth.

Shadow clones (of Li's) were scattered one after another.

"Cloud? Wind? Or pure strength? This world is really different from the ninja world!"

Uchiha Madara was excited, only Senju Hashima could be his opponent in the past, but now it is different!

The hands are in mudra, and it is another powerful wooden escape ninjutsu hook.

Wooden Dungeon Wooden Dragon Art!

I saw the roots of the trees scattered in the ruins of Fenglan Shengzong, under the command of Chakra, quickly converged and intertwined.

A large number of tree roots intertwined to form even larger tree whiskers, and finally entangled to form a giant dragon with a diameter of nearly 20 meters and an imposing manner.

The giant dragon opened its dragon mouth with intertwined tree whiskers, let out a silent roar, and rushed directly to the cloud-turning palm.


A small half of the wooden dragon's body was shattered, but an astonishing scene appeared, under the staggered trees, the sleepy dragon recovered!

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