The God-Level Restaurant Of Wanjie Cuisine

Chapter 73 Ye Fan And Hei Huang

To be honest, Li Fan didn't attach much importance to this banquet, and he just wanted to sit down for a while and leave.

More importantly, a few otherworld guests came to visit the real world.

However, it is not a big or small accident to meet people who blaspheme Chinese cuisine.

"Security! Security! Where is the security! Take this man down!"

The blond foreign man shouted, and several security guards from the Dorsett Hotel rushed up in an instant, but they didn't dare to take a step forward in the next second.

"Although I have not been in this world for more than ten years, I am still a Chinese. Boss, do you need me to be him?"

At some point, Xiao Yan, who looked only sixteen years old, stood behind Li Fan with an angry expression on his face.

"Do I need to silence everyone?"

Uchiha Madara's tone was extremely flat, but the cold killing intent made everyone shudder.

This guy's aura is too strong!

Uchiha Madara's appearance looks very handsome, but his temperament is like a tyrannosaurus resaurus waiting to go, no, it should be said to be a peerless killer!


White Beard stood beside Li Fan, just relying on his 30 tall figure was enough to make people dare not move forward.

Li Fan slapped his forehead violently, these guys are so impulsive and violent.

This is not a fighting world where the strong are respected, nor is it a world of One Piece where pirates ignore the law, nor is it a world of Naruto where one person can slaughter countless people.

Swish Swish Swish!

All eyes were on that slightly embarrassed foreigner.

At this moment, he became the target of public criticism... He never thought about how presumptuous his words were, even if Li Fan was not here, other Chinese people present would be dissatisfied with him.

Dai Long's face was gloomy, and he apologized to Li Fan: "Boss, if I had known that the other party was such a person, I would not have agreed to his challenge. I am really sorry for letting you see this farce."

The more Dai Long talked, the angrier he became. He thought it was just an ordinary cooking discussion, but the other party blatantly insulted Chinese cuisine.

Gradually, other guests in the hotel came to watch, and they were instantly attracted by White Beard's astonishing figure.

"Wow, look, isn't that very tall guy with white beard?"

"Hey, don't tell me, this guy's cosplay is very similar. The previous white beard cosplay is not tall enough, this guy is really tall!"

"Damn it, it's Madara, did the Dorsett Hotel hold a comic exhibition today? Why haven't I heard of it?"

"It's strange, that young man surrounded by them, why can't I remember a glance at him, why can't I remember his face, and even feel a little blurry?"

The commotion in the hall became louder and louder, and Fan let out a clear and loud stare.

The faint mental power fluctuations were fleeting, and everyone subconsciously closed their mouths and became silent again.

"Anyway, what I said, you shouldn't apologize, it seems that chefs can only fight with cooking..."

Li Fan smiled with a bright expression on his face.

Someone secretly pulled Dai Long over, looked at Li Fan cautiously, and asked, "Old Dai, who is he? Why do you even..."

Dai Long shook his head: "The strength of the boss is far above me. If I am the God of Cookery, then the boss is the man above the God of Cookery."

Everyone couldn't help being stunned. What kind of restaurant owner is this Li Fan?

"Okay, I, Jed Noel, agree!", Jed gritted his teeth and agreed to Li Fan's request for a battle.

Head: Let me go back and get the raw materials. "

"Wait, wait!", the person in charge of the hotel ran up sweating profusely, "Sir, we have all the ingredients you want in the hotel, there is no need to go get them."

"Oh?" Li Fan raised his mouth slightly, "Do you have stone-milled wheat flour, oatmeal flour, and krill from the Arctic Ocean?"

When Li Fan uttered these words, the whole hall erupted. They had seen the pretended one, but they had never seen such a pretended one!

F*ck, are all the cooks so pretend these days?!

There were also other chefs in the hall, and the corners of their mouths twitched.

Stone-milled flour, thanks to Li Fan's words, stone-milled flour is not too expensive these days.

Li Fan smiled, walked straight to the depths of the hotel, opened a room door at random, pushed in and returned to Shiquan Restaurant.

Anyway, everything is covered by the system, so naturally no one will be followed.

"Well, let me see, flour, eggs, rolling pin, shrimp..."

Li Fan picked up several pots in the kitchen and filled them with ingredients.

"Jingle Bell!"

At this time, the doorbell of the gate of Wanjie made a crisp sound.

Li Fan was stunned for a moment, and then realized: "I'm going, I actually forgot, as soon as I'm in the restaurant, the restaurant will open automatically."

Li Fan didn't expect that when he just came back to pick up some ingredients, there would be new customers coming to the door, which was really a coincidence.


The gate of Wanjie was pushed open, and a young man walked in with a dog at his feet.

Li Fan raised his eyebrows: "Interesting, so not only humans can come in at 170? And ten people and one dog can come in at the same time......

The system replied: [Yes, the host. Strictly speaking, all creatures belonging to advanced intelligent life can enter the Ten Thousand Worlds Restaurant for consumption]

"Advanced intelligent life? You mean that dog has the IQ of a human?"

【Yes, that black dog is not an ordinary dog, but a trained demon dog. After testing by the restaurant, the strength of the black dog is enough to instantly kill Uchiha Madara who does not use reincarnation eyes】

Li Fan's heart skipped a beat, he was powerful, and it was another black dog, wait...could it be that smelly and shameless black dog?

Li Fan looked up, and the information about Japanese people and dogs came into view.

【Name: Ye Fan】

[Occupation: Yuan Tianshi, Cultivator]

[System evaluation: This son is a dragon among men, and one day he will punch the sky and slaughter all the gods and demons in the universe. It is recommended that the host pay great attention to it! 】

Li Fan's eyes flickered slightly, he was indeed the Great Demon King Ye, then...

【Name: Hei Huang】

【Occupation: The pet dog of the Great Emperor Wushi, source seeker, follower of Ye Fan, grave robber, pattern master...】

[System evaluation: This dog is not good enough to seek, the host is advised to take more precautions! 】

Li Fan was taken aback, "Hei Huang, you are so stubborn, does Wu Shi Dadi know?".

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