Chapter 15 The History of the Mainland (Part 1)

Then Tina started to read the history books of the mainland when she was fine.

Legend has it that when the Creation God first created this world, there were only intelligent creatures like humans. At that time, the Creation God sent three goddesses to rule the world, and they were also three sisters.

Big Sister is the goddess Kravis in charge of justice, the second sister is the goddess of peace Elena, and the youngest Little Sister is the goddess of order, Corona. The three goddesses protect mankind and the world together, and make the world’s technology and magic develop rapidly, which is called the era of goddesses in history.

The era of the goddess has lasted for more than 4,000 years. Human magicians have discovered a magic that can cross planes. Humans feel that if they can open other planes and communicate with other intelligent races, it will play an important role in the development of mankind. , So many senior magicians began to gather together to test the method of opening the door of the plane, an accident completely changed the destiny of mankind.

Finally, in the age of the goddess 4412, mankind opened the door of the plane. When mankind was expecting to attract friends from the unknown world, they met with a sharp blade, and countless Devil entered the human world from the door of the plane.

Magicians all over the world don’t know their situation. Numerous races appeared in this world after the doors of the plane were opened, not just the cruel Devil, the elegant elves, the honest dwarves, the strong orcs, the cunning goblins, and Countless races have appeared all over the world. The human world is richer and larger than the world of other races, and all races move the entire race over through the gates of the plane created by humans.

There are mixed good and bad news all over the world. The country that attracts Devil can only be destroyed, but the country that attracts the dwarves can rely on the advanced iron-making technology of the dwarves to strengthen their national power. The long period of peace has made the human army useless, and the cities have been destroyed, but the king and the king do not help each other at all, and even like to see each other being killed by Devil.

The goddesses were finally angry. They forbid everyone to use plane magic, and all human beings who use plane magic were punished by the gods. Calling all humans to unite against Devil, the power of the three goddesses is powerful. The Devils who have just moved to this world from another plane are surrounded by goddesses, and the combined forces of humans and other races have left only 10% of the total population.

Just when the Devils thought that they were doomed, the leader of the Devils, the Great Devil, invited Kravis, the goddess of justice among the three goddesses, to have a one-on-one conversation on the battlefield for the lives of the people. Kravis had a long talk with the Devil as scheduled. The goddess was moved by the great devil’s boldness and care for the people, and Kravis gave up the decision to completely destroy the Devil clan.

The Devil tribe can finally survive on this continent. In order to thank the goddess, they regard Kravis as their main god-the dark goddess Kravis has since become the god of all Devils. Kravis’s attitude of treating all races fairly has deeply infected other races, and other races have turned to him as their master god. For a time, Kravis became the god of all foreign races on the mainland.

Although the door of the plane was closed, many creatures from another world entered the human world and absorbed the energy of this world. They slowly formed a kind of energy aggregate in the body. People called it the magic core and possessed it. Demon-core creatures, humans call them Magical Beasts, and Magical Beasts multiply rapidly on the mainland and become mortal enemies of humans and other races.

The goddess of order, Corona, was ordered to begin crusade against Magical Beasts. After Magical Beasts lost most of their race, the Beastmaster of Magical Beasts chose to compromise and expressed sincere conviction to the goddess of order, Corona. Corona was very happy about it. The most prosperous and expansive forest was given to the Magical Beasts to live, and this forest has since been renamed Magical Beasts Forest.

The Magical Beasts are very grateful to the goddess. She gave the Magical Beasts a place to continue their lives and survive, and was enshrined by the Beastmaster and all the Magical Beasts as the main god-the goddess of life, Corona.

The human world was rebuilt and restored after the war, surrounded by alien races, which made the development of mankind suddenly enter a low period. The emergence of the goddess of peace Ele Noah gave mankind hope. She taught mankind new technology and new technology. Magic, she called on human beings to unite and coexist peacefully. From then on, an empire that gathered all humans on the mainland appeared.

People are not fighting for themselves, uniting, democratically electing the best talents to become the emperor of the entire empire. Since then, mankind has entered the age of rapid development and prosperity as in the early stage of the Goddess Era. After more than 200 years of development, mankind has finally formed an empire that can compete with the entire continent.

At the same time, in order to thank the goddess of peace, Erenoya, for his divine grace and enlightenment, humans enshrine the goddess of peace Erenoya as the main god — the god of light love Lenoya. Although the other two goddesses have sub-divine levels, they have been taken by humans. I slowly forgot.

Since then, three forces have formed, Devil and the main god of alien races-the dark goddess Kravis, the main god of mankind-the light god loves Renoya, and the main god of Magical Beasts-the goddess of life Ke Rona

The three goddesses never expected that the final three sisters would end up like this.

In 200 years of the era of the goddess, after more than 00 years of development and reproduction, the number of Devil and humans has increased day by day. In contrast, Magical Beasts has been maintained at a balanced stage due to the constraints of natural laws. The conflict between Devil and humans on the border is escalating.

Until the last human empire’s eldest son was dismembered and eaten by the Devils on the defense line of the empire, the war finally broke out, and the human army fought with the Devil army vigorously. When the war just started, other races were watching. I don’t want to be involved.

Devil and humans are at war, and the goddesses have been quarreling constantly. Kravis believes that Devils should also have fair power, and have the same power and territory as humans. Eleanor believes that Devil is a savage and brutal species, as long as this There will be one day in the world, and peace will never come, and Devil must be completely eliminated.

The more noisy the goddesses, the more fierce they are. Although the Devils are powerful, they have low intelligence and can’t make equipment. When the Devils are almost unable to resist the cutting-edge weaponry and tactical coordination of human beings, Kravis took action and she helped The Devils blocked the attack of the human army. In that battle, humans lost more than 30,000 elites.

Humans also reacted immediately. All the statues and temples of Kravis in the empire were demolished. The clergy were massacred. Kravis has since been scolded as an evil god among humans. All those who worship Kravis are called As a pagan, the god of light Ai Renuoya also acquiesced in this.

Kravis was angry, and all the aliens were angry. The human empire was immediately under siege from other races on the mainland. A large number of troops were sent to deal with Devil. The back defenses were all old, weak and sick. The attacked town had no room for counterattack. Countless old people and children were killed, and countless family wives scattered.

Seeing the tragic deaths of these people, even the goddess of peace Eleanor couldn’t help it. The goddess Corona was also the one who made the move. She let Magical Beasts build a long Magical Beasts wall in the back line of human defense. So as to stop the aliens, when she commanded Magical Beasts to fight the aliens, a terrible thing happened.

Where humans and Devil are fighting bloody battles, Kravis, the goddess of justice, and Elena, the goddess of peace, are also fighting. The power that Gods and Gods exert during the battle is terrible, and it happens when the last two fight desperately. The big explosion that destroyed the world caused the entire continent to be divided into two parts, and the two continents drifted away in two directions respectively.

The two goddesses fell into a long sleep in this battle. Humans call this day the day of the fall of the goddess.

In this battle, Devil was completely divided into one of the continents. The other races were afraid of directly facing the anger of humans, so they all withdrew their troops and stood still. In this battle, all the elites of the empire gathered on the front line. The losses were lost in the big bang, and they were unable to carry out expeditions to other races.

The mainland became peaceful for a while, and Corona, the goddess of order, did not let the Magical Beasts kill the other races. She ordered the Magical Beasts to return to the Magical Beasts forest to continue their lives, but she did not know where she was.

Another 300 years have passed since the mainland. A shaman of the orc tribe suddenly discovered that a stone could be transported in a short distance after being injected with magic power. The shaman named this magical stone-Hearthstone. It means going home in orc language.

The governor of the orc tribe discovered the magical effect of hearthstone. His thought was whether it could be built into a portal to be teleported to another continent if countless hearthstones were formed into a door, because most of the orc tribe’s population fell on the goddess. The sun was separated to another continent, and now the human power is growing rapidly, I am afraid it will not take long before the alien race will be wiped out.

But how could the big moves of the orcs go beyond the eyeliner of the human empire? The emperor became furious after learning about this, and launched a call to attack the orcs. The orcs were forced to live according to their racial nature and the extremely cold weather in the northwestern continent. Has resisted human attacks for more than 200 years. In these hundreds of years, humans have begun to use their brains in terrain and strategic positions in order to fight against other races for a long time.

In order to resist the half-orcs living in the desert, the humans in the southwest corner built a strategic fortress near an oasis in the desert to prevent enemy attacks on the central city of the continent. The fortress slowly evolved into a large city-the desert. The capital of Isis.

The orcs in the northwestern corner rely on their local cold weather and special arms to make humans a headache. Humans stationed a large number of farmers and troops here to adapt to the cold weather and cultivate human warriors who are not afraid of the cold. A large city has also been formed — ——The Principality of Chignas.

The eastern corner of the continent is the Magical Beasts forest. Humans still believe in Corona, the goddess of order, and are not afraid of any troops stationed there. However, a large port was built on the northernmost side to provide necessary support to the Principality of Chignas, and to monitor the Magical Beasts forest to the east. The flow of people in this port is increasing. Finally, the efforts of the Grand Duke Gremany Finally became the most prosperous port city on the mainland-the Principality of Gremany

The east, middle and southeast corners of the mainland are the lands of dwarves and elves respectively. The empire sent a large number of troops to deal with dwarves and elves, and established a country with the continent’s strongest infantry on these mountainous lands-Oort Principality of Uss.

The most central location on the mainland connects to the southern imperial center. It is a country dominated by plains, which is especially suitable for grazing and growing food. Horses are also suitable for raising. The emperor of the empire and the pope of the Illuminati are in this city. -Costario Empire

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