At this moment, all the Bobcats players are heroes, however, Han Zhe is obviously the hero of heroes, and for a whole few minutes, the Warner Center arena was trembling under the sound of crazy Bobcats fans.

It's no wonder that Bobcat fans are excited, not only did they come back with a stunner in this game, but their regular season record this season has been very satisfying to fans.

At present, the Bobcats are five wins and four losses, and if you put a fart on the top team, it doesn't count, and the fans will burn high incense if they don't spray them to death.

But this record is already very content with the Bobcats, you must know that the Bobcats only won a total of 7 games last season, and the previous seasons were not much better.

Of course, Han Zhe's reputation among Bobcat fans has risen again, not to mention his two stunning kills, as long as he is not blind, you can see how big his role is on the field, and his style of play is also beautiful, and he will contribute a lot of wonderful dribbles and goals in every game.

Bobcats fans really love this day "August 13" to the second round of the show, and they think that the only thing that the team's top management has done right this season is to select Han Zhe!

After everyone went back to the lounge to take a shower and change clothes, Walker suddenly said to Han Zhe: "Don't run, you kid, when will you cash in on the meal you owe us!"

Han Zhe seemed to be confused, and said, "What kind of meal? I don't understand what you're talking about at all!"

Seeing that Han Zhe wanted to slip away after speaking, Mullens and Michael and others also reacted and blocked him at once.

Henderson also sneered at this time, and walked over, "Keep pretending! If you really don't remember, I'll remind you, the last time someone played the Wizards, he said that he would invite everyone to a big dinner after the game!"

"Uh... Did you say that??, I'm just hungry, call him for a treat!" Han Zhe looked around with a look of anticipation.

Everyone pointed to him in an instant!

All right!

This can't be loaded anymore.

Han Zhe took out his backpack depressedly, and finally took out more than 100 US dollars and said: "All the belongings are here, you have the final say on what kind of meal you eat!"

Depend on!

Everyone neatly raised their middle fingers, more than 100 yuan, such a large group of people, eat your sister's meal!

Mullens was about to open his mouth to say that he had a treat, Henderson immediately kicked him, and he also reacted, whether it was Han Zhe or everyone was joking just now.

But this round of meals really had to be invited by Han Zhe, if they paid for it, it would make Han Zhe unable to come to the stage.

And none of these players are short of money, they just have fun, and no one really has a big meal.

Then a group of people set off in a mighty way, except for the coaching staff, everyone was lively together.

Han Zhe was also joking, he still had a total of more than five hundred dollars in his pocket now, as long as he didn't eat too extravagant things, it was enough for these people to eat one meal, and he was about to pay his salary, and he didn't feel distressed when he spent it all.

When he walked to the parking lot, Han Zhe looked envious and jealous, this sports car made him very hurt, and even the team's substitute at least had an Audi or Ford or something, only he was still a car-free family.

"Look at it, if you don't get in the car yet, you kid can buy a car with a lot of water, and with your performance, after getting the rookie contract, the salary can't be comparable to us in the future!" Henderson said his ass, his expression was very envious.

The other players also nodded in agreement, don't be considered the poor among them, but as long as Han Zhe maintains his current state, his absolute value will skyrocket, which is something they can't compare, most of them don't have much room to rise, only Han Zhe has the most potential, Michael and Walker also have a bright future, but they have signed a four-year rookie contract with the Bobcat and have been trapped!

And said that he can buy a car with a month's salary, and it will only cost 70,000 or 80,000 US dollars to buy a high-grade sports car here, and Han Zhe now has 40,000 or 50,000 yuan with a salary once, and he will buy it with two salaries.

Henderson actually scolded Han Zhe for taking the initiative to sign a short-term contract as a fool, but now they know that they are fools, people have the confidence and strength to play their value, of course, they don't want to be tied up by low-grade contracts.

"Hearing you say this, I instantly feel extremely happy, by the way, I'll make a call and call a beautiful woman to give you a long experience!"

Gordon and the others suddenly looked disdainful, they usually have a party and stuff the beauty in his arms, and he usually doesn't see any woman he has contact with, obviously a rookie!

Not long after Han Zhe called, he saw a tall black-haired beauty walking over with a happy face.

As soon as everyone saw Shen Xuefei appear, they all immediately raised their middle fingers at Han Zhe, and they really thought that he was picking up girls, but it turned out that they had called this female reporter who often circled around their lynx.

They all have some impressions, the key is that Shen Xuefei is indeed very beautiful, and even men can't help but look at her a few more times!

After Shen Xuefei came over, she greeted everyone generously, then looked at Han Zhe and wondered, "How did you choose this place for an interview?"

Gordon, Henderson and the others suddenly glanced at Han Zhe with strange expressions, feeling that you fooled others under the guise of an interview?

It's too LOW, right, do you have to cheat on the pickle girl?

Everyone immediately despised Han Zhe even more, they already had a preconceived idea that Han Zhe was looking for an excuse to ask out Shen Xuefei and wanted to soak her!

"Of course the interview or something won't be here, we're going to eat, let's interview while eating, by the way, the photographer or anything is not needed, this is our private life after all, I don't want to get up tomorrow and see the newspaper 0........"

After Han Zhe finished speaking, the Cadillac that opened Walker got in, patted the seat next to him, and motioned for Shen Xuefei to get in the car.

Shen Xuefei took a voice recorder and a small video camera, and motioned for the photographer and a chory to go back first.

Seeing the photographer's worried face, Shen Xuefei said in Chinese: "So many people see me getting on the bus, it's okay, they can still eat me, there are not many opportunities for such interviews." "

The photographer thought about it, and this was the first time they were able to break into the inside of the Bobcat, if they got along with the Bobcat players, it would be much more convenient to interview in the future, and there would be a lot more material.

Not to mention anything else, Han Zhe is now turning purple in China, and it is good to be able to contact Han Zhe more and get some first-hand news.

Shen Xuefei got in the car and sat next to Han Zhe and the convoy set off, Shen Xuefei squinted her eyes and said, "Why is it so good today, you actually took the initiative to invite me for an interview, and said that you would introduce the Bobcats players to me?"

"What kind of eyes do you have? I think you reporters are very hard, and everyone is compatriots, so you should take care of it!" Han Zhe said as a matter of course.

Shen Xuefei obviously didn't believe it, and she was not the only resident reporter in Charlotte in China, Tencent and Sina both, didn't you see Han Zhe invite them for a private interview?

Shen Xuefei then seemed to think of something, and her heartbeat accelerated a little, this guy suddenly treated me so well, shouldn't he have any thoughts about me?

If he asks for something to do with it, will he say yes or no?

Oops, it's a little shy to think about it, so people don't want to say yes0.4

"Hey, why are you blushing? Is it too stuffy in the car, or should I open the window?"

Shen Xuefei was startled, as if someone else had discovered some little secret, and hurriedly said: "No, no..."

Han Zhe gave him a strange look, and then lowered his head to look at her long legs in a daze.

Shen Xuefei's face turned even redder, and finally she couldn't help it, how could she stare at the legs of other women's legs like this, and suddenly glared angrily: "Where are you looking!

Han Zhe looked up in amazement and said, "What stinky rascal? I'm just thinking that you are really not cold in stockings and short skirts?"

"Uh... Last time I said these were warm pants, not stockings! Are you an idiot, bastard!"

Shen Xuefei choked for a while and almost ran away, and I don't know if it was because of her misunderstanding!


PS: Thank you for the [Unforgettable You] boss for tipping 1000 points. _

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