On the other side, the Heat just finished their game against the Bucks, and James also attended the postgame press conference.

When the reporter asked James to evaluate Han Zhe, a rookie, James was stunned and said, "Who is Han Zhe?"

After the scene was quiet, the reporter was excited, whether James really didn't know Han Zhe or fake, he had to write now.

When the reporter reminded James that Han Zhegang had just broken his triple-double record, James looked stunned, as if he didn't know about it.

As for the truth, it doesn't matter, because the journalists have already compiled the "truth" for them!


As soon as the sky dawned, the name Han Zhe spread like a virus.

[Rookie Han Chul sets a record!]

[The youngest Mr. Sanshuang is born!]

[Celestial Empire's talented players shine in the NBA]

[All-rounder Han Zhe breaks the record!]

[Bobcat made a good business!]

[The wizard passed by Han Zhe!]

[He was humiliated by the 76ers, refused to try out players, and broke James' record!]

As long as you pay attention to the NBA, you know that a young rookie named Han Zhe broke Zhan Huang's previous triple-double record, and also listed Han Zhe's statistics this season, which is quite eye-catching.

In the eight games that Han Zhe has participated in, he has scored more than 20 points 6 times, more than 30 times, and won 3 double-doubles and 1 triple-double.

This data doesn't look like a rookie played, especially since this is still a second-round show...

Of course, Han Zhe is on fire now, and his old things have also been dug up.

For example, the Wizards originally planned to take Han Zhe, but they were reluctant to get the No. 3 pick, and it became an interesting story that they were cut off by the Bobcats.

There is also the fact that Han Zhe was insulted and rejected by the 76ers coach and was also dug up, of course, now 76 is regarded as a fool by everyone, because if they had allowed Han Zhe to try out, maybe now Han Zhe would be a 76ers player.

Now 76ers head coach Collins is a bit big, because a lot of people call him a fool and an idiot, which doesn't matter, the important thing is that the top management also expressed their dissatisfaction with him after knowing about it.

He actually rejected such a player just because others were Asian, and he had a hole in his brain!

Collins scolded Han Zhe to death in his heart, the more Han Zhe became angry, the worse he was scolded, of course he was not happy!

He couldn't have imagined that this Asian player who didn't look good could actually play this kind of result, what a dog!

The last report came out, which was regarded as adding fuel to the fire and completely pushing Han Zhe to the forefront.

The title is: [James said: Who is Han Zhe?]

The report will not analyze whether James really doesn't know Han Zhe, anyway, it is written that Han Zhe broke James' record, which made James very unhappy, so James "disdainfully" said that he had never heard of a little miscellaneous fish like Han Zhe!

It's okay abroad, after all, James's fame is here, even if he deliberately despises Han Zhe, he has a sense of course.

But the country became lively at once, and the scolding ignited instantly, and countless people began to post it.

But James's fan base in China is also very large, and some people reasoned at first, saying that maybe James didn't mean that, and people might not really know Han Zhe, but the media just added fuel and vinegar.

But where do the angry Korean fans listen to this, and defeating James has become the only slogan.

James's fan group is also chaotic, and some say that their fans have turned black, dare to hack me Han Zhe, and don't want him anymore.

Some said that they swore to defend Emperor Zhan and hardened Han Zhe.

The scolding war instantly spread to the entire network, Tieba, Weibo, Tiger Pounce, Tencent, there are wars everywhere, and many servers with lower configurations are instantly held, and it is miserable!

Shen Xuefei is now also at the door of the stadium to stop Han Zhe who came to train.

"Are you in a panic, what are you doing to block me early in the morning, you want to invite you to dinner and talk about it at night!" Han Zhe's picture of himself being very busy and not approaching people made Shen Xuefei angry.

Especially the sentence "please eat", which immediately made her gnash her teeth!

"I think about eating all day long, pig, you!" Shen Xuefei said angrily, now that she and Han Zhe are very familiar, she has a lot less scruples when she speaks.

"Isn't life just eating, drinking, and sleeping, don't you have to eat!" Han Zhe simply squatted at the door and chatted with her.

Shen Xuefei became angry as soon as she talked to him, and immediately forgot the interview task, and talked to him for a few minutes, and only then did she remember the purpose of coming when she saw Han Zhe get up and prepare to flash people.

Shen Xuefei took out a newspaper and stuffed it in his hand, "You don't know this yet?"

Han Zhe picked it up and saw that it was James who said he didn't know him.

He actually knew about this newspaper as soon as he got up, because the Martins knocked on the door early in the morning and showed it to him, and sprayed James indignantly for a while, and said that their Bobcats fans absolutely supported him to kill this girl!

Han Zhe returned the newspaper to her, "You know, what's wrong?"

"I know you're still so calm!" Shen Xuefei hated that iron could not become steel!

"Otherwise?" Han Zhe raised his eyebrows.

"Uh..." Shen Xuefei was choked.

Han Zhe continued: "Why don't I ask you to also post a news, and the title will be written, Han Zhe said, I don't know who James is?"

Shen Xuefei: "..."

If it is really written like this, it will seem too two.

"But everyone is just and despise you, you can't act as if nothing happened, are you a man or not!" Shen Xuefei was obviously more anxious than him.

"If you have the ability to come to my house at night, I'll tell you if I'm a man or not!" Han Zhe showed a lewd smile after examining Shen Xuefei from top to bottom.

"Cut... Even if I go, what do you dare to do?" Shen Xuefei looked disdainful.

Han Zhe received 10,000 points of damage, and Shen Xuefei's words hurt much more than James's words.

Seeing that the training time was coming, Han Zhe didn't have time to talk to her, and said: "Don't you know what the reporter looks like, and even if this thing is true, is it possible that I will go to the newspaper and put a few cruel words in the newspaper like a fool?"

People still think I'm hot, I'm not so boring, the key is that James is a big name, it's okay for him to say anything, it's very bad if I go to scream, there's no need for that.

Of course, I must be very upset when he says this, and when he plays the Heat, he must know and remember me.

Goodbye beauty, by the way, your bodybuilding pants are very beautiful today, but it looks like your ass is a little bigger, it's time to lose weight!"

After Han Zhe walked away, Shen Xuefei reacted, scolded a hooligan, and then gritted her teeth and muttered: "Blind, it's obviously pencil pants, what bodybuilding pants, and where is people's buttocks! It seems to be a bit big..."

Shen Xuefei then looked at Han Zhe's back a little stunned, the more she came into contact, the more she couldn't figure out Han Zhe.

In terms of personality alone, Han Zhe is sometimes naïve and cheap, often so angry that she wants to hit people, and sometimes she is not as steady as a young man.

There is also Han Zhe's strength, when Shen Xuefei first targeted Han Zhe, it was just because he was a player of the Celestial Empire, but as the game progressed, whether it was Shen Xuefei or domestic fans, they not only supported him because of their compatriot relationship, but were impressed by his style and strength.

Now it's even more powerful, how long has it been, he has actually broken a big record for James, and he is already famous in NBA history.

Although Shen Xuefei couldn't help but talk to him when they met, she admired him very much in her heart, and the young Han Zhe was already the pride of the Chinese people!_

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