At the start of the fourth quarter, Han Zhe and Henderson both went off the court to rest, and Gordon and Walker were paired up.

As for Michael, Dunlap did not replace him, because Walker and Gordon are relatively stable, and it is not a big problem to replace Han Zhe and Henderson.

But the substitute strikers are too unreliable, although they are leading by a big score, they don't dare to be substituted in other positions, and if they are overturned, they will cry without tears.

In the middle of the fourth quarter, seeing that the score difference was not close, the Hawks replaced all the main players and announced that the game had entered garbage time.

Dunlap replaced Michael and Bimax at this time, and the ball was steady!

The final score was fixed at 112-101, and the Bobcats won away!

As soon as Han Zhe returned to the hotel, the phone rang, and when he took it out, he was immediately happy.

"Hey, little Coke, are you here to congratulate me on winning the game!" Han Zhe said cheaply.

The other side was silent for two seconds, and then a loud roar came, "Big idiot, don't be complacent! The reason why our eagles will lose to your big bad team is just that everyone is not in a good state today, if the state is normal, I would have blown you up a long time ago, hum!"

"Are you annoyed and angry?

"Originally, we opened a new restaurant here, which tastes very good, and I plan to invite you to try it, but now..."

"What now?"

"I won't feed you the dog now!" Chloe snapped and hung up!

"Uh... Does this little girl want to invite me to dinner, or does she not want to?" Han Zhe looked at the phone he hung up, and clasped his head vigorously!

When he was about to put away the phone and go back to the room, the phone rang again, and when he saw that it was a text message, Han Zhe smiled after reading it.

The text message reads, "I won't tell you that I'm right in front of your hotel!"

"This little girl is too naïve!" Han Zhe couldn't help but laugh while holding the phone, but he never thought about why he would have a language with a naïve person...

Han Zhe was just about to knock on Dunlap's door, when the door of Dunlap's room was opened, and not only Dunlap was there, but all the players also came out in a swarm.

"Where did you go just now, and I was about to call you, everyone is hungry, and we are about to go to the hotel restaurant for supper. With that, Silas prepared to lead the team out.

Han Zhe hurriedly said to Dunlap: "Coach, I have a friend coming over and is waiting downstairs, I want to take a leave." "

Dunlap and the other players were surprised, although Han Zhe was usually dishonest in the team, he had never left the team without permission, and this was the first time he had asked for leave outside.

Han Zhe didn't know if Dunlap would agree, because now if something happens to Han Zhe leaving the team, the team is responsible.

Dunlap thought for a while, then said, "Stay safe, come back early, don't spend the night outside, I don't want to see negative news about you in the newspaper tomorrow!"

Dunlap's meaning is obvious, you can go out, but you are not allowed to play around, if you are caught fooling around, or looking for a woman who doesn't go to bed at night or something, you are dead!

Han Zhe hurriedly assured that it was definitely just an ordinary friend gathering and would not fool around, and then turned around and slipped away.

Gordon saw that Han Zhe was gone, and was just about to say something to Dunlap, but Dunlap's face sank, "Don't even think about it!"


All the Bobcats players couldn't help but laugh, indeed, Han Zhe and Gordon are definitely not of the same grade in their private lives.

They all know that Han Zhe is actually very self-disciplined in his private life, but Gordon is a pit bag, if he is let out now, he will definitely be able to see a photo of him coming out of the bar with a woman in his arms in the newspaper tomorrow...

After Han Zhe went downstairs, he found at a glance that a little Lori wearing sunglasses and a cap and a fashionable windbreaker was bored and kicking a small pebble on the side of the road.

Han Zhe secretly walked behind her and found that this little girl was thinking about it.

"This big idiot, why haven't you come out yet, don't you really think that I didn't wait for him here!"

"Little girl, how about going out with the uncle!" Han Zhe suddenly put his hand on her shoulder, and then said in a ruffian voice.


When Kolo turned his head and found that Han Zhe was holding his stomach and laughing, he gritted his teeth and came over and kicked him in the calf, seeing that Han Zhe jumped up in pain, he smiled with satisfaction, daring to scare the baby, this is the punishment!

"Hey, hey, hey, just kidding, don't you want to be so ruthless!" Han Zhe grinned with a painful face!

"Who told you to scare me, you deserve it!" Chloe crossed his waist, smug.

"Count... I don't know you like a little kid!"

"Who's the little brat!"

"Who promises to say whom!"

"Han Zhe, don't you want to be so naïve!"

"Who can compare to you in terms of childishness!"

"Do you want to eat anymore?"

"If you don't invite me, I'll starve to death!"

"You bastard!"

"Each other!"...

The two walked while arguing, Han Zhe was not familiar with the people here, and he was blind after a while.

"Where are you going to take me, don't you want to sell me!"

"Cut, like who's going to want you!"

"How do you speak, what does it mean that no one wants, you don't know, now I'm worth a lot!"


"Hehe, what do you mean, don't believe it..."

The two walked for more than ten minutes, and finally walked into a restaurant under the guidance of Colo.

"I'm going... The little rich woman is different, it's classy enough!" "After Han Zhe entered the door, he found that the environment was very elegant, and there was live music playing, he really had never been to such a restaurant before.

"Speak quietly, don't make noise about other people's meals, it's rude!" Chloe gave him an angry look, and then led him to a corner and sat down.

"Cut! You have to speak softly when you eat, this is uncomfortable with money!" Han Zhe really felt that this kind of place was spending money to find guilt.

When ordering, Han Zhe asked for a steak and dessert drink, and Kolo thought that Han Zhe was saving her money, so she ordered a baked snail and lobster.

After serving, Han Zhe smiled and said, "Do you know why I only order steak?"

"Save me money?" Chloe said with a wink.

Han Zhe smiled: "You are too naïve, because I only have steaks and eat more Sven!"

After Han Zhe finished speaking, Kolo was stunned, and directly dragged down a shrimp claw, and it didn't need to be knocked with a small hammer, and it was bitten open with a few clicks, and then it was eaten after sucking, which was particularly harsh in the silent restaurant.

The neighbors frequently looked back and covered their mouths and snickered!

"Bastard, you eat so fast, leave me some!" After Chloe finished speaking, he also rolled up his sleeves, directly ripped open the shrimp shell with his hands, and then pulled a large piece of meat down, stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it at once.

Han Zhe stopped his movements for a moment, and after looking at Kolo blankly for a few moments, he laughed happily, on the surface, Kolo seemed to be a heartless little ghost, but he didn't expect that he was still a very considerate little clever ghost!


PS: That... There's another chapter in a moment... I know that if I didn't have it today, I would have been killed!

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