After a night of rest in the hotel, they didn't go back to Charlotte, but flew straight to Washington, because it was another back-to-back game, or an away back-to-back, it was really a pit!

When he walked into the MCI Center Arena again, Han Zhe had a somewhat complicated mood, and his NBA road can be said to have started here.

In the past, Han Zhe also thought that his NBA career would start with the Wizards, but he didn't expect that he would eventually pass by the Wizards and unexpectedly join the Bobcats!

After the Bobcat entered, there were no boos or cheers, and the audience seemed calm.

When Han Zhe turned his head to look at the audience, he was dumbfounded and said, "What's the situation, this place is haunted?"

The reason why Han Zhe said this is because the attendance rate of the stadium with a capacity of more than 20,000 seems to be about sixty percent at most, which shouldn't be, the Washington ball market is still very good, the population density here is large, and there is no shortage of rich people, how can the attendance rate be so poor!

Silas next to him smiled: "If we also play the opening ten consecutive defeats, the attendance rate will not be better than them!"

"What! they've lost ten in a row?" Han Zhe really didn't know about this, who would care about this if he didn't have it.

Silas shrugged his shoulders and didn't say anything more, for them, the better the opponent.

Han Zhe then also came back to his senses, the Wizards are now building a team around Wall, and now Wall's long-term injury is fatal for them.

Although the Wizards have brought in two strong interior players, they are not enough to run in with the team, and Okafor is already too old, and his physical fitness and technology are completely incomparable with his peak, and now he is mostly playing as a substitute in the team.

Another inside gate, Hilario, has also been injured since he first joined, and he has to rest for one game anyway, which is very cheating.

In the end, although Bill started to perform well, there was obviously a gap with Wall, Wall was much more comprehensive than him, he couldn't take Wall's class, and I didn't know if it hit this one when I competed with Han Zhe last time.

Beal has already appeared on the so-called rookie wall and has fallen off in a couple of games in a row!

Anyway, the Wizards have fallen into blood mold this season, and they originally planned to make some achievements this season with strong reinforcements, but the result was a ten-game losing streak at the beginning, and now the results are naturally at the bottom of the league!

After Whitman saw Han Zhe again, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, one wrong step and one wrong step, Han Zhe's performance is getting better and better now, Bobcat can have its current results, and anyone with a discerning eye can see that Han Zhe has made great contributions.

If Han Zhe was in the Wizards, they might not be like this!

However, there is no regret medicine in the world, and Witt does not regret it, even if he insisted on using the No. 3 pick to win Han Zhe, the senior management would not agree, after all, Han Zhe and Bill were players of the same grade at the beginning.

Now it turns out that they are indeed inferior, but it is not that Bill is stronger than Han Zhe, but that Han Zhe is much stronger than Bill!

When he was warming up, Han Zhe saw that the Wizards players were listless one by one, as if they were fighting away from home, and even Crawford hurriedly said hello to him and left, and his mood was obviously not high.

"This is the biggest bad team we've faced this season!" Walker said bluntly.

The other Bobcats players also nodded, the Wizards are not bad for strength, but spirit, and now that the game has not started, they are like more salted fish one by one, where can they play well.

After Henderson glanced at the Wizards, he felt a lot, thinking of the Bobcats in previous seasons, why not be like the current Wizards, anyway, they just ate and waited to die!

When they lost 23 in a row last season, they really had no confidence, and all the players felt like they couldn't play, and they looked worse than the Wizards now!

So, morale is a thing that sometimes feels very empty, but it really exists, and it is extremely important!

After kickoff, Han Zhe sat on the bench again, this is Dunlap knows that Han Zhe has fought fiercely in the previous games, and this time it is back-to-back away again, and he plans to give him more rest time, anyway, a team like the Wizards should not be able to defeat them.

What's more, Walker and Henderson are not weak, they are the Bobcats' most used backcourt partners.

"Gordon, how is your status today?" Han Zhe was in a relaxed mood and chatted with Gordon next to him.

Gordon shook his head, not knowing if he was in bad shape or if he didn't know it himself.

Han Zhe said: "You better go to nightclubs less, I think you're almost ruining yourself!"

"Why are you more annoying than the coach!" Gordon rolled his eyes.

"You think I'm rarely talking about you, I'm afraid that partnering with you will be too bad and affect my performance!" Han Zhe gave Gordon a hard blow with a disdainful face.

Seeing Gordon's angry face and wanting to speak, Han Zhe took the first step and said, "You want to say how awesome you were in the bull back then, right?"

These words choked Gordon half to death, but he was speechless and thought that Han Zhe was right, and he wanted to use the old year to blow again.

Han Zhe is actually not a nosy person, but he really treats Gordon as a friend before he says a few words about him.

Gordon's situation is actually very common in the NBA, for the simple reason that many people who play are born in slums or ordinary families.

When they suddenly get a big contract, this is the poor who suddenly get rich, they want to play if they haven't played before, they want to buy what they couldn't afford before, they want to enter the circle that they can't move forward, anyway, they think about eating, drinking and having fun one day after they have money, and they naturally fall all of a sudden.

After Han Zhe finished speaking, he concentrated on watching the ball, everything was clicked until the end of the day, the drum did not need a heavy hammer, there was no need to say much if he could listen to it, and it was useless to say more if he couldn't listen to it, but it would be annoying!

Gordon lowered his head and didn't speak or watch the game, not knowing what he was thinking.

The two teams played anxiously after the opening game, and neither team could take much advantage, and the score kept alternating upwards, and at the end of the first quarter, the score was 25-24.The Bobcats led by one point.

Dunlap they were quite happy with the result, in fact, they were a lot worse in the lineup, and the first energy saving ended with a lead is already good. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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