The layman couldn't see anything in the contest between the two just now, but the insider immediately saw Han Zhe's difficulty.

For example, Thunder coach Brooks looked at Han Zhe with surprise, and he couldn't imagine that this rookie who had been more popular recently didn't suffer a little less against Wei Wei, and it could even be said that Han Zhe was better just now.

"That kid is very difficult?" When returning to defense, Durant asked Wei Shao curiously, but he could see it clearly just now, Wei Shao was actually prevented from dying!

Wei Shao shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know if he's difficult or not, I just hope he changes his guard and stares at you!"

Durant: "..."

Basketball can't be played alone, just now Han Zhe has already passed a handful of addictions, this time the ball control did not continue to fight with Wei Shao, but began to organize the offense normally.

Han Zhe distributed the ball to Henderson, who received it from the outside, and after taking away Soflosa, who was following the opponent's defense, he passed to Michael, who was in the air when he received the ball, and immediately hit a jump shot.

This ball is a disgrace when the opposing Durant runs without the ball, which is actually a common problem of many stars, that is, they will not focus too much when defending without the ball.

For example, Wei Shao also has this kind of problem!

Of course, the critically ill late-stage patient of this problem is naturally Harden, and that thing is often guarded against people!

When changing the Thunder offense, Wei Shao didn't compete too hard with Han Zhe, but just forcibly cut inside, and immediately distributed the ball to Durant when he found that he was pasted by Han Zhe.

Durant had a feeling of tears, more than a minute after the opening, and finally touched the ball, I didn't know that I thought he was playing soy sauce!

When he saw Michael going to defend Durant, Han Zhe had an urge to laugh, first of all, Michael was a little worse than Durant regardless of height or weight, and he couldn't move a little when he leaned on him.

Secondly, Michael's arm span is not short, but compared with Durant, he has a sense of déjà vu from Corgi.

After being leaned against by Durant, Michael tried hard to reach out from his side to pull out the ball, but he couldn't reach it at all, this picture is a bit funny!

Durant suddenly stepped out of the way and turned around to pull out a jumper, and Michael watched the ball go in without making a move.

Durant suddenly let Michael's center of gravity a little unbalanced, and although dry pulling is not a great technique, Durant has used it perfectly, the movements are very smooth and fast, and the opponent has little reaction time.

"him, are you stupid, if you can't grab him, push him, if you can't push him, hit him, if you can't beat him, call someone!" Han Zhe said to Michael with a grin.

Michael stumbled and almost planted on the ground, rolled his eyes and didn't want to pay attention to this unreliable guy, hit your sister, beat you, and call someone?

When this is a gang of hooligans!

The Bobcats attacked, Han Zhe controlled the ball to the front court, and gave it to Bimais, who came to the outside line to answer, and Henderson and Han Zhe cut the inside line at the same time.

Bimax immediately passed the ball to Henderson, who was about to pass the ball to Han Zhe, who was about to burst inside, but just two steps with the ball was suddenly squeezed and then the ball was taken away.

Wei Shao quickly passed Durant, and Durant rushed to the front court to make a buckle and received thunderous applause!

"I'm going... This guy has such a good consciousness," Zhe looked at Wei Shao's back in a daze.

Wei Shao actually gave up staring at himself to steal Henderson, and the timing was just right, this level is almost the same as the feeling that he has the Eye of the Emperor!

At this time, Michael came over and said with a painful face: "The consciousness of the fart, he didn't pay attention to it when you cut it just now, and he lost it, and when he reacted to find someone, he turned his head and saw Henderson rushing to the side..."

Han Zhe: "..."

Henderson: "..."

The lynx attacked, after Han Zhe divided the ball, he deliberately walked to the blind corner of Wei Shao's sight, and found that this thing was really a little stunned, sometimes he would find that he reacted and hurriedly ran next to him, sometimes this guy's eyes were staring at the ball, and he didn't know which pimple he forgot about!

When Han Zhe took advantage of his inattention to cut in again, Henderson seized the opportunity and made a beautiful backhand pass to Han Zhe inside.

After Han Zhe broke through and opened the inside gate Perkins, he gave it to the empty Mulens, who blew up and dunked back.

Wei Shao turned his head and glanced at Han Zhe suspiciously, wondering if Han Zhe would teleport and when he would get in...

Coach Thunder covered his forehead, looking helpless, and he didn't know if this product was infected by the previous Harden, and sometimes he would commit two diseases on the court!

Next, Wei Shao focused a little more, and Han Zhe had a lot fewer opportunities to run out of the empty gear.

However, Han Zhe didn't care too much, he didn't have a chance to create opportunities, and began to use his personal breakthrough ability to tear on the inside.

Han Zhe is basically making balls for his teammates now, and after he tore open the inside line, he divided the ball to Henderson and Michael, who were in the air, to make layups or mid-range shots.

However, the opponent's offensive and defensive ability is more than one step better than them, although Han Zhe limits Wei Shao more hard, but Durant, Perkins and Ibaka all have a strong impact under the basket.

Especially Durant, Han Zhe finally knows why he is a superstar, in fact, in addition to his reach, physical condition and projection ability are definitely not the top in the league.

But his skills and ball quotient are absolutely top-notch, Michael has no problem with his breakthrough, and Durant is very good at making fouls, halfway through the first quarter, Michael has been beaten by him twice 2+1, and Mullens has also been beaten a 2+1!

Domestic water friends are also discussing:

"Durant is really strong, I feel like I can't stop it at all!"

"Wei Shao is also very strong, but he was targeted by my Zhe, and his score was limited. "

"Nonsense, can the current No. 1 team in the West not be strong!"

"I feel like the Bobcats are playing so hard, Michael can't beat Durant alone, Henderson can't cut inside, Mullens can't do Perkins, and Bimax is playing soy sauce, and now it's all up to Han Zhe to break through to help them pull the space to score!"

"I didn't think it before, but now I really feel that Han Zhe is so strong, if it wasn't for Han Zhe to stand up, the lynx would have collapsed long ago. "

Han Zhe can be said to have brought another big surprise to everyone, he used his actions to show that he is not only good at playing weak teams, but also like a fish in water when he fights strong teams.

However, what everyone is most worried about is that Han Zhe will not be able to last long in this physical condition.

After all, breaking through consumes physical energy, and Han Zhe still has to fight against Wei Shao's muscular monster body at any time, and the consumption is not as simple as 1+1!

The future of the Bobcat is not optimistic!


PS: At present, the monthly pass has rushed to the 16th place, and the next three will be on the list, and the brothers who have the monthly pass will support it again, thank you!

This is the third update!

Thanks to the boss of [Black Knight] for tipping 588 points.

Thanks to the boss of [1unanjjjj] for tipping 100 points. _

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