When he returned to the home stadium to fight again after three consecutive away games, Han Zhe realized the benefits of the home field, not to mention the hard work, just listening to the cheers of the fans in the stadium was full of energy.

This year's Bobcat ball market is still very good, the key is that the fish belly Bobcat is not like the fish belly at the moment, and the current record is 8 wins and 5 losses, just looking at the results, it is definitely a middle and upper team!

Han Zhe's outstanding performance is one reason, and there is a more important reason that they haven't actually encountered a few strong teams at present!

For example, when they fought Thunder before, although Han Zhe and they tried their best, they collapsed in the end.

The difference in overall strength is always a huge flaw!

After the players of the two teams officially entered the court, everyone on the Eagles' side was full of fighting spirit, because they were only defeated by the Bobcats a few days ago, and of course they wanted to avenge this arrow today, they didn't want to be killed by the same team in a week!

The Bobcats players are also in good spirits, and the morale of the Bobcats players is naturally different when they suddenly return to their home stadium after playing a few away games.

The biggest change on the scene is that there are obviously a lot of cameras around the stadium in 08 today, this is because Han Zhe is in the limelight, and there are already a lot of people who follow him, which can naturally attract some media to broadcast live.

The happiest person is not Han Zhe, who shows his face greatly, but the high-level Bobcat executives, because the live broadcast rights have to be bought with money, and they can share a sum of money.

In the past, except for TNT and ESPN, which cast a wide net on TV stations, almost no other platforms would pay attention to the Bobcat competition, but now it is a bit of a salted fish turning over.

And the media such as Hupu and Tencent were not very happy on the spot, because there were big guys who came to grab business.

They never expected that CCTV-5 would officially start broadcasting the Bobcat ball game, and the live broadcast room here has been arranged, and this game will be officially broadcast live!

CCTV-5 is a traditional live broadcast platform, and these websites are not of the same magnitude.

Fortunately, Han Zhe is now a popular fried chicken, and the online base of the platform is very large, so he will not be discontinued.

And now many young people like to watch football on the online live broadcast platform, because they can send barrages, chat, tear, interact, and talk boldly and interestingly, so they don't want to watch a serious nonsense CCTV.

However, I like to watch TV, and finally I don't have to hold a laptop or mobile phone to watch the ball.

Now you can lie on the couch and enjoy a little wine, or you can run to the fan bar and have fun together.

In fact, this is also the trend of the times, CCTV networks are about to be blown up, fans have been angry, my country's players, you don't broadcast, what kind of messy game are you going to broadcast.

If Han Zhe plays poorly, it will be faceless, and if Han Zhe is so awesome, if you don't broadcast it, you will do something.

In the past, CCVT was still a little scrupled about the attitude of the basketball pipe, but since Han Zhe was on it, it was fine, and at least Han Zhe would not make mistakes in the general direction.

In addition, Han Zhe's popularity has exploded now, and it has great commercial value to broadcast his game, so it is natural to officially broadcast the Bobcat game.

Han Zhe's parents' attitude is diametrically opposed, his father Han breathed a sigh of relief, he finally didn't have to watch the live broadcast with his broken mobile phone, and their son's game was naturally a must-watch in every game.

They don't like basketball, they just want to meet their son on TV, to see if he is fat or thin, black or white, and if his son is single, they say that they are not worried about it.

Han's mother Li Xuelan is different, although there is a live broadcast on TV, she still has a good time holding her mobile phone.


Because she likes to watch everyone praise her son on her mobile phone, of course, if there is a black son, Li Xuelan will immediately pretend to be a passerby to participate in the battle sequence to join the anti-spraying army, and now the typing hand speed is scurrying up, this is spraying people!

After the game began, the Eagles jumped to the ball to launch a fast break, and when small forward Korwall burst to the basket, Han Zhefei, who was supplemented, was covered in a bloody cap.

The audience immediately applauded like thunder, the first goal was a bloody hat for the Eagles, which hurt the morale of the Eagles, and Han Zhe is definitely their first favorite now, and the fans will cheer for him when he performs.

Henderson picked up the ball and launched a fast break, which was scored by Bimax on the basketball.

This time, the Hawks started to play a positional battle steadily, but the last shot was iron, and Horford, who rushed to the inside, just jumped up to grab the rebound, but someone moved much more quickly than him.

As soon as Horford's feet left the ground, Han Zhe had already jumped to the high point to grab the basketball, and then quickly dribbled to the opponent's half.

In the face of Teague, who quickly returned to defense, he successfully got rid of it with a rapid change of direction and acceleration, and rushed to the basket with a two-handed dunk on his back!

The audience's palms are about to shoot red, Han Zhe's state today feels more fierce than before, a bloody cap and a rebound successfully clean up the other party, not to mention, there is also a dragon burst buckle!

Today, Barkley and Smith came to the scene again, and Smith was surprised: "Today's Han Zhe seems to be different. "

Barkley nodded, knowing that Smith was not talking about the state, in fact, Han Zhe's state has always been very stable, and his performance has been so good.

When he saw 813 Han Zhe rushing to the basket again to make up for the defense when he returned to the defense, Barkley finally found the problem and said: "It's different, today's Han Zhe style of play is different, he is sparing no physical strength, is it possible that he still wants to defeat the Eagles in the first quarter?"

Next, Barkley explained in detail that although Han Zhe is usually very active in both offense and defense, he generally only does his own "internal business".

For example, in order to save physical energy, Han Zhe rarely goes to make up for defense and grab rebounds, but today Han Zhe is obviously much more active, a bit of a physical effort.

The audience in front of the TV saw that it was really like this, as long as his teammates missed Han Zhe began to make up for the defense, and the opponent was ready to shoot, he immediately rushed to the basket and prepared to grab the rebound with his super bounce.

It's a fight!

They don't understand why Han Zhe is suddenly so desperate, you must know that there should be no contradiction between Han Zhe and the eagle, don't be so exaggerated!


Thanks to [987-4 boss for tipping 100 points.]

Thanks to the boss of [Ghost Scheme] for tipping 100 points.

Thanks to the boss of [wusuowei**] for tipping 100 points. _

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