The day after the Knicks, the media on the side of the United States suddenly became lively.

[Knicks bloodied Bobcats, the biggest score difference in this round!]

[Bobcat's follow-up is weak, and it has suffered two consecutive defeats!]

[Bobcat or fish belly bobcat!]

[Han Zhe is no longer brave, his performance is mediocre!]

[Han Zhe encounters the rookie wall!]

[The rookie of the Celestial Empire may be short-lived!]

[Facts have proven that Han Zhe's strength is not enough to support a team!]

Only TNT and ESPN media spoke fairly, and analyzed the game and Han Zhe's performance realistically.

The evaluation of Han Zhe is also very pertinent, the performance is not too good, but it is definitely not bad, it is not Han Zhe's pot that was washed in blood, it was the lynx that played too chaotically, and Han Zhe had too little ball.

It's okay to say that the bobcats are originally a bad team, no matter what the media says, everyone thinks it's normal, and now the bobcats are abused and think that they have been beaten back to the prototype.

But when he began to sing about Han Zhe, many people were divided, and some people felt that the media was too sloppy, and it was short-lived if the performance of a ball was not outstanding?

This is the rookie wall?

But some people agree with the media, they all think that this is what it should be, how can the Celestial Empire produce good players, and now Han Zhe's performance is worse, they are happy to see it!

Han Zhe is no longer a nobody, and with the media fanning the flames, Han Zhe's name was quickly discussed on Facebook and CSNNW.

It is roughly divided into three factions, one faction thinks that the media is good, Han Zhe has already encountered the rookie wall, and it will definitely not work.

One faction thinks this is nonsense, and the other faction is the melon-eating masses who sit and watch the tearing.

The country is so troublesome, it can be imagined in China, when the news came back, the Internet exploded all of a sudden, and many people were angry.

A bad performance in a game is short-lived?

And Han Zhe scored 18 points, 4 attacks, and 4 breaks, how can it not be said that the performance is not good?

At most, it's a little worse than his previous games, but this data is enough to crush most of the rookies in the same period, why do you hack Han Zhe?

In fact, everyone knows in their hearts that this is still a local xenophobic heart, Han Zhe did perform too well before, they wanted to be black and had no place to be black, and they had to blow it even if they gritted their teeth.

Now Han Zhe's performance in this game is not very good, and the opportunity comes.

Also, although it is normal to be reluctant to accept a wave of black.

Of course, the Bobcats players have seen this way, and they are all angry, they have played really well this season, and the current record is 9-7, which is already a midstream team, so they are still fish belly!

They also felt wronged for Han Zhe, Han Zhe showed that they knew best, and their performance was still hacked, and Nima was blind!

"Han, you're still in the mood to train!"

Seeing that Han Zhe was still doing side-height leg raising exercises on the sidelines, his teammates were speechless for a while.

Han Zhe stopped and wiped his sweat, "I'm definitely not in a good mood, there seem to be a lot of reporters guarding outside, who will go out with me and beat them?"

Bobcats player: "..."

Han Zhe said disdainfully: "That's it, there is a use for beeping here, either you can go out with me to have a fight, or you can train obediently and get your state back." "

Silas also came over at this time, "Don't be affected by those nonsense chaotic media, we know whether we will play well or not, don't care what other people say, okay, let's all get up and train, but you guys do play like shit in these two games!"

The Bobcat executives were also so angry that they slapped the table!

"These bastards know how to scribble all day long!" Jordan has a temper that is definitely not good!

It doesn't matter if it's usual, they all know what the media is like, and it's not strange to write anything.

But this time is different, now is the critical period for trading Han Zhe, these reporters just came to the black wave, didn't they cheat them, scare the trading team away or let Han Zhe depreciate them, they want to cry without tears!

Now two teams have withdrawn their offers, saying that they are not influenced by these media and they do not believe it.

Because these media are all high-end black, they don't just say that Han Zhe can't do it, but they will also pull out a bunch of truths in a serious way.

For example, Asian players are congenitally disadvantaged, and their performance may not be obvious at the beginning, and they will definitely not be able to adapt to NBA-like high-intensity games in the later stages.

Asian players also have the attribute of glass man, and maybe Han Zhe will be reimbursed for an injury in the future.

Han Zhe's current feel and strength are abnormal, why can Asians be so strong, and why can his three-point shooting rate be guaranteed to be so high?

This is not normal, it will definitely fall in the future, not in the future, but now it has begun to fall, didn't you see Han Zhe only scored 18 points in this game, this is the boom and bust!

Anyway, none of these media will not talk about it, and those who have never seen Han Zhe play must have thought that this player is almost a third-level cripple at first glance.

Even those who have watched Han Zhe play, many of them have been stunned for a moment, and they have doubts about their previous (Li Wanghao) judgment!

Jordan wondered if someone had spent money to buy reporters, how could it be such a coincidence, and this happened during the critical period of preparing to trade Han Zhe!

They also understand racial discrimination and xenophobia, but it will definitely not be like this time, where most media outlets are uniformly black.

It's not strange that the NBA has done this kind of dirty, and it's not the first time.

Now we all know Han Zhehuo, if a team wants to win Han Zhe, it has to reduce the number of competitors and lower Han Zhe's value, this method is simple and practical!


PS: Recommend a friend's new book: "The Urban Disease and Cultivation System".

Thanks to the boss of [All with the Wind 006] for tipping 1100 points.

Thanks to the boss of [Wahaha Stupid One] for tipping 1000 points. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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