Henderson and these Bobcats players also have a sour nose, after Han Zhe arrived, there was this kid gags in the team, everyone was happier, and the relationship between the players was also very harmonious, but they knew that Han Zhe was probably leaving.

His teammates all came over to hug Han Zhe to comfort him, and Han Zhe also took the towel handed by Gordon and wiped his face, taking a few deep breaths to stabilize his mood a little.

In fact, Han Zhe is not an emotional person, but the atmosphere of the scene really makes him unbearable, everyone has joys, sorrows, and sorrows, and it is really difficult for him to control his emotions when he encounters this kind of thing.

Han Zhe felt that the Bobcats fans scolded him together, and he might feel better.

Xiao Hua is here, and of course the Bobcat executives have to show their heads.

When Jordan and Rich walked out, the atmosphere was very awkward, because they were greeted by boos and abuse from the audience.

Bobcats fans have never 03 hated and hated Jordan as much as they do today, the team has always been a fish belly, but this season's selection of Han Zhe brought hope to everyone, but this hope was stifled by Jordan himself, and the anger and sadness in their hearts can be imagined.

Jordan is also a person who has experienced strong winds and waves, he directly ignored the boos of the fans, shook hands with Richie and Xiao Hua with a smile, and after a polite gesture, beckoned Han Zhe, whose mood had stabilized, to come over to accept the award.

When Xiao Hua handed the trophy to Han Zhe, the fans still burst into thunderous applause, at least at this moment, Han Zhe still belongs to them, and this trophy also belongs to them!

After Xiao Hua shook hands with Han Zhe, he glanced at the white ocean again, patted Han Zhe on the shoulder with a sigh, and said: "Han, you are a great player, your strength and talent are outstanding, I hope you will continue to work hard, and look forward to the day when you become a real superstar as soon as possible!"

Jordan and Richie next to him were stunned, Xiao Hua's level of a big man has always been more cautious in speaking, even if he encourages players, he will never talk nonsense, superstars are not cabbages, and there are few people in the entire league who are worthy of this word.

Now Xiao Hua means that Han Zhe has superstar potential?

But Jordan and Richie are a little embarrassed at this time, the team trade has to be reported to the league and approved before it can be carried out, and now they have submitted the application, and the results are coming down soon, this is actually just a process, as long as there are no violations, it will definitely pass.

Xiao Hua now naturally knows that Han Zhe is leaving the Bobcat, and when he says this, Jordan is of course embarrassed, doesn't this mean that he personally drove a possible future superstar out of the house!

Xiao Hua is slapping him in the face!

In fact, it is not surprising that the league definitely does not like a team that messes up every season!

"Thank you!I'll try!" nodded.

"Your strength is strong, your style of play is also beautiful, Iverson is far from rarely a player like you, I have always regretted not seeing you play on the spot, today it seems that there is a chance, come on!"

After Xiao Hua shook hands with Han Zhe again, he walked towards the VIP room under the leadership of Jordan, he really planned to watch the ball before leaving today.

Xiao Hua's words just now are not entirely for Jordan, their league will definitely carefully evaluate and judge each player to see if the other party has training value.

Why did Emperor Zhan rise so quickly and become so thorough?

Its own strength is definitely the main reason, but the full publicity and promotion of the alliance is also essential!

These people are all called godsons of the Alliance!

Xiao Hua was very impressed with Han Zhe, because their evaluation team's evaluation of Han Zhe was that as long as his previous performance was stable and there were no major injuries in the future, he definitely had the hope of becoming one of the league's superstars.

What's more, Xiao Hua really likes Han Zhe's style of play, who doesn't like to play gorgeously!

Before the game officially started, Dunlap called the players over and said, "Give Han more ball rights today." "

The players were all stunned, you must know that Dunlap often felt that Han Zhe, the point guard, had too much ball possession and was too sticky to the ball, so he sprayed him a lot, how did he change his sex today?

Then everyone sighed in their hearts and understood, it seems that this is indeed Han Zhe's last game in the Bobcats.

Although Dunlap did not get along with the players, Han Zhe made great contributions to the team, and in the last game, he planned to let him play beautifully as a farewell gift.

In fact, even if Dunlap doesn't say it, the Bobcats players who have already seen the signs plan to feed Han Zhe the ball.

What's more, they also knew that Han Zhe had been humiliated by the 76ers in the original trial, even if it wasn't Han Zhe's last battle in the Bobcats today, they would try their best to help Han Zhe.

Collins is feeling very uncomfortable now, especially when he saw Xiao Hua giving Han Zhe an award, he almost felt like a dog, the more popular this player who was driven away by his own disgust 360, the more he would become a laughing stock.

It doesn't matter if he is ridiculed, but it will affect the future, a coach who judges people by his appearance and knows people unknowingly, how many teams will believe in his coaching ability?

He may not be able to find a good home, and even if he can find it, he will definitely not be a good team!

But can he blame Han Zhe for cheating him?

Is it wrong for someone to play the ball well?

Han Zhe was not in a good mood, and when he came on the court, he walked up to Collins and said coldly: "Your team doesn't collect waste? It's good, I want to see how good your players are today!"

After Han Zhe finished speaking, he turned around and left, so angry that Collins itched his teeth, thinking that this kid was too arrogant.

This scene was naturally captured by countless shots, and the audience in front of the TV was excited, this can be regarded as Han Zhe's revenge battle, or Han Zhe's farewell battle in the Bobcats.

How will Han Zhe behave today?

It's worth looking forward to!


PS: Thank you [Cat's Tears] for rewarding 20,000 points!

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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