Collins saw that he was beaten 6-0 at the beginning, and his brows furrowed, which is different from what he imagined, the Bobcats have been in a downward trend during this time, but now they look at it, and the bad state seems to have become their 76ers!

Then Collins fixed his eyes on the No. 10 player who quickly retreated, and suddenly it suddenly became clear that Han Zhe's offense and defense just now played a decisive role, and it was not a matter of the overall lineup or tactics.

However, it is still early, Collins is not in a hurry, he believes that his players are in good shape, as long as he stabilizes this wave, it is time for Bobcat to suffer.

Holiday was obviously a lot more careful when he controlled the ball again, after all, Han Zhe's sneak attack just now made them cautious, and this thing did not play according to common sense.

Han Zhe has already retreated to his own half, and he can only sneak attack when they are not paying attention to steal the ball in the backcourt directly, or he can only let his teammates assist in pressing the whole court, which is not necessary, and their physical strength cannot withstand such a play.

After Holiday came to the outside line of the Bobcats, Xi 03 inertia wanted to break through to help his teammates pull a space, or he could break in and go to the basket, but he forgot that Han Zhe, who was opposite him, was not only strong in offense!

He just made a quick stop and changed direction to get rid of Han Zhe, but when he dribbled and changed hands, Han Zhe directly and accurately judged, and intercepted the ball with a step and stretched out his hand, but Holiday couldn't pass the ball.

Holiday was startled, and flew away without seeing anything clearly.

His way of passing people is too pediatric in Han Zhe's opinion, and in the case of prediction, this kind of player who relies on speed to go straight is the easiest for Han Zhe to grab the ball.

Han Zhe dribbled and prepared to attack quickly, but the opponent retreated very quickly this time, Han Zhe was not in a hurry when he saw this, slowed down the speed of advancement, and when Walker came up to respond, he divided the ball for him to run.

After a few passes, Michael took the ball to break through the inside cut, and when he saw that he was prevented from dying, he gave it to Han Zhe on the outside, Han Zhe suddenly started to burst inside, but seeing that there were two of them under the basket, he chose to share the ball to Bimax who ran out of the empty position.

Bimax received the ball and jumped to shoot, but the result was all at once, which is normal, Bimais's shooting rate was not high, and now he is relatively cold at the beginning of the game.

When Han Zhe just ran to the outside and was about to retreat, he found that Mullens had grabbed the rebound in the front court and threw it into the hands of Han Zhe at the top of the arc at once.

Most of the opponent's players were squeezed into the basket just now, and Han Zhe was already empty, of course he would not let go of such an opportunity, took a step back, stood outside the three-point line and made a jumper.


Hollow into the basket!

Barkley shook his head and smiled: "Han Zhe's three-point shot is still terrifyingly stable, and the three-point shot feels like an art in his hands!"

Smith also nodded: "Han Zhe's three-point shot is not only accurate, but also beautiful, the shooting posture is stretched, and the parabola of the ball is also beautiful, Barkley, do you say that Han Zhe's three-point shooting rate is related to his unique high parabola?"

Han Zhe's shooting arc is indeed larger than the parabola of most players in the league, so the goal arc is very beautiful, and if the trajectory is shown, the basketball will fly out of the air for a month and a half.

Barkley laughed: "Then you can build accurate shooters to adjust their parabola, so that you may be able to hit the same three-point shooting percentage as Han!"

Barkley and Smith both laughed, of course they were just playing, their individual shooting habits were different, and it was almost impossible to change the parabolic height now.

Because shooters' shots have become instinctive, what arc was before, almost always is what arc is.

And it's not that the shooting arc is high, Maddie, who just retired this year, has a very low shooting arc, which is still very accurate, and there are some scouts in the league who are parabola, but I don't see them as accurate as Han Zhe.

Collins couldn't sit still now, after Han Zhe hit a three-point shot, they were already 9-0 behind, can they still play the ball?

Bobcat fans are at least happy at the moment, Han Zhe's performance is still so good, and this start reminds them of the last time they played the Eagles, and it was so fierce!

When the 76ers attacked again, Turner, who had not shown anything, suddenly became powerful, first shook Walker, cut inside, and then turned around Michael, who was covering the defense, and then smashed and dunked.

This goal was very morale-boosting, which made the 76ers, who were a little blind, cheer up all of a sudden, and after Turner landed, he also beat his chest excitedly, roaring angrily, and the clean sheet just now made him feel aggrieved.

Han Zhe unexpectedly glanced at the tall quarterback, the ball just now was indeed very beautiful, they didn't care much about this person before, because Turner had been mediocre, but they didn't expect the strength to be quite strong.

"This seems to be a little interesting!" Han Zhe muttered and ran to the front.

After Walker came over with the ball, Han Zhe immediately cut inside, Holiday just wanted to follow, and Bimax had already blocked and covered Han Zhe to break in.

As soon as he crossed the free throw line, Han Zhe took two big strides and jumped up, and Allen wanted to get up to intercept, but he was stuck by Mullens and couldn't move.

Only Thaddeus rushed over and jumped in time to seal Han Zhe down.

However, Han Zhe not only jumped high, but also jumped fast, and as soon as Thadde's foot left the ground, Han Zhe had already flown in front of him.

With a "bang", he smashed the ball into the basket with one hand, and his leg hung directly on Thaddeus's shoulder, pressing Thaddeus who had just jumped back to the ground!

What is a riding buckle?

This special 720 is a real riding buckle!


"Number 10 I love you!"


"No. 10's slam dunk is always so arrogant and domineering!"

"I love him to death!"

"We Bobcats finally have someone who can ride and dunk others, and I remember that our players have always been in the background of riding dunks before!"

The fans exploded on the spot, Barkley was right, today's Han Zhe play is indeed riotous and good-looking, his inside 6 points are all slam dunks, and each one is more exciting than the other!

What does it mean to be domineering?

That's it!

Aren't you playing with splits to boost morale?

I'll give you back a buckle now, do you still have the morale?

If there is more, then okay, just another one!

Not only the fans were excited about this goal, but also their Bobcat teammates were excited, and they rushed over and punched Han Zhe alone, this ball was too powerful.

Didn't you see that everyone in the 76ers had the same expression as eating Xiang, especially Thaddeus, who turned his head and ran away, this kind of ball is too embarrassing!


PS: Recommend a friend's book: "King of the Net: Sanada Koichiro".

Thanks to [Cow Poke Me!] The boss rewarded 588 points.

Thanks to the boss for 100 points.

Thanks to the boss of [Le-chan] for a tip of 100 points. _

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