Han Zhe did deliberately miss the free throw, but it was definitely not a random shot as the 76ers players imagined.

Han Zhe threw a powerful low parabolic ball, and after the ball hit the board, it bounced on the basketball base and flew out of the heads of everyone under the basket.

Han Zhe, who had been prepared for a long time, easily got the ball in his hand, then turned around and ran towards the middle line.

After the 76ers players reacted, they also began to chase Han Zhe, their purpose was very simple, that is, to catch Han Zhe fouling!

Seeing Holiday approaching him quickly, Han Zhe ran along the middle line with the ball and ran to the sideline.

Whether it was the fans at the scene or the audience in front of the TV, they all burst into laughter, where is this playing basketball, this Nima playing eagle to catch chickens!

When he saw that Turner also came to block him, Han Zhe decisively chose to pass the ball to Henderson, who ran away.

Because no matter how good his skills are now, it is useless, the opponent is not grabbing the ball at all, but coming at someone, as long as he catches him, he will definitely foul.

After Holiday signaled Turner to keep an eye on Han Zhe, he began to chase Henderson again, and after a while of chasing, Henderson distributed the ball to Michael, who ran to answer.

Michael also dribbles and runs wildly when he gets the ball, anyway, no one is running anywhere, and when the opponent is about to chase him, he will naturally pass the ball.

Xiao Hua in the VIP room also watched the fun, it was the first time he had seen such a strange game, a group of players were running crazy and playing peek-a-boo in the half, it was really enough!

Domestic netizens:

"No, my liver hurts from laughing!"

"Is this an NBA comedy show?

"Ask for the referee's psychological shadow area!"

"Hahaha... Michael is blocked, look at his innocent little eyes!"

Michael was a little anxious just now, and was chased to make dumplings near the corner, and now the passing route is gone, and it will not be cost-effective if the forced pass is intercepted by the opponent.

Therefore, Michael stood in the bottom corner like an innocent little daughter-in-law, waiting for the arrival of Bulang's black hand with an aggrieved face.

Bron rushed over and grabbed Michael's arm, and the referee blew the whistle, but the Bobcat was generally satisfied, and after so much time, it was only 36 seconds before the end of the game.

After the Bobcats players deliberated a few words, Michael walked to the free throw line and started to make free throws, the first shot was also accurate, and when the second shot was made, everyone began to rush over to grab the rebound.


Michael also threw a low flat shot, but he didn't work as hard as Han Zhe before, the 76ers are not idiots, and the method that Han Zhe had already used once just now obviously didn't work.

Fortunately, Michael didn't shoot like this, because after he shot the ball, Turner flashed in front of him and blocked it as soon as possible, obviously to prevent him from doing it again.

If you want to shoot such an accurate basket rebound, it is possible, but the difficulty of the free throw is not too great, the distance of the free throw is not too far, and there is enough time to adjust the aim, and the low flat board rebounds and then reverses.

However, the 76ers thought wrong again this time, Mike was a lot to the left, and the ball naturally bounced to the left.

Haywood, Henderson and Bimax, who had been prepared for a long time, formed a human wall on the left, and instantly withstood the 76ers players who wanted to come over, and Han Zhe jumped behind them to grab the board.

Heywood and the others pulled out in time to dodge, otherwise they would have to violate the rules for another three seconds, but when the other party rushed over to catch Han Zhe, he had already slipped out like a loach.

Then began to repeat the same chase battle just now, the Bobcats took the ball and the players ran blindly for a while, the players without the ball also ran around and flashed out of the gap to respond, and the 76ers chased and intercepted the players, which was very lively!

When Henderson's jersey was grabbed by Nick Young, the round of peek-a-boo was declared over, and the Bobcats made another free throw.

Although they also discussed it this time, there was really nothing they could do, their previous methods could only be used once, and the 76ers could crack it perfectly this time as long as the basket was marked.

However, time has been mixed up by them a lot, and now it is only about 16 seconds.

Their only advantage now is knowing where their teammates will land after their free throws.

Henderson missed the first goal, but no one cares, it doesn't matter if he scores or not, it just depends on how well the second ball works.

Henderson took aim and threw a low, low-to-right ball that he quickly sprinted over as soon as the ball was shot.

Of course, the Bobcats rushed to the right, but the 76ers were also huddled together on their heels, and when the ball flew over everyone's heads, Haywood and Hoysla pulled and pulled and neither jumped.

As soon as Han Zhe's feet left the ground, he didn't know who secretly pulled him and didn't jump up, while Mai Bimax and Bulang hugged each other and couldn't move.

In the end, only Michael and Nick Young jumped, and Michael first touched the ball and flicked it in the direction of Henderson, who was running behind.

Henderson had just jumped, but Turner also rushed over and jumped close to him, and the two men touched the ball almost at the same time, and the ball fell to the side and no one caught it.

After the ball bounced and rolled into the middle of the big man under the basket, everyone bent down and began to touch the ball, and finally I don't know who poked it, and rolled out again.

At this time, Nick Young rushed from the side and picked up the ball on the ground, Han Zhe saw that the situation was not good, and Henderson also quickly turned around and ran after seeing Nick Young get the ball.

Naturally, Nick Young started to dribble and launch a fast break as soon as possible, and Turner followed his footsteps and ran quickly to catch it.

The four small players started first, and the speed was still fast, and when they ran to the front court, the group behind them had not yet passed half the court, and now it was two to two in the front court.

Nick Young glanced at the time, which had been delayed for them to grab the ball under the basket before, and with the dribble, it was only five seconds now.

Nick Young didn't want to break through at all, he raised his hand and was ready to throw three points, because now it makes no sense for them to shoot two points, today is destined to be a day of shame, and now throwing in three points can tie the record, at least there is no need to dominate, it is better to have the Bulls to be the first together, than to take the first place yourself!

However, Han Zhe obviously didn't give him a chance, he had already taken a step, thinking of Han Zhe's terrifying bounce power, Nick Yang sighed in his heart, and still chose to give the ball to Turner next to him, he was really not sure about Han Zhe at all!

Turner was also guarded by Henderson, although his teammates had followed, but there were Bobcats players around him, and there were only three seconds left, and Turner also pulled out three points to force a shot.

Henderson tried his best to block it, his fingertips touching as if he had rubbed the basketball.


With the sound of striking iron, everyone in the 76ers was trembling, and it was over!

Just when everyone thought that the game was over, they saw a dazzling No. 10 back rushing to the basket and jumping high, grabbing the basketball that bounced in the air with one hand, and smashing the ball into the basket with a "bang".

At this time, the timer makes a "beep" to zero!

It's game over!


PS: Ask for a monthly pass!!

Thanks to the boss of [jiang] for tipping 588 points.

Thanks to the boss [Xiaowei] for tipping 100 points. _

Fei Lu reminds you: three things to read - collect and push

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